
音容笑貌  yīn róng xiào mào






  • 他的音容笑貌依然萦绕我们的耳际。
    His happy laughter still rings in our ears.

  • 他们的音容笑貌仍然在我们的脑海中。
    their voices still linger in our minds.

  • 我害怕你的音容笑貌和举止;
    I fear thy mien, thy tones, thy motion;

  • 我怕你的音容笑貌和举止;
    I fear thy mien, thy tones, thy motion;

  • 同事和领导的音容笑貌是否也慢慢的变得模糊?
    Do the smiling and figures of my colleagues and leaders also become misty and vague slowly or not?

  • 当我回忆死者在世时的音容笑貌,不禁泪流满面。
    Tears stream down my cheeks when I recall the look of the deceased while in life.

  • 虽然她已经不在世了,但我仍能忆起她的音容笑貌
    I see her face again though she is no longer with us. I even hear her voice, and recall her smile.

  • 当我回忆死者在世时的音容笑貌时,不禁泪流满面。
    Tears stream down my cheeks when I recall the look of the deceased while in life.

  • 当我看着他并喜极而泣时,你的音容笑貌也逐渐地消失了。
    I watched as your laughter faded into tears, as I stared at him and cried my own tears of joy.

  • 毛主席虽然不在了,但他的音容笑貌将永远留在我们心中。
    Although Chairman Mao has passed away, his voice and smile will live in our hearts forever.

  • 尽管父亲已经去世多年,但他的音容笑貌依然在她眼前浮现。
    Though years have passed since her father's death, his smiles still keep surging in her head.

  • 客户服务片展示客服人员的音容笑貌,能激发客户的忠诚度。
    Customer service videos show the faces behind the names and encourage customer loyalty.

  • 更好的是,每次她\他用这些东西,都会想起你的音容笑貌
    As an added bonus, they'll think of you every time they use it and remember your gesture of kindness.

  • 我依旧(仍然)记得你的音容笑貌,你的歌声和关于你的一切。
    I still remember your smiles, your voice, your singing and all about you.

  • 尽管今天你将离我们而去,但是你的音容笑貌却永远活在我们心中!
    Dream is as if you will live forever, life as if you will die today.

  • 我闻着朋友花园里的花香,这时候母亲的音容笑貌浮现在我的眼前。
    I smelt the fragrance of those flowers in my friend's garden and then my mother's face appeared.

  • 这时,我的身子好似一架竖琴,她的音容笑貌宛如拨弄琴弦的纤指。
    But my body was like a harp and her words and gestures were like fingers running upon the fries.

  • 我对于她的音容笑貌都很熟悉,视乎我一天也没有和她离开过一样。
    His laugh, his voice and his gesture, were all as familiar to me as if we had not parted even one day.

  • 自他离开我们之后,热爱他的人们至少能在这个演唱现场再见他的音容笑貌
    "After he passed, we knew that people would be looking at the show to see what we do for Michael, " Ehrlich said.

  • 她的音容笑貌已深深地映入他的灵魂,没有什么语言打破他痴迷而神圣的宁静。
    Her image had passed into his soul forever and no word had broken the holy silence of his ecstasy .

  • 在日常的人际交往中,我们会发现,有的人行为举止、音容笑貌令人难以忘怀;
    In the day-to-day interpersonal relationships, we find that some people behave, unforgettable voice and smiling face;

  • 5年来,他的音容笑貌时常浮现在我的眼前,一件件感人的往事总使我难以忘怀。
    Come 5 years, his the likeness of a person laughs at appearance to emerge constantly before in me, a touching past always make I hard dismiss from one's mind.

  • 在一个我永远想起他的音容笑貌的地方,我将无法说服自己……我的生命也无法再延续。
    In a place where I could never imagine him, the conviction might fade… and that I could not live through.

  • 怎么样才能够让你知道,我不仅是这样的音容笑貌,伸手碰我一下,便会知道你不是在做梦。
    How can I let you know, I'm more than the dress and the voice. Just reach me out then you'll know that you're no dreaming.

  • 我看着儿子,我看到的是他母亲的音容笑貌。而我看着黛碧的时候,我看到的其实是我自己。
    When I looked at my son I saw his mother's smile. When I looked at Debbie I saw myself.

  • 胡耀邦辞世19年了,但他的音容笑貌,他的丰功伟绩,他的公仆品质,仍然深深铭刻在人们的记忆深处;
    Hu Yaobang has passed away for 19 years. But his voice and expression, his marvelous achievements, and his characters as a public servant are still deeply etched in people's memory.

  • 你的到来为咱家带来了无比丰富的欢声笑语,直至今日,当我闭上双眼静静地坐下来,仍能回忆起你那可爱的音容笑貌
    You brought so much sunshine into our lives and if I close my eyes and sit quietly, I can still see your lovely smile and hear your laughter.

  • 当这样称呼一个女人时,证明男人已经习惯聆听女人的音容笑貌、悲欢欣喜、生命律动,怀着彻底的喜爱、敬重、匍匐在爱和幸福的脚下了。
    When such a woman called, that men have become accustomed to listen to women's Yinrongxiaomao, Beihuan joy, life rhythm, complete with love, respect, love and happiness creeping in of the foot.

  • 迈克尔时常想到恺,想到她的音容笑貌,想到她的身段。他那么不近人情地丢开了她,临别连个招呼也没有打。每次想到这一点,他总感到良心上一阵刺痛。
    Michael often thought of Kay, of her smile, her body, and always felt a twinge of conscience at leaving-her so brutally without a word of farewell .

  • 并因为两人之间有一种精神上的融洽,所以一切都能融会贯通。他巳中了那作家的魔术,他也愿意中这魔术。不久之后,他的音容笑貌也会变得和那作家的音容笑貌一模一样了。
    The author has cast a spell over him, and he is glad to be under the spell, and in time his own voice and manner and way of smiling and way of talking become like the author's own.

  • 音容笑貌造句相关
