
抛砖引玉  pāo zhuān yǐn yù








  • 希望能为泥沙学科的发展起到抛砖引玉的作用。
    This research can play a role in the development of sedimentation discipline.

  • 旨在为智能自动化技术在玻璃生产中推广应用抛砖引玉
    The specific application in the glass production process of this system is introduced also associating with manufacturing technique .

  • 期望本文能够对他校日后推行“一站式服务”起到抛砖引玉的作用。
    I hope that this paper can do some guidance to other universities when they start the" one-station service".

  • 中职教育是我国目前面临的棘手问题,本文希望能起抛砖引玉作用。
    Secondary vocational education is a thorny problem in our country. Hope this article will cast a brick to attract jade.

  • 本文阐述了带盖环式焙烧炉的几项新技术,以期能起到抛砖引玉的作用。
    This paper introduces several new technologies about the ring-type backing furnace with cover for the purpose of starting further discussion on this issue.

  • 本文目的在于对司法实践和正在进行的新破产法立法起到抛砖引玉的作用。
    The purpose of this text lies in practising the administration of justice and the new bankruptcy law afoot legislate to play a role in casting a brick to attract jade.

  • 本文就此展开探讨,同时也希望能抛砖引玉,对建设中的其它城市有所启发。
    Simultaneously, we also hopes this paper can introduce valuable remarks and thus inspire valuable Ideas for the construction of other cities.

  • 起个抛砖引玉的作用,有意者请继续完善,然后将作品发表出来共享,实现共同进步。
    Take a stimulus by interested are invited to continue to improve, and then released in sharing works, and achieving common progress.

  • 当然,由于所研究的领域较新、论述并不充分,目的在于抛砖引玉,望学术界前辈指正。
    Due to the fact that this research is comparatively new, the discuss have is not very sufficient with the simple to open to all better judgments and deeper research work.

  • 本文试就新形势下电子技术的学习方法作了初步的探讨,已期起到一种抛砖引玉的作用。
    The author makes a exploration of the learning methods under the new situation and hopes it act as a reference for others.

  • 笔下在这里表达的观点只不过是抛砖引玉,希望能够听到大家的意见,其中包括批评的意见。
    Described by the expression of views here simply serve as a catalyst, and I hope to be able to hear your views, including criticisms.

  • 本文通过对其试论进行个案研究,希望起抛砖引玉之效,以丰富对南宋散文和科举文体的认识。
    Through a case study on Shilun, this paper intends to enrich people with the knowledge on prose and literary genres in Southern Song Dynasty.

  • 从会计术语的定义、质量特征、种类和编撰四方面对会计术语进行了初步的探讨,以期抛砖引玉
    This paper deals with it from concept, quality charactisitic, variety and be writing, and hopes the article can lead to wise opinion.

  • 用VB编的从屏幕取词的简单示例。到目前为止我所见到的唯一一个这样的程序,希望能够抛砖引玉
    VB series with a simple example from the Screen. So far I have seen only one such procedure, hoping to offer their valuable suggestions.

  • 论文写作的目的是为了抛砖引玉,以求在更大范围和层面上对城市设计和生态设计上有所启发和借鉴。
    HoweveY, the paPer aims to throw some light on this field, and it is expected to be used fOr reference fOr city designing and ecological plarming in wider range.

  • 本文以若干电路概念为例,说明数学概念对解释电路基本概念与基本理论的意义,希望起到抛砖引玉的作用。
    In this paper several electric examples are quoted to show the importance of employing mathematic concepts to explain basic concepts and theories of electric circuit.

  • 此外,我们希望《AIGA说:〈设计还是不设计〉及其他35篇短文》的出版可以起到“抛砖引玉”的作用。
    In addition, we hope that the publication of AIGA Speaks: "To Design or Not To Design" and 35 Other Essays will inspire other exceptional contributions.

  • 希望能够借他山之石抛砖引玉,对我国产品责任制度的完善与发展提出有效的建议,如有不足之处请专家指正。
    I hope that my crude remarks may draw forth by abler people, and more effective suggestion on accountability of products in China. Please correct if there is any deficiency in the passage.

  • 本文重点分析了我国非正规就业过程中出现的一些问题,以此抛砖引玉,共同探讨应如何发展我国的非正规就业。
    The paper emphasizes some problems of informal employment in our country, and the author wants to discuss about how to develop informal employment in our country with some academicians.

  • 巴若教授近作「奇特的漠然」引起不少人的兴趣和好奇,他希望能抛砖引玉,使「英国人的中国观」这项议题更为澄明。
    Professor Barrett hopes his book will stimulate further work that can give us an even clearer picture of the development of the British view of China.

  • 同时本文希望抛砖引玉,激发社会学界乃至于社会科学界住房和城市问题研究者更多关注于邻里效应和社会不平等研究。
    This paper also attempts to appeal to sociological scholars or even the entire social sciences circle for their attention to the research on neighborhood effects and social inequality.

  • 本文试图通过国外三种阅读理解监控教学模式的评述,以期对探讨和发展我国阅读理解监控教学模式起抛砖引玉的作用。
    This article aims to do some contribution to the development of the comprehension monitoring instruction in China through a comment on three instructional training projets abroad.

  • 针对当前医疗单位内医疗设备工程师在日常维修中易犯的错误及易疏忽的一些问题进行探讨、分析,以起抛砖引玉的作用。
    In this article, we discuss and analyze some questions which medical equipment engineers are currently easy to make mistakes and neglect in the daily maintenance in medical unit.

  • 本文谨提供笔者在淡江大学核心课程「历史研究」学门中,所开设「台湾通史」课程的教学设计与实施情形,藉以抛砖引玉
    This paper presents the writer's experience in course planning and practice of this subject within the area of Historical Studies in the Tamkang University core curriculum.

  • 由于目前同类文章以及相关针对性的研究较少我们希望本文能够抛砖引玉,进而能够对我国教育服务业的发展提供一些帮助。
    At present, there is few similar article or relevant study , so we hope what we do now can bring some hint and and be able to provide some help to the development of our education industry.

  • 作者希望能够抛砖引玉,从而形成不同地区高层建筑设计的系列研究,自下而上地构成具有地区特色的高层建筑设计的理论探索。
    The author hopes to throw brick to lead jade, leading a series research of high building design in different region , which may compose the theories explore of Chinese high-rise building design.

  • 借以阐述解决相关确认、计量、报告等方面的问题,以期望能为我国的人力资源会计走出传统,融入常规起到一线抛砖引玉之用。
    From the solution of confirmation, measure and report, the writer want to help the human resource accounting of our country separate from tradition and go to normality.

  • 论文主要目的是为我国股指期货的推出提供一定的理论借鉴和实务参考,以期达到抛砖引玉,使更多的人能关注我国股指期货的发展。
    The main purpose of this thesis is to offer some theoretical and practical references on promoting SIF market, and hope that more people can pay more attention to the development of SIF market.

  • 本文对建筑工程设计人员胜任特征模型的研究是有积极的现实意义的,为今后工程技术人员胜任特征的进一步研究起到了抛砖引玉的作用。
    The paper of the research on architecture design engineer competence model is useful in real society and it gives an orientation about the further research on engineer competence model.

  • 此外,作者希望本文能够充实国内对于化妆品说明书翻译的研究成果,为化妆品说明书汉译的研究起到抛砖引玉的作用,希望引起人们更多的关注。
    In addition, the thesis aims at enriching the study of the translation of cosmetic instruction, and arousing more attention to and interest in, the study of it in the community of translation studies.

  • 抛砖引玉造句相关
