
高歌猛进  gāo gē měng jìn







  • 三级市场一路高歌猛进,令业内外人士刮目相看
    China's robust market continued to look outside the industry.

  • 中国人正在高歌猛进地重复我们美国的所有错误,不是吗?
    The Chinese are really determined to repeat all our US mistakes in fast-forward, aren't they!

  • 我们去年从这时候直到今年三月高歌猛进,但最终我们什么都没得到。
    We went on a hell of a run from this time last year until March.

  • 根据最新统计数据,从春季开始一路高歌猛进的美国经济在9月大幅下跌。
    AFTER riding a wave of improvement since the spring, the economy stumbled in September according to the latest figures.

  • 高歌猛进的网游业务相比,网易的门户业务似乎呈现出了“边缘化”的趋势。
    Swim with the net that advance triumphantly business posture is compared, the portal business of Netease appears it seems that went out " the brim is changed " trend.

  • 上个赛季的下半段,自从迪亚戈加盟北京国安后,球队高歌猛进,最终获得第二名。
    North the previous season's latter half, allies the national capital after Yage peaceful, the team advances triumphantly, obtains second finally.

  • 欧洲股市跌幅更甚;一度高歌猛进的新兴市场在今年的四个月中市值就缩水近一半。
    European stocks have done even worse, and once-high-flying emerging markets lost nearly half their value over one four-month period this year.

  • 曾经鼓励宽松借贷标准一路高歌猛进的政策制定者现在正进一步制定紧缩的信贷标准。
    Policymakers, who had cheered looser lending standards on the way up, are now tightening them further on the way down.

  • 在“房市泡沫论”甚嚣尘上之时,房贷走势继续高歌猛进究竟给市场透露了怎样的信息?
    "City Housing bubble theory" once he is home to China's robust market trends continue to reveal how the information?

  • 是延续前几年的高歌猛进,还是出现拐点之后调头向下,成为市场各方力量关注的焦点。
    Is the continuation of China's robust previous years, or after a turn downward inflection point, the market has become the focus of attention of the parties forces.

  • 近期尽管德国失去了作为中国最大出口商的地位,但其出口行业高歌猛进之势仍锐不可当。
    Although Germany recently ceded its place as the world's biggest exporter to China, its exporting prowess remains undimmed.

  • 但是,一路高歌猛进的裴炳洙却在1994年被自己的司机杀害,给崔真实带来了巨大冲击。
    However, the surging Bing Zhu Pei in 1994, his driver was killed, Cui true to a great impact.

  • 中航装饰其所以能一路高歌猛进,是源自她“创新、共赢、专业、诚信”追求卓越的经营理念。
    The development all the way of Catic Decoration is based on its operational theme of "creation, mutual benefit, professionalism and honesty" in pursuit of excellence.

  • 外向型经济的高歌猛进、民营经济的蓬勃发展以及城市化的迅速推进赋予了苏南模式新的内涵。
    Rapid advances in export-oriented economy, private economy and urbanization add new meaning to the southern Jiangsu model.

  • 同时,卢卡斯透露他梦想能够一路高歌猛进到汉堡决赛,实现他与利物浦赢得第一座冠军的梦想。
    Meanwhile, Lucas also spoke of his dream of going all the way to Hamburg and achieving his ambition of winning a first trophy with Liverpool.

  • 过去三周是我在利物浦效力期间最激动人心的一段时间,我们也想要继续保持这样高歌猛进的势头。
    The last three weeks have been among the most enjoyable in my Liverpool career and we want to keep that momentum going.

  • 在同样遭受原材料上涨、市场增速放缓的外部压力时,竞争对手的高歌猛进反衬出沃尔沃的力不从心
    Subjected to the same raw material prices, the market slowdown of the external pressure, reflecting surging rival of the Volvo too.

  • 也就是说,福利分房的终结、按揭政策的出台乃至私有财产法律的产生,才使得房地产一路高歌猛进
    In other words, the end of welfare housing distribution system, and even private property mortgage policy introduced a law that makes up China's robust real estate.

  • 上赛季火箭在失去姚明的情况下依然一路高歌猛进,对此库珀认为这是球队全体成员坚持到底拼搏所致。
    Rockets last season in the loss of Yao Ming's case is still surging, which Cooper think this team is all members adhere to in the end result of hard work.

  • 中国银行类股的上升只是中国股票市场全面繁荣的一个侧面,中国股市的高歌猛进也引起了国际市场的关注。
    The rise in bank stocks has exemplified a broad turnaround in Chinas stock markets, an extended rally that has gained international notice.

  • 历史上试图改变这种怪状的努力从未停止过,最新的尝试到前不久似乎还是一路高歌猛进,就要取得成功了。
    The latest in a long history of attempts to end this anomaly seemed until recently to be galloping to success.

  • 但是如果美国和欧盟的经济继续高歌猛进,同时中国和印度还是以两位数字的速度增长,油价任然会居高不下。
    But if the US and European economies continue to chug along, and China and India appear set to post double-digit growth rates again, those could be signals that prices will remain high.

  • 京城住宅市场经历了1995年的高峰,以及近年来的高歌猛进,突然在一片大好形势下的2001年嘎然止步。
    While the residential market has experienced a peak in 1995, and in recent years China's robust suddenly in a situation of the 2001 Garan stop.

  • 在经历了数年高歌猛进的并购扩张之后,国美电器宣布,开始战略调整———关闭淘汰一部分门店,不再进行扩张。
    After several years of mergers and acquisitions advance triumphantly expansion, Gome announced strategic adjustment --- start out turn off part of stores no longer carry out the expansion.

  • 我希望米兰保持警惕,翁布里亚人会密集防守,然后打反击。远射、任意球和角球对我们非常重要。我们会高歌猛进的。
    It will be important for us to make the most from long-range shots, free-kicks and corner kicks, we will have to keep the pace high and break forward.

  • 自2000开始,平均住房价格相对于平均收入来说其实是下跌的。而非直至2006年此段时间内美国市场的高歌猛进
    Since 2000 average home prices have actually decreased relative to average incomes, in contrast to the surge in America until 2006 (see chart).

  • “我已经迫不及待想到温布利比赛,”他告诉利物浦官网,“这是一座伟大的球场,我希望能在温布利捧起奖杯,希望我们一路高歌猛进。”
    I can't wait to play at the New Wembley, " he told Liverpoolfc. tv. "It is a great stadium and I want to play a final there as soon as possible. Let's hope we can do it in this season's FA Cup.

  • 而当时,“中国楼市局部出现泡沫,但总体还是健康的”、“房价还会涨,只是涨幅会放慢”等充斥报端,中国的房地产市场依旧高歌猛进
    At that time, "a Chinese local property market bubble, but is healthy overall", "rising prices will only increase will be slow, " with reports that China's real estate market remains China's robust.

  • 苏联一路高歌猛进:他们发射了第一艘载人飞船,当时其中搭载的是一只狗,接着于1961年让尤里·加林成为首位进入地球轨道的宇航员。
    The Soviets had much more thrust power; they launched the first inhabited capsule with a dog in it, and then in1961 made Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin the first human to orbit the earth.

  • 普通股和公司债券市场借助超宽松货币政策(QE)一路高歌猛进,在此过程中中央银行发行货币购买债券(通常是政府债券),以此限制国债收益。
    Equity and corporate-bond markets have also been boosted by quantitative easing (QE), the process whereby central banks create money to purchase (mostly government) bonds.

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