
随声附和  suí shēng fù hè








  • 对他们的意见要加以分析, 不要随声附和
    We should analyse what they said and not just agree with everything.

  • 我只随声附和,我的心应节跳舞。
    Only my voice took up the tunes, and my heart danced in their cadence.

  • 他总是随声附和他的老板。
    He always echoes every word of his boss.

  • 他的讲话真荒唐,但有很多人随声附和
    What he says is ridiculous, yet many people echo his words.

  • 他没有主见,只是随声附和他父亲的意见。
    He has no original opinions; he's just his father's echo.

  • 他没有主见, 只是随声附和他父亲的意见。
    He has no original opinions; he's just his father's echo.

  • 当时我还暗自得意,其他孩子也都随声附和
    I was also quietly proud of the other children also echo.

  • “好”斯科特随声附和,试着模仿他哥哥的样子。
    "Okay! " echoed scott, trying to copy his old brother.

  • “是的,”我随声附和说,不知道她是怎么知道的。
    "He is, " I agreed, wondering how she knew.

  • “好,好!我们来建堡垒”另一个男孩爱德华随声附和着。
    "Yes, yes! Let us build a fort, " responded Edward, the other lad.

  • 我的助手善于唯唯诺诺地随声附和,而不善于发挥独特见解。
    My assistant was better at yes sing than at developing original ideas.

  • 几个正在等待看病的牧民随声附和:“我们想住院,没病床。”
    Several were waiting for sees a doctor the herdsman echoes what others say: "we want to be hospitalized, do not have the hospital bed."

  • 然而,共和党人却对华盛顿的专项拨款和大额政府支出随声附和
    Instead, Republicans went along with earmarks and big government spending in Washington.

  • 在房子之外,软的隆隆声轮子和蹄夹子嗒嗒声整寂静的晚随声附和
    Outside the house, the soft rumble of wheels and the clip-clop of hooves echo through the still night.

  • 当唱诗班起立唱歌时,人们也随声附和,教堂就充满了圣歌的音乐。
    As the choir rose to sing, the people joined in, filling the church with the music of the first hymn.

  • 经营大型基础设施项目的商人也会随声附和,以期获得大有油水的合同。
    Businessmen who run big infrastructure projects will jump on board looking for some juicy contracts.

  • 奥尔默特说以色列取得胜利是因为他已经改造了黎巴嫩时,布什也在随声附和
    Mr Olmert, echoed by George Bush, says that Israel won because it has transformed Lebanon.

  • 他一路废话连篇,表妹们只得客客气气地随声附和,就这样打发着时间,来到了麦里屯。
    In pompous nothings on his side, civil assents on that of his cousins, their time passed till they entered Meryton.

  • 那些日子,我从来不想去了解你对我唱的歌曲的意义。我只随声附和,我的心应节跳舞。
    On those days I never cared to know the meaning of songs thou sangest to me. Only my voice took up the tunes, and my heart danced in their cadence.

  • 那些日子,我从未想过去了解你对我唱的歌曲的意义。我只是随声附和,心儿踏歌起舞。
    On those days I never cared to know the meaning of songs thou sang to me. Only my voice took up the tunes, and my heart danced in their cadence.

  • 我在展览使变斜视眼过汗装满的眼睛。肯恩的声音在我的耳朵中随声附和。第一次,我听到沮丧。
    I squint through sweat-filled eyes at the display. Ken's voice echoes in my ear. For the first time, I hear desperation.

  • 每逢听到这样的声音,我便也随声附和一番,觉得很是同情和理解,因为有时我也有同样的感觉。
    Every time when I hear about it , I also echoed to them and show my commiseration and understanding, because sometimes I have the same feeling.

  • 处于最佳心境的情侣也只能随声附和诗人欧纳斯特·道森说的那句话:“我以我的方式忠实于你。
    At best, a lover can only echo the words of the poet Ernest Dowson, and say, "I have been faithful to thee in my fashion. ""

  • 如果有从这个会议随声附和的一则消息,让它是人权是妇女的权利,并且妇女的权利永远是人权。
    If there is one message that echoes forth from this conference, let it be that human rights are women's rights and women's rights are human rights once and for all.

  • 石油业也随声附和政府报告的乐观看法,他们认为这些石油可以供给美国六年中所需石油总量的10%。
    The oil industry goes with the high end of the range, which could equal asas 10% of U. S. consumption for as long as six years.

  • 石油业也随声附和政府报告的乐观看法,他们认为这些石油可以供给美国六年中所需石油总量的10%。
    The oil industry goes with the high end of the range, which could equal as much as 10% of U. S. consumption for as long as six years.

  • 嗯,然后,有一天,有个爸爸说:“嗨,那个母亲?她太胖了!“然后,所有的爸爸都会随声附和地这样说…
    Well, then, one time, this one daddy says, "Hey! That mommy? She's too fat! " And then all the daddies have to start saying stuff like that…

  • 他说,我们受到阿肯色州报道的鼓舞,但是我们不想随声附和,于是我们便决定在靠近奥本的区域进行一些探索活动。
    We were inspired by the reports from Arkansas, he said, but we didn't want to follow the crowd, so we decided to search some areas closer to Auburn.

  • 你很害怕,不知道该说什么以及该怎么说,所以,为了避免引起任何争议,你很可能随声附和或者赞同任何正在谈论的内容。
    You're frightened of what to say and how to say it, so you pretty much agree or go along with everything that is being discussed in order to avoid ANY sort of controversy.

  • 我心中的白马王子不一定要白,但不要是白眼狼;不要与他人随声附和,要有自己的想法;不用只顺着我的意思,没事可以陪我吵吵架。
    I may not mind the frequent White, but is not Baiwenhang; Not with the others went along with this, have their own thoughts; not only along I mean, nothing can be noisy quarrel with me.

  • 随声附和造句相关
