
风流才子  fēng liú cái zǐ







  • 唐伯虎公开号称“江南第一风流才子”。
    Tang Eider Tiger alleges publicly" romantic dissolute gifted scholar of first in China river south".

  • 豫剧《风流才子》讲的是500多年前中国一位著名画家的爱情故事。
    Dissolute Savant talks about a love story of a famous Chinese painter 500 years ago.

  • 你现在不过是死囚啊大哥,别学人家唱情歌,难道你准备做风流才子啊?
    You now however is an one condemned to death eldest brother, don't the scholar house sing madrigal, difficult way do you prepare to do romantic brilliant scholar?

  • 人物性格特别鲜明——风流荒唐的顽童皇帝,和风流才子画家,而且都闻名全世界!
    Personage distinguished of character ___the Emperor of absurd and dissolute urchin, with dissolute gifted scholar of painter, and all distinguished to world!

  • 六场壮剧《白云村姑》是在壮族民间长诗《风流才子与白云村姑》的基础上改编创作而成。
    Baiyun Rural Girl, a Zhuang drama with six scenes was adapted from the long folk poem Dissolute Wit and Baiyun Rural Girl.

  • 杭州男人的魅力属于江南才子型,风流倜傥,温文尔雅,精致得一丝不苟,个个跟港台歌星似的。
    Man in Hangzhou's magic power belong to a Chiang-Nan brilliant scholar type, charming dashing, gentle and cultivated, fine get meticulous, each heel harbor pedestal singer.

  • 我们都知道,这位大才子桀骜不驯,风流倜傥,经常口出狂言,所以才会说出“只有一个地方硬”这样赤裸裸的大实话,但结果又怎么样呢?
    As we all know, the big Wets defiant, Merry Ti Tang, Li Hongzhi said arrogantly often, only saying that "there is only one local hardware" such blatant big truth, but what happened?

  • 展现在眼前目眩神迷的金光闪闪中,姚瑞中让历史的宏大叙事与个人的私密传记神交于瑞气千条内,透过才子佳人的风流韵事,成就了如梦似幻的花花世界,只恨今世不能缠绵。
    Through the mesmerizing gleam of the images, Yao weaves together historic events and personal fables; though the amorous affair continues in the dream-like world, he can linger no more.

  • 我回一个试试。一个大男人,怎么还跟孩子一样气性。从没长大过。文好是一回事。人不好就是另一回事了。谁都不否认汪精卫是个风流倜傥的才子,可没谁捧过他,哪拨他都不吃香。做人的失败啊!
    If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.

  • 风流才子造句相关
