
飞沙走石  fēi shā zǒu shí








  • 一个幽灵飞沙走石在空白的墙间。
    A spirt storming in blank walls.

  • 很少人在这种飞沙走石的天气出门。
    Few went out in such a cutting and blinding wind.

  • 长的飞沙走石鬼斧神功。
    a long Feishazoushi ghost ax Magic Power.

  • 黑风口狂风呼啸,飞沙走石,但在风口可以饱览长白瀑布的全貌。
    Black tuyere wind whistled, but in Changbai tuyere can enjoy the waterfall picture.

  • 这是个暗无天日飞沙走石的世界,纳尼亚人民逃往森林,躲藏着生活。
    It's a darker, grittier world and the Narnians have escaped into the forest and are living in hiding.

  • 在周围飞沙走石的爆炸声中,他以难以想象的勇敢行为维护了人类的尊严。
    With masonry exploding around him, he made his unimaginably courageous stand for human dignity.

  • 难道你们不怕在天上的主使飞沙走石的暴风摧毁你们吗?你们将知道我的警告是怎样的。
    Or do ye feel secure that He Who is in Heaven will not send against you a violent tornado (with showers of stones), so that ye shall know how (terrible) was My warning?

  • 后来是“房贷政策调整”,狂风骤起,飞沙走石,一阵紧似一阵,让人意乱情迷,不辨南北。
    Later "home policy adjustments" immediately followed, rock, a burst sensed a burst, people Yiluanqingmi not distinguish North and South.

  • 这个“存在”既可以“风平浪静、和风细雨、轻歌曼舞”,还可以“飞沙走石、枪林弹雨、天崩地裂”。
    The "being" can "be calm and tranquil, like a gentle breeze and light rain, sing softly and dance with grace and ease; "

  • 就像从沙拉托加的对面直路,倚着外栏看一场赛事那样,你可以听到鞭花四起,骑者恶咒,飞沙走石.重于精萃,不重结果.。
    Like watching a race at Saratoga from the backside, against the rail, where you can hear whips slash, riders cuss, dirt land. The essence, not the outcome.

  • 飞沙走石造句相关
