
面黄肌瘦  miàn huáng jī shòu








  • 疾病把她折磨得面黄肌瘦
    Her illness has left her thin and pale.

  • 长期患病使他面黄肌瘦
    A long time illness made him sallow and emaciated.

  • 面黄肌瘦,扎着花辫,却甚是零乱,表情苍茫。
    Sallow and emaciated, firm flower plait, but is very confused, the facial expression be diffused.

  • 面黄肌瘦是肝炎吗?
    Is sallow and emaciated hepatitis?

  • 有几个看上去面黄肌瘦,他们说是炒权证压力太大。
    There are several Mianhuangjishou looks, they said speculation is too much pressure on the warrants.

  • 不少权证炒家压力大面黄肌瘦记者曾接触过一些权证炒家。
    Reporters have come into contact with some of the speculators warrants.

  • 一个蓬头垢面,一瘸一拐,衣裳褴褛,面黄肌瘦的小乞丐。
    Keith: A little, yellow, ragged, lame, unshaven, beggar.

  • 众神也因为得不到人间的祭祀和礼物,一个个饿得面黄肌瘦
    Since the gods are not human sacrifice and the gift of a hungry months.

  • 包登太太是一位面黄肌瘦的小妇人,梳着不太整洁的棕色头发。
    Mrs. Bowdon was a little sallow woman with ratty brown hair.

  • 在那儿的卡修斯面黄肌瘦,他想得太多了:这样的家伙就是危险。
    Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look, He thinks too much: such men are dangerous.

  • 看着面黄肌瘦的艾滋病人,他站也不是,坐也不敢,心理恐惧极了。
    Mianhuangjishou looked at the AIDS who do not stop that, did not dare to sit, psychological fear the most.

  • 那时15岁的小春身材矮小,面黄肌瘦,出去找活,根本没人愿雇他。
    At the age of 15, Xiaochun was thin and small, and no one wanted to hire him.

  • 精神状态:鸦片类物质依赖患者往往外表萎靡不振面黄肌瘦,衣着不整洁;
    psychosis: Opium kind material depends on a patient to go to past appearance is dejected, sallow and emaciated, dress is not neat;

  • 他们不仅面黄肌瘦--他们确实是这样-而且还由于不满而露出凶恶的样子。
    It was not merely that they were weazened and shrivelled -though they were certainly that too-but they looked absolutely ferocious with discontent.

  • 我从小就体弱多病,干瘦如猴,母亲经常望着身体虚弱。面黄肌瘦的我,伤心流泪;
    I as a child weak and sick, bony is like monkey, the mother often is hoping the body is frail.

  • 我们看到她正朝修道院花园教堂走去,一个面黄肌瘦的小厮捧着祈祷书,跟在她后边。
    She may be seen walking to Covent Garden church, with a starved foot-boy behind carrying her prayer book.

  • 我对照了半天,发现我居然是个面黄肌瘦、跑不动步、没钱、老婆很厉害的环境保护者。
    I checked against along while, detection me incredibly ising that one be sallow and emaciated and can not walk anymore a step and have no money, wife fierce environmental protection.

  • 结论保儿宁口服液是有效治疗小儿体虚自汗,易患感冒,面黄肌瘦,食欲不振的中药制剂。
    Conclusion Baoerling oral liquid is a effective Chinese medicine agent. To treat the infantile general debility and spontaneous sweat catch cold easily, sallow complexion, poor appetite.

  • 右边的房门打开了,一个面黄肌瘦的人拄着双拐杖、赤着脚、穿一套内衣从那里探出身子来。
    A door was opened on the right, and there limped out on crutches a thin yellow man with bare feet, and nothing on but his underlinen.

  • 太阳像火炉一样炙烤着乡间小路,路上的尘土无精打采,面黄肌瘦的玉米没精打采地耷拉着脑袋。
    Broil is baking country like sun resembling burner alley, the dust on the road is downhearted, the corn of sallow and emaciated is crestfallen ground slouch head.

  • 而她依然。有次她照镜子照着照着就哭了,说里面的人不是她,她怎么会那么面黄肌瘦,不成人样?
    But she still. Had a time her to see in mirror to shine on and then cried, the person who say an inside wasn't her, she be how can so sallow and emaciated, hardly recognizable as human beings?

  • 记者想像中的染上艾滋病的病人应该是面黄肌瘦,可眼前的病员除了身体有些消瘦,其他的与正常人没什么不同。
    Imagine reporters in patients infected with AIDS should be Mianhuangjishou, the patient may present some emaciated body in addition to the other and no different from normal people.

  • 但愿有胖子常随我左右,头颅光滑,夜里好睡的胖子;在那儿的卡修斯面黄肌瘦,他想得太多了:这样的家伙就是危险。
    Let me have men about me that are fat, Sleek-headed men, and such as sleep a-nights; Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look, He thinks too much: such men are dangerous.

  • 由于深受饥饿和疾病折磨,很多人面黄肌瘦(乌特迪尔,65%成年人偏瘦)超过一半的人患有败血症,还约有七分之一的人视力受损。
    Beset by hunger and illness, many are scrawny(65% of adult men in Udaipur are underweight), over half are anaemic, and about a seventh suffer from impaired eyesight.

  • 由于深受饥饿和疾病折磨,很多人面黄肌瘦(在乌特迪尔,65%的成年人偏瘦),超过一半的人患有败血症,还约有七分之一的人视力受损。
    Beset by hunger and illness, many are scrawny (65% of adult men in Udaipur are underweight), over half are anaemic, and about a seventh suffer from impaired eyesight.

  • 做妈妈的心里对这样尖锐的意见是难以接受的,而倾向于一种比较高雅的想法,认为约翰是过于用功,或许还因为想家,才弄得那么面黄肌瘦的。
    but the mother's heart turned from an opinion so harsh, and inclined rather to the more refined idea that John's sallowness was owing to over-application, and, perhaps, to pining after home.

  • 有几个俘虏在听了皮埃尔和那个班长的谈话之后,立即问皮埃尔,那个班长说了些什么,皮埃尔告诉同伴们说,班长说,法国军队已经出发了,这时,一个面黄肌瘦,衣衫褴褛的法国兵来到棚子门前。
    While Pierre was telling his companions what the corporal had said about setting off from Moscow, a thin, sallow, ragged French soldier came up to the door of the shed.

  • 面黄肌瘦造句相关
