
风云变幻  fēng yún bià huàn








  • 当今粮食市场便是如此风云变幻
    Such is the volatility of today's markets.

  • 30年代,欧洲局势风云变幻
    In the 30s, European situations changed rapidly.

  • 在过去的十年中,咨询市场风云变幻
    Over the past decade, the consulting market has changed.

  • 小户型市场的风云变幻简直令人目不暇接。
    Small Huxing market situation is a matter of stunts.

  • 如今,已经没有理由不清楚市场上的风云变幻了。
    Today, there is no excuse for not knowing what is going on in the markets.

  • 百年奥运,风云变幻,而不变的却是始终如一的人文精神。
    Hundred years the Olympic Games, the ever-changing, and unchanging but are consistently humanistic spirit.

  • 当今世界风云变幻,各国政府正经历着前所未有的全新挑战。
    Our times is constantly changing. Each country government is going through the unprecedented new challenge.

  • 尽管政治气候风云变幻,但他仍然坚持认为工会改革是必要的。
    In spite of the change in the political climate, he sticks this guns about the need for trade union reform.

  • 无论股市如何风云变幻,他的母亲只管像抱着摇钱树一样抱着她的股票。
    No matter how volatile the stock market, just like his mother with the same money with her stock.

  • 但从2008年风云变幻的全球金融市场看,市场中根本就没有所谓的专家。
    But in 2008 the ever-changing global financial markets, the market simply do not have the so-called experts.

  • 60年来,新中国外交经受住国际风云变幻的严峻考验,取得举世瞩目的成就。
    The Chinese diplomacy has withstood the severe tests of fluctuating international situation and achieved world-acclaimed results over the past 60 years.

  • 这十三年来,国际局势风云变幻,我国改革开放和现代化建设的进程波澜壮阔。
    These 13 years have witnessed a highly volatile international situation and a magnificent upsurge of China's reform, opening up and modernization.

  • 首先,通过大众传媒,我们对世界风云变幻了如指掌,否则我们就会一无所知。
    First, mass media keep us well informed of the happenings of the world which would otherwise remain unknown.

  • 奥巴马总统表示,世界风云变幻,美国危机四伏,但美国仍将保持其军事上的优势。
    President Barack Obama says a host of threats face the United States in a rapidly changing world, but that the nation will maintain its military dominance.

  • 如果经济学这门宽泛的理论值得我们坚定的捍卫,那么自由市场的风云变幻也应如是。
    And if economics as a broad discipline deserves a robust defence, so does the free-market paradigm.

  • 所以,无论股市风云变幻,只要你拿住的是有价值、有发展潜力的白马股,心中就不会慌。
    Therefore, no matter the stock market changes, as long as you hold is valuable, there is potential for development of the White Horse Unit, the heart will not fear.

  • 随着房地产市场的调整,风云变幻的土地市场上不再是开发商一家独大,个人拿地异军突起
    Along with real estate market's adjustment, in the land market which changes constantly no longer is developer alone big, takes personally is sudden appearance…

  • 编者按:作为房地产政策年,2004年地产市场的风云变幻相伴的是北京楼市的全面上扬。
    Editor's note : As the real estate policy, in 2004 the real estate market is constantly changing quality of the Beijing property market overall rise.

  • 在2000年,早有一批定位在主流市场的项目,就像风向标一样率先感到了市场的风云变幻
    In 2000, had a number of positioning in the mainstream market items, like weather vanes, the first to feel the market changes.

  • 风云变幻的20世纪之初,既有着对中国古典文体论的撷精取宏,又不乏顺应时变的更新迹象。
    At about the turn of the 20th century, his works looked into the essence of ancient stylistics and kept up with the time.

  • 西方的政治生活是产生委婉语的肥沃土壤,特别是政治风云变幻或战争爆发时,委婉语更是层出不穷。
    Western political life is the rich soil that produces euphemism, especially at the moment when political situation is changing or when war erupts.

  • 市场风云变幻确实迅速,当这本书稿摆上我的案头时,财经媒体上已经一片“全球通胀见顶”之声了。
    The market is indeed changing rapidly, when the manuscript was put on my desk, the financial media has a "global inflation peaked, " the voice.

  • 依照两位IBM负责人的观点,电视行业“现正面对风云变幻,空前复杂的局面,承受着变革的迫切要求。”
    The TV industry "is confronting unparalleled complexity, dynamic change and pressure to innovate, " according to this opinion piece from two IBM executives.

  • 在这个风云变幻的年代,在中国房地产行业面临大发展的历史性时刻,我们已经无法回避华南板块巨大的存在。
    In this ever-changing era in the great development of China's real estate industry is facing a historic moment, we can not evade South China has tremendous plate presence.

  • 甘经历了世界风云变幻的各个历史时期,但无论何时,无论何处,无论和谁在一起,他都依然如故,纯朴而善良。
    Gambari has experienced the ever-changing world in every historical period, but no matter when, no matter where, no matter with whom, he remains the same, simple and kind.

  • 甘经历了世界风云变幻的各个历史时期,但无论何时,无论何处,无论和谁在一起,他都依然如故,纯朴而善良。
    Gan changing world has gone through different historical periods, but at any time, anywhere, no matter with whom, he remains the same, simple and kind-hearted.

  • 这些政策、策略建议集中体现在两个方面,一方面指导我们如何应付国际风云变幻,另一方面指导我们应付国内不安全因素。
    The policy and the strategy are reflected by two aspects, which guide us how to deal with both international and national dangerous factors.

  • 时光荏苒,在2008年创出历史最大跌幅之后,2009年市场处于风云变幻之际,也是最有可能出现战略性机会的历史时期。
    Time flies, but in 2008 record the largest decline after the 2009 changes in the market, is also the most likely of the historical period of strategic opportunities.

  • 在这个风云变幻的特殊年份里,“北京地产年度风云榜”是北京地产一年历史的最佳总结者,同时也是北京地产一年一度的盛世欢宴。
    In this ever-changing special years, "Beijing real estate annual crop" is best summed up Beijing real estate year history, but also the history of Beijing real estate annual feast.

  • 博雅塔似一位饱经风霜的老人,默默地站在湖畔,纵观着风云变幻,那紧锁的塔门,就像这位老人紧闭的心扉,包含着人生的悠悠岁月。
    Bo Yata like a Baojingfengshuang the elderly, stood silently Lake, Looking at the changes, Jinsuo the Tap Mun, just like the old people's minds closed, including the long years of life.

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