
饮鸩止渴  yǐn zhèn zhǐ kě








  • 这是最可笑的事情:交易姚。这是饮鸩止渴
    This is the most ridiculous thing: Trade Yao meth. is a terrible drug.

  • 毕竟,解决就业难的问题,千万不能饮鸩止渴
    After all, we cannot drink poison to quench thirst when it comes to jobs.

  • 救市是一回事,但不代表救市就需要饮鸩止渴
    Rescues the city is the identical, but does not represent rescues the city to need to satisfy thirst by drinking poison.

  • 有人曾经说过愤怒就像饮鸩止渴而希望敌人会死去。
    Someone once said that anger is like drinking poison and hoping your enemy will die.

  • 但是,靠如此方式提升经济,显然类同于饮鸩止渴
    However, on the way to the economy, apparently similar to poison.

  • 给学生奖金就像“饮鸩止渴”—试图不考虑后果的去解决问题。
    Paying students is like "drinking poison to inserts"---- trying to solve a problem without considering they effects.

  • 给学生奖金就像“饮鸩止渴”—试图不考虑后果的去解决问题。
    Paying students is like drinking poison to end thirst. Trying to though of solve the problem without considering the effects.

  • 给学生奖金就像“饮鸩止渴”—试图不考虑后果的去解决问题。
    Paying students is like drinking poison to end thirst , trying to solve a problem without considering the effects.

  • 靠大处方误导和诱骗就诊者购买药品,只能是杀鸡取卵饮鸩止渴
    On the prescription treatment to mislead and lure the purchase of medicines, can only be Shajiquluan, Yinzhenzhike.

  • 缩减教育预算就是饮鸩止渴,因为公共教育是对我们未来的一种投资!
    Education budget cuts are penny wise and pound foolish since public education is an investment in our future.

  • 我们从一开始就不希望饮鸩止渴地依靠携程,我们的合作还是比较少的。
    We from do not hope support of ground of drink poison to quench thirst-seek temporary relief regardless of the consequences carries Cheng at the beginning, our cooperation is less still.

  • 或是一切的作为,只是饮鸩止渴,迟早中华民国这个国家,会在世界上消失。
    Or are all these actions just a temporary fix, and the country Republic of China is inevitably due to disappear from the world sooner or later?

  • 制度的改进只能依靠政权自身的民主和理性力量。承认“腐败有益论”是饮鸩止渴
    Systematic improvement could only depend on the democracy and rational power of regime itself, so admit "on corrupt benefit" is helpless.

  • 曾以为你是我的解药,可在这个世界上谁有能是谁的解药?终不过是饮鸩止渴罢了。
    From now on, i am the whole world in my heart without anybody else in.

  • 有个成语叫“饮鸩止渴”,用劣等材料装饰房子甚至都不如“饮鸩止渴”有意义吧?
    There is a proverb is "drinking poison to quench thirst", with low-grade material Decoration houses do not even like "drinking poison to quench thirst" meaningful right?

  • 周福良担心,随着房地产的开发建筑成本大幅上涨,开发商降价简直是在饮鸩止渴
    Zhou Liang worried that with the development of real estate construction costs rise, developers in the price is drinking poison to quench thirst.

  • 尽管晚清政府和北洋军阀政府知道厘金的祸国殃民,却依然饮鸩止渴,没有贸然裁撤。
    Although the later Qing government and the Northern Warlords knew Linjin was a bad thing for the nation, they still drink the poison to mitigate thirsty.

  • 他用了一句古话“饮鸩止渴”来形容对学生付费,即是只是题图解决问题而不考虑结果。
    Paying students is like "drinking poison to at first, end thirst" -- trying to solve a problem without considering the effects.

  • 同时,沪上知名开发商认为,土地典当不仅救不了房地产企业的命,而且更似饮鸩止渴
    Hushang renowned developers that land hock real estate enterprises can not only save lives, but also may create.

  • 赵景涛,一位中国大学生,想到了一句成语:饮鸩止渴--试图不考虑后果地解决问题。
    Xiao Zhao Jingtao, a college student in China, phot**thought ofthe an old saying.

  • 美国绝对不会为了眼前的流动性而饮鸩止渴,拱手让出自己立国之本——金融体系的命脉。
    U. S. will not order the immediate liquidity and drinking poison to quench thirst, give up their own foundation for building the country - the lifeblood of the financial system.

  • 美国绝对不会为了眼前的流动性而饮鸩止渴,拱手让出自己立国之本——金融体系的命脉。
    S. will not order the immediate liquidity and drinking poison to quench thirst, give up their own foundation for building the country - the lifeblood of the financial system.

  • 而这种泡沫终究是要破灭的,指望靠炒房者来刺激本地经济增长,其危害无异于饮鸩止渴
    This bubble must in the end be dashed, who expect to rely on Real to stimulate local economic growth, its harm is tantamount to doing.

  • 足协极有可能复制阎王当年取消降级这种饮鸩止渴的谋略,然后再雪上加霜地缩减一个冲超名额。
    Football is very likely to copy the abolition of Yama was demoted this strategy of drinking poison to quench thirst, and then further reduced to a Chongchao places.

  • 制假不能真正致富,无异于饮鸩止渴!党和国家鼓励人民致富,富民强国一直是我们的奋斗目标。
    Make a holiday cannot become rich truly, as good as at drink poison to quench thirst-seek temporary relief regardless of the consequences!

  • 但是,如果现在不能及时回头,便相当于饮鸩止渴,日积月累,等待我们的结果只恐更加难以承受。
    However, if we do not make a timely return, which is equivalent to drink poison to quench thirst, cold We wait for the results of sending more unbearable.

  • 一位中国大学生赵景涛想到一句古语:给学生奖金就像“饮鸩止渴”——试图不计后果的解决问题。
    Zhao Jing Tao, a college student in China, thought of an old saying. Paying students is like "drinking poison to end thirst" -- trying to solve a problem without considering the effects.

  • 亲爱的朋友,如果你或你的亲人朋友有上述情况,请一定要抵制咖啡的诱惑,此时喝咖啡无异于饮鸩止渴
    Dear friends, if you or your loved ones a friend has the above, be sure to resist the temptation of coffee, a cup of coffee at this time is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst.

  • 在杭州,开发商连饮鸩止渴式的典当原始融资方式都不放过,对接海外基金更成为不少开发企业“减压”的首选。
    In Hangzhou, the developers even create original style hock financing are not, as many more overseas funds docking enterprise development "pressure" preferred.

  • 而求助于私有化收购基金无异于饮鸩止渴,比乌斯马诺夫还糟糕,那样的话会意味着主动权完全丧失并且没有其他选择。
    Going to Private equity groups would be worse than Usmanov, so expect the initiative to be rejected and no alternative put in it's place.

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