
长篇累牍  cháng piān lěi dú








  • 国有媒体不停散播长篇累牍的谎言;
    the state media peddle packs of lies;

  • 她的有生之年尚多,长篇累牍并无妨害。
    With a lifetime before her, the length of books was no hindrance .

  • 传记作者会犯长篇累牍地膜拜选题的错误。
    Biographers make the mistake of spending too much time worshipping at the altar of their subjects.

  • 演讲长篇累牍
    Bad Habit #8 Speaking to long.

  • 一些经济学家认为这样的暴跌是必要的并为此长篇累牍
    Some economists have long argued that such a big drop was necessary.

  • 批评家们整本整本的书长篇累牍的来诠释格雷的“挽歌”。
    Critics have spent entire books interpreting Gray's "Elegy."

  • 但你未必会从印度媒体长篇累牍的报道中了解到这一事实。
    Not that you would necessarily know this from Indian media coverage of the saga.

  • 传记有时可为枯燥无味的发明,通常长篇累牍不厌其烦地泼墨于那些光辉篇章上。
    BIOGRAPHIES can be wearisome contrivances, often too long and too detailed for their own good.

  • 但如果再逼问到具体的准确的数字,我们只好将长篇累牍的计算过程打印稿奉上。
    But if we are pressed for details with actual numbers, we can do no more than dump a truckload of print outs showing all the arithmetic computations.

  • 一群人热诚地踏上旅途,对他们的旅行进行了长篇累牍的描写,并将详尽记述带回故乡。
    A range of individuals eagerly took to the road, writing extensively about their journeys and returning home with elaborate accounts.

  • 在他们眼中,奥巴马长篇累牍的盛赞中国所取得成就,并借机向其领导者阐明这个国家的不足;
    He preferred heaping praise on China's achievements to hectoring its leaders about its shortcomings.

  • 他们有长篇累牍的传说,史诗,以及关于英勇事迹,战争和冒险的历史;但这些都不为外人所共享。
    The dwarves have lengthy sagas, eddas, and histories concerning their deeds, wars, and adventures, but these are not shared with the outside world.

  • 在北京媒体持续几日长篇累牍的报道之后,11日,北京银行业协会毫无悬念地公布了银行欠贷客户的失信情况。
    sustained few days in Beijing lengthy media coverage, on the 11th, Beijing Banking Association announced banks Qiandai no apprehensively to lose customers.

  • 如果时隔一年依然听到他在长篇累牍并且原封不动地背诵那个“哦天呐,他在告诉我世界已经被铲平,世界是平的!”
    How do you think if after one year you can still hear that he repeatedly and invariably cites his representative phrase:"Oh My God! The world is flattened!"

  • 尽管如今设备再精密,但世界的本质却一如既往地捉摸不定,好像对同一事件,诗人的三言两语往往比记者的长篇累牍抢先直指要害。
    Scientific equipments might be increasingly accurate, but the nature of the world remains elusive. In some matters, a few lines from a poet might be more to the point than a reporter's long stories.

  • 为了给大家回答,我特此写下以下的这些文字。这些内容可能会对后来者也有所帮助,这样我就不用针对每一个问题来写长篇累牍的答案。
    I am writing this in response, partly so I can refer others to it in the future and not spend time on lengthy replies.

  • 优化商务局在全国范围内长篇累牍地报道各类投诉事件,这些投诉的对象包括承包商、汽车商、修理店、搬家公司、航空公司以及百货商店。
    Across the country, better business bureaus report a lengthening litany of complaints about contractors, car dealers, and repair shops, moving companies, airlines and department stores.

  • 不用怀疑,美东时间下午5点的时候,通用汽车和克莱斯勒会向你新组建的特别小组呈交数千页的商业计划,长篇累牍地证明它们将如何生存。
    And, no doubt at 5 p. m. EST, GM and Chrysler will hand thousands of pages of business plans 'proving a path to viability' to your new Presidential task force.

  • 有关英国电视媒体造假危机长篇累牍的评论----包括杰里米帕克斯曼最近所做的麦克塔格特纪念演说----暴露出英国媒体的一个阴暗面。
    The abundant commentary on British television's faking crises, including Jeremy Pitman's recent Mac Taggart Lecture, doesn't show British's media in the best light.

  • 对他来说大额的离婚赡养费只是毛毛雨,只是对其财富的略为修葺而已,约翰尼真正烦心的是——公众对他和第三任妻子离婚这事长篇累牍地八卦。
    That Johnny tried manfully is a matter of public record. Alimony apparently made mere dents, only enough to bruise; he had just divorced his third wife.

  • 长篇累牍造句相关
