
顺手牵羊  shùn shǒu qiān yáng








  • 顺手牵羊拿走了那顶新尼龙伞。
    She picked up the new nylon umbrella on the sly.

  • 那个人顺手牵羊拿走了她的雨伞。
    That man has walked away with her umbrella.

  • 有人顺手牵羊拿走了我的雨伞。
    My umbrella was taken by someone's casion.

  • 他趁人不注意把这本书顺手牵羊了。
    He helped himself to the book when nobody noticed him.

  • 有人把她的雨伞顺手牵羊地拿走了。
    Someone has walked away with her umbrella.

  • 昨天瑞德因顺手牵羊而被逮捕。
    Reed was arrested for shoplifting yesterday.

  • 有人顺手牵羊拿走了我的雨伞。
    someone took away my umbrella by hand.

  • 顺手牵羊带走了一台电脑。
    He made off with a computer.

  • 他们安了监测电视来监视那些顺手牵羊者。
    They installed a surveillance TV against those shoplifters.

  • 跑过别人家的花园,还会顺手牵羊拿点东西。
    Ran through people's gardens and pinched things.

  • 啊,在冰箱顺手牵羊的家伙。现在它空了,你觉得怎样?
    Ah, icebox raiser. It's empty, how do you like that?

  • 那个在逛商店时顺手牵羊而被捉到的富翁被发现有盗窃癖。
    The millionaire who was caught shoplifting was found to be suffering from kleptomania.

  • 种种传闻证明,门店里顺手牵羊的大部分是员工,而不是顾客。
    Anecdotally, we have evidence that shrink (store theft) is most often caused by employees, not customers.

  • 嘿,妳那只昂贵的手表从哪儿来的?别跟我说那是顺手牵羊偷来的。
    Hey, where did you get that expensive watch? Don't tell me it was a five-finger discount.

  • 嘿,你那只昂贵的手表从哪儿来的?别跟我说那是顺手牵羊偷来的。
    Hey, where did you get that expensive watch? Don't tell me it was a five-finger discount.

  • 阿尔巴尼亚报纸和其它媒体报导说,布什的手表被人顺手牵羊偷走了。
    Albanian newspapers and other media reports say the watch was stolen.

  • 一直以来,公司都时刻提防员工顺手牵羊,并监督他们保持工作效率。
    Companies have long kept a close eye on employees to maintain productivity and guard against theft.

  • 在搜出少许现金后,还顺手牵羊将老人室内的半瓶子食用油也收集到一起。
    In some cash were seized, the report elderly indoor half bottle of edible oil also collected together.

  • 在她背了《圣经》中的一句妙语格言作结束语时,汤姆顺手牵羊偷了一块油炸面圈。
    And while she closed with a happy Scriptural flourish, he "hooked" a doughnut.

  • 经查证,这辆让他落网的轿车是盗窃所得,连车座下面的圣诞卡片也是他顺手牵羊偷来的。
    Police also say Tarr's car turned out to be stolen and so were the Christmas cards found under the seat of the vehicle.

  • 坏罗杰说,“……我从牙医诊所顺手牵羊拿来的,”好罗杰不屑地说,“我说那是偷窃。”
    I swiped it from my dentist's office, "Bad Roger said. "I call that theft, "Good Roger sniffed.

  • 不过不要紧,以后我时时能到上书房去,总能教这部书成为顺手牵羊之羊,叶底偷桃之桃。
    But don't worry. Now I can go to the Upper Library any time, and sooner or later the book will just drop into my hand like a nice ripe plum.

  • 于是我又试了一个精巧的蝴蝶结和手镯,这两样东西简直轻如羽毛,我几乎顺手牵羊将它们偷走。
    Then I try a very delicate butterfly pendant and bracelet that are so feather-light, I almost shoplift them by mistake.

  • 一般书店都会遇到很多顺手牵羊的行窃案,像我的书这样诱人的产品,更是容易成为行窃的对象。
    A typical bookshop will experience a certain amount of shoplifting, especially of products as tempting as my book.

  • 鲍勃顺手牵羊拿走了我的雨衣,我没赶上我那班公共汽车,不得不在雨里站了二十分钟等下一班车。
    Bob walked off with my raincoat, and I missed my bus, and I had to stand in the rain for twenty minutes waiting for the next one.

  • 由于养成了顺手牵羊的习惯,女人在婚礼上可能会更加无法克制而把桌子上的装饰品当纪念品拿回家。
    Continuing the light-fingered trend, women are likely to get more out of control at weddings and take home the floral centerpieces from table decorations as souvenirs for their own homes.

  • 如果有人说:“错在这间商店不该让我进来,他们应该知道,只要我看到这么棒的唱片,我就不得不顺手牵羊了。”
    If someone says: "The fault ought not to let me come in in this shop, they should know, want me to see so strong record only, I must be walked off with."

  • 如果有人说:“错在这间商店不该让我是来,他们应该知道,只要我看到这么棒的唱片,我就不得不顺手牵羊了。”
    If someone says: "The fault ought not to let me in this shop is to come, they should know, want me to see so strong record only, I must be walked off with."

  • 随意而为的犯罪正在增加。那些无法无天、走投无路的人漫步街头,看到正在交流八卦的上班族的手袋,就顺手牵羊
    Casual crime is on the rise and the lawless and the desperate are roaming the streets nicking the handbags of gossiping office workers.

  • 所有这一切均为盛情款待――每个人都可以欣然接受,就像平日里一直顺手牵羊把办公室的墨水笔放入自家的口袋一样。
    This is all pure hospitality—there for the taking, like the office-supplied felt tipped pens everyone has been pocketing all year.

  • 顺手牵羊造句相关
