
风华正茂  fēng huá zhèng mào







  • 恰少年时,我们风华正茂意气风发。
    Juvenile exactly, we high-spirited in their prime.

  • 你才21岁,正是风华正茂的年纪。
    You're just 21 and in your prime!

  • 约翰是风华正茂的年轻男子。
    John is a blooming young man.

  • 她风采依旧,既不是风华正茂,也不是迟暮美人。
    She has beauty still, and , if it be not its heyday, it is not yet in its autunmn.

  • 她依然很美,如果不是风华正茂,也远不到迟暮之年。
    She has beauty still, and if it be not in its heyday, it is not yet in its autumn.

  • 许许多多风华正茂的年轻人在这场可怕的战争中倒了下去。
    So many young men have been struck down in their youth in this terrible war.

  • 这些量子革命者最引人瞩目的情况之一就是他们风华正茂
    One of the most striking things about the quantum revolutionaries was their youthfulness.

  • 考虑到她已不处在风华正茂时期,她穿那衣服已很引人注目了。
    She looks very attractive in that dress considering she's not in the flower of her youth.

  • 你是你母亲的镜子,她在你身上,唤回了她风华正茂的芳菲四月。
    Thou art thy mother's glass, and she in thee Calls back the lovely April of her prime.

  • 她仍有美貌,即使不是在她最风华正茂时,但也不是在她的渐衰期。
    She has beauty still, and, if it be not in its heyday, it is not yet in its autumn.

  • 员工90%以上都是风华正茂的年轻人,技术能力强,思想活跃,氛围融洽。
    Employees are Fenghuazhengmao more than 90 percent of young people, technical capability and active thinking, harmonious atmosphere.

  • 即使珍妮风华正茂,庄园主也该把他的凝视转移到一个比她妩媚得多的对象上去。
    The laird would have done better to have transferred his glances to an object possessed of far superior charms to Jeanie's even when Jeanie was in her bloom.

  • 这是一群有活力,有素养,有梦想的青年学子,是风华正茂的一代!是有希望的一代!
    These college mutants are just the young generation who possess energy, quality and dream with a lot of hopes!

  • 如果不出意外的话,应该是乔•施特劳斯,一个风华正茂、稳健的圣安东尼奥共和党员。
    Barring some last-minute misfortune that will be Joe Straus, a San Antonio Republican with a moderate tone and good timing.

  • 很久以前,当我们风华正茂时-是,俺也有过那时候-我们曾经会夜谈些年轻人爱谈的话题。
    Once upon a time, when we were young and restless - yes we did - we would touch upon these unpleasant topics.

  • 年轻人风华正茂,他们正在成长和学习。相比而言,年轻人的欲望来得更为激烈,也就更为脆弱。
    Youths are at their prime time, in which period they grow up and learn. Comparitively speaking, their desires can be hotter, or be a bit more fragile.

  • 走过步履艰辛的十个年头,一群风华正茂的年轻人,凭借执着的追求,创造出英策博斯人今日的成功。
    The company went by and walked with difficulties for ten years, one group of young people at life's full flowering in their prime rely on the clinging ambition to create the success nowadays.

  • “我现在风华正茂,”安娜·库尔尼科娃兴高采烈地讲道,“我既可以是一个小姑娘,也可以是一个成年人。
    "I'm the perfect age right now, " Anna Kournikova says with great delight. " I can be a little girl or I can be grown up.

  • 她鄙夷地大声说道,“这个世界上唯一爱我的人在风华正茂的青年时期被夺去了生命,而你却来跟我讲挨冻受苦。
    You talk to me of suffering, when the only creature in this world who ever loved me has been taken from it in the bloom of youth.

  • 而玛瑞恩的三十年则目睹了她从一个风华正茂的少妇变为迷途的女人的浮沉经历,无形中又画出一半下降的弧线。
    While the thirty years for Marian sees her change from a charming young lady to a lost lady, drawing a descending arc.

  • 他那时正是风华正茂的年纪,他也踌躇满志地想教我们很多东西,但学校只有两个篮球场和其他的一些很老的设备。
    He was a young man, and he wanted to teach us a lot of things, but there was not enough equipment in our school; there were only two basketball playgrounds and other old equipment.

  • 观众们垂头丧气地散回家去,悲惋于一个年轻人的风华正茂或一位老者的德高望重,就这样消泯于命运的戏弄之中。
    The audience went home with bowed heads and doleful hearts, sad that one so young and fair ( or so old and respected ) should have merited such a fate.

  • 反之,如果所碰到的是一位年轻人之死,人们会以为这位年轻人风华正茂,前途无可限量,生命的倒计时尚未真正开始。
    But with the passing of a young person, one assumes that the best years lay ahead and the measure of that life was still to be taken.

  • 但是,缺少经验和飞速驾驶加在一块儿--有时候再加上毒品和酒精--导致了全国各地的人们在风华正茂时走向了死亡。
    But the combination of inexperience and speed - and sometimes alcohol or drugs - is leading to funerals for people in the prime of their lives all across the land.

  • 我这美丽的青春,我这风华正茂的岁月,我这颗炽热的心,它们都是为了爱而存在,谁又能在乎,谁又将是那个在乎的人儿?
    I start off with my seething heart and my most precious blooming youth, who will care and who will you be?

  • 请看看这根扫帚把,它现在灰溜溜地躺在偏僻的角落,而以前我曾在树林里碰见过它,那时它风华正茂,汁液充沛,枝叶繁盛。
    This single Stick, which you now behold ingloriously lying in that neglected corner, I once knew in a Flourishing State in A Forest, it was full of Sap, full of Leaves, and full of Boughs;

  • 革命是一件伟大的事业,”皮埃尔先生继续说道。他毫无顾忌地、挑战似地插进这句话,借以显示他风华正茂,想快点把话儿全部说出来。
    The Revolution was a grand fact, " pursued Monsieur Pierre, betraying by this desperate and irrelevantly provocative statement his extreme youth and desire to give full expression to everything."

  • 他们年轻,他们团结,他们有共同语言,他们沟通顺畅,他们风华正茂,他们激情四溢,同时他们也都深爱自己的家园,而所提的要求并不过分。
    They were young, they are united, they have a common language, they communicate smoothly, and they gather their passion over, and they all love their homes, and the request is not unreasonable.

  • 风华正茂的军人、光彩照人的爱国者,在这样的危机中,也会怯于为他的国家服务;但是至今还能经受住考验的人,理应受到人们的感激与爱戴。
    The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it NOW deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.

  • 她们年轻有为,她们风华正茂,她们坚强独立,她们用自己的双手为自己在这个物欲横流的城市“筑就”一个温暖的小巢―――聚焦单身购房族中的女性群体。
    for their young, they prime their strong independence, they use their own hands for their own attendance at the city, "built on" a warm nest -- on a single purchase of small ethnic groups of women.

  • 风华正茂造句相关
