
长篇大论  cháng piān dà lùn







  • 注意简明扼要, 反对长篇大论
    Be sure to make it clear and concise and avoid long-windedness.

  • 他对那件事长篇大论地解释起来。
    He went into a long explanation of the affair.

  • 我实在没有时间听你们长篇大论
    I really don't have time for a long conversation.

  • 他一有机会就长篇大论讲个没完。
    He gets on his soap-box at the first opportunity .

  • 他是个爱长篇大论的演讲者。
    He's a long -winded speaker.

  • 我的长篇大论是针对重庆整个的交通状况。
    My tirade is about the traffic conditions of Chongqing as a whole.

  • 那名喜剧演员来了段出口成「脏」的长篇大论
    The comedian delivered a profanity-laced monologue.

  • 他那长篇大论的核心是我们大家必须更努力地工作。
    The essence of his long speech is that we must all work harder .

  • 好了,我们继续吧,我不想坐在这里听你的长篇大论了。
    Jim: Ok, let's go on. I don't want to sit here and listen to your lengthy speech.

  • 他那长篇大论的“核心”是我们大家必须更努力地工作。
    The essence of his long speech was that we must all work harder.

  • 我写过一本书《资本经营论》,里面长篇大论地谈企业家。
    I wrote a book on the capital management, and go on entrepreneurs.

  • 长篇大论和缺乏交流是众多中国人学英语道路上的绊脚石。
    Long passages and lack of communication keep many Chinese from learning English.

  • 我不会用另一个长篇大论的故事来烦你了。我将尽量说得简短些。
    I won't bore you with another long story. I'll keep it short.

  • 我们在里沃利街的柱廊下拐弯时,他开始长篇大论地破口大骂法国。
    As we turned under the colonnade of the Rue de Rivoli he burst into a long diatribe against France.

  • 人们对雕刻界的评价同样也适用于绘画界,并且不需要长篇大论的论证。
    That what was said about sculpture also applies to painting needs no lengthy line of reasoning.

  • 可是交谈一提到他本人,他就长篇大论地说起来,明显地露出喜悦的神色。
    But as soon as the conversation concerned him personally, he began to talk at length and with visible satisfaction.

  • 沙拉喜欢文章式的,因为她喜欢长篇大论,而这种方式可让她自由地表达自己。
    Sarah is partial to essays. She is quite verbose and can express herself freely in this style.

  • 我最痛恨英语阅读,因为长篇大论。而且非常难懂,内容也不见得是自己喜欢的。
    I very hate english reading, because it is so long. It isn't only so difficulty for understanding, but also i don't like the content.

  • 为人风趣要有幽默感;不必斤斤计较,得理不饶人;更不必喋喋不休,长篇大论
    Be amusing; never tell unkind stories; above all, never tell long ones.

  • 网络用户最反感的就是长篇大论的网络广告,他们会以“溜之大吉”的态度对抗它。
    Internet users are getting tired of the hype and they are speaking out with their browser's back button.

  • 这类读者将对农村生命线的重要性、某种甜瓜和某种干酪皮的独特味道长篇大论一番。
    He will embark on a discourse on the importance of our rural lifeline, the unique taste of a certain melon and a certain cheese rind.

  • “为什么我应该聘用你?”同样,你不应长篇大论,而应提供有关你资历的扼要说明。
    "Why should I hire you " Once again you should not be long winded but you should provide a summary of your qualifications.

  • 我的英文教授,汤玛士先生长篇大论地讲授关于已作古的作家,令学生们感到无聊死了。
    My English professor, Mr. Thomas, would bore the pants off all his students by giving them long lectures about dead authors.

  • 今天我只想给你们讲三个我生活中的真实故事。仅此而已,没有什么长篇大论,就是三个故事。
    Today I want to tell you three stories from my life. That's it. No big deal. Just three stories.

  • 丘吉尔则长篇大论的演讲,很少关注他的译员,梅吉尔。阿瑟。H。伯尔斯,那位乐观而优秀的译员。
    Churchill was much too carried away by his own eloquence to pay attention to his pleasant and excellent interpreter, Major Arthur H. Birse.

  • 贺信与贺词有所不同,不要将贺信写成贺词。贺词内容篇幅长,而贺信要求简单短小,不宜长篇大论
    The letter of congratulations and the congratulation speech differ from, do not write the letter of congratulations the congratulation speech.

  • 他接下去又长篇大论地谈了罗马帝国的历史,谈了七年战争中普鲁士的历史,最后才回到当前的迫切问题。
    There followed a long dissertation on the history of Rome and of Prussia in the Seven Years' war. Finally he returned to the immediate problems at hand.

  • 此外,不通顺的遣词造句也可能就是一条电报密码,而包含数字和长篇大论谈论桥牌游戏的信件也有嫌疑。
    Clumsy or awkward phrases could be a sign that wordswerebeing forced to fit a code template. Lists of numbers andlongmessages about games of bridge also aroused suspicion.

  • 那种“返回信封”一般都是求职者自己贴上邮票的,招聘方也不愿意用长篇大论向失意的求职者进行解释。
    That so-called return envelope may not have been stamped by the sender, and a hard-pressed office manager may be reluctant to send off long letters of explanation to disappointed job-bunters.

  • 回想起我在密歇根州立大学的日子里,有时候演讲者的长篇大论竟成为许多人的催眠曲。因此我将尽量缩短我的讲话。
    So I will try to keep my message short, recalling from my own days at Michigan State University that the person who lectures is sometimes the one who talks in other people's sleep.

  • 长篇大论造句相关
