
饮水思源  yǐn shuǐ sī yuán








  • 韩佳:饮水思源也是一个成语。
    "yin shui si yuan" is also an idiom.

  • 我哋喺唔可以忘记饮水思源嘅!
    We can't forget the steps behind!

  • 同时,我们还要饮水思源,尊师感恩。
    At the same time, we have to drink from the source, respecting teachers, Thanksgiving.

  • 饮水思源,吃饭当节俭。粒粒盘中餐,皆是辛苦换。
    Please save each food you eating as they are all gotten after hard working.

  • 饮水思源、真诚回报,是治亿科技全体同仁人的共同信念。
    Grateful for favors received and honesty return are the common belief of all colleagues.

  • 明德明善,饮水思源。——中科大上海研究院教育发展基金会。
    Wising illustrious virtue and highest excellence, One thinks of its source, when one drinks water.

  • 如捐款没有注明捐助「饮水思源」东江计划,只会当作一般捐款处理。
    If no mention for the donation of Dongjiang Project, it will be treated as general donation.

  • 饮水思源,我们诚挚的感谢各位新老客户对我们公司长期以来不懈的支持;
    And drink from the source, we extend our sincere thank you for the new and old customers to our company long-term unremitting support;

  • 在食物丰足且有馀之时,我们应当饮水思源,不可忘记一切都是从神而来的。
    In the midst of this bounty, even though we might have food stored up, we must remember its source. We must remember that it all comes from God.

  • 在食物丰足且有余之时,我们应当饮水思源,不可忘记一切都是从神而来的。
    In the midst of this bounty, even though we might have food stored up, we must remember its source. We must remember that it all comes from God.

  • 她教导我们要饮水思源,所以当我有所成就时,我们还要提携那些仍在辛苦奋斗的人。
    She taught us not to forget the steps behind, so that when we were successful, we would not put down people when they are down.

  • 村长为自己没有给大家解决饮水而愧疚,请人为外公做了一块玻璃牌匾,题词“饮水思源”。
    Village did not give everyone their own solution to the guilt of drinking water, please do a piece of man-made grandfather glass plaque, inscription, "and drink from the source."

  • “一个不懂得饮水思源,或者感恩的艺人,无论她的歌艺有多出众,是否还值得大家去爱呢”。
    A lot of singers feel like they deserve to be famous/rich, and forget about what they have got/earned come from the support of their fans.

  • 日常生活中常灌输我们饮水思源的观念,自小便深根在我心里,成为日后人格发展的一个重要基础。
    At an young age, we learned to count our blessings and appreciate the kindness of others. These concepts have been the basis of the development of my character later in life.

  • 鲁宾逊是一个懂得饮水思源的人,从他对以前帮助过他的老船长丝毫不忘恩的报以涌泉,便可见一斑。
    Robinson is a people who know how to drink from the source, before he helped his old captain of reported ex slightest not forget to Yongquan, it is evident.

  • 这种做法对鬼神是否眞存在并不太关心,重点放在影响人类之社会价值及强化其饮水思源的道德教育。
    Rather than caring the existence of spirits, the point of such rites is to emphasize the influence of social value over humans and intensify the moral education not to forget one's origin.

  • 不管一个人取得多么值得骄傲的成就,都应该饮水思源,应当记住是自己的老师为他的成长播下了最初的种子。
    No matter what great progress he makes one should remember that it is his teacher who plants the first seed for him as one should think of the source when he drinks water.

  • 不管一个人取得多么值得骄傲的成就,都应该饮水思源,应当记住是自己的老师为他的成长播下了最初的种子。
    No matter what great progress he makes , one should remember that it is his teacher who plants the first seed for him as one should think of the source when drinks water .

  • 我们的发展离不开各位新老客户的信任与支持,饮水思源,我们会以滴水之恩涌泉相报的心,全力为您服务和奉献!
    Our development highly relies on the belief and support from our customers and we would in-return provide increasingly improving service!

  • 一个人,无论地位有多高,成就有多大,他都不会忘记老师在自己成长的道路上所花费的心血,饮水思源,怀师感恩。
    A person, no matter how high status, how much success he will not forget the teachers in their own path of growth of effort spent, and drink from the source, Huai Shi Thanksgiving.

  • 我常常在想感恩节,对现代人们而言,它代表著什麽样的精神与意义?我很喜欢这个节庆,因为它提醒著我们饮水思源的价值与意义。
    I often wonder about what Thanksgiving means to modern people and what people think the spirit of Thanksgiving. It is my favorite holiday of the year because it reminds people of the spirit of giving.

  • 李四:几年前,那间公司的老板在我们最困难的时候帮助我们,老板是一个懂得饮水思源的人,所以,才把这个很赚钱高的项目给了他们。
    Lisa: The boss of that company once helped us when our company was facing some difficulties. Our boss wants to show his gratitude, thus he chose to award this high profit project to that company.

  • 饮水思源造句相关
