
颠倒乾坤  diān dǎo qián kūn






  • 路德说哥白尼要颠倒天文学世界的乾坤
    Luther said Copernicus wanted to turn the whole world of astronomy upside down.

  • 真是乾坤颠倒,年轻人教训起老一辈来了。
    The cart leads the horse; the young people instruct the old people.

  • 这难免会有一种文学价值标准乾坤颠倒错乱之感。
    This inevitably there will be a reversal of literary values Qiankun a sense of confusion.

  • 别再相信世界是四平八稳的了,世界贸易正乾坤颠倒
    Forget about flat—the world of business is turning upside down.

  • 当时,《颠倒乾坤》的女主角婕咪·李·柯蒂斯和她的男朋友也在洗桑拿。
    At that moment the female star of the movie Trading Places, Jamie Lee Curtis, was sitting in the same sauna with her boyfriend.

  • 然而,电影《颠倒乾坤》的收入超过了1亿美元。而丹尼斯的培训实验还没开始。
    However, the movie Trading Places did gross over $100 million before the training experiment was even on the drawing board.

  • 颠倒乾坤》这部电影又回到了人们的脑海,比利?雷说:“整件事情就是一个实验,笨蛋!
    Again, the movie Trading Places comes to mind, with the scene in which Billy Ray exclaimed, "The whole thing was an experiment, fool!"

  • 当有人问丹尼斯是不是受《颠倒乾坤》的影响才做培训实验时,丹尼斯会否认:“噢,上帝,不是的!
    When he was asked whether his training experiment was inspired by Trading Places, Dennis denied it: "Oh God, no!"

  • 如果你在付账单或叠衣物时正看《颠倒乾坤》(喜剧电影名),那样你就无法获得停下思考休息一下的好处。
    you're not going to get the benefit of taking a break from your own thoughts if you're watching Trading Places while you pay bills or fold laundry.

  • 刹那间,天空昏暗,苍穹洞开。眼前只看见猛烈的雨,耳畔只剩下劈里啪啦的冰雹声。难道是乾坤颠倒、天地翻覆?
    Suddenly, the sky darkened, the heaven opened and all that could be seen and heard was sleet, driving rain and the drumming of hailstones.

  • 刹那间,天空昏暗,苍穹洞开。眼前只看见猛烈的雨,耳畔之剩下劈里啪啦的冰雹声,难道是乾坤颠倒、天地翻覆?
    Suddenly, the sky darkened, the heaven opened and all that could be seen and heard was fleet, driving rain and the drumming of hailstones.

  • “云霄飞车”是往复式朝大型过山车,随车坐行其中,上下翻腾,在感受那上天入地,乾坤颠倒的惊叫声中过把瘾,好不惊险刺激!
    "Roller coaster" is a large reciprocating roller coaster. Sitting and turning up and down in it, visitors would cry in the reversal of heaven and earth. How exciting!

  • 不要将这个体验和”一心多用“混淆起来;如果你在付账单或叠衣物时正看《颠倒乾坤》(喜剧电影名),那样你就无法获得停下思考休息一下的好处。
    Don't muddy the experience by trying to multi-task; you're not going to get the benefit of taking a break from your own thoughts if you're watching Trading Places while you pay bills or fold laundry.

  • 颠倒乾坤造句相关
