
长生不死  cháng shēng bū sǐ







  • 可没有东西长生不死
    Is there no such thing as immortality?

  • 实际上,精灵长生不死,虽然他们可以被杀死。
    Elves are, effectively, immortal, although they can be killed.

  • 还有谣传说她是长生不死的,拥有至高无上的权力。
    It was rumoured also that she was immortal , and had power over all things.

  • 亚拉冈:你说你愿意嫁给我,放弃精灵长生不死的力量。
    Aragorn: You said you'd bind yourself to me, forsaking the immortal life of your people.

  • 是的,他们可以长生不死,但他们并没有实现如此生命的机会。
    Yes, they might live forever, but they would never get the chance.

  • 若以长生不死为神,今日人人皆已成神,却又不以神仙为荣耀了。
    If immortals are gods, then everyone today has become a god, but they take no pride in being gods.

  • 与其抱怨不能令自己长生不死,倒不如好好令生命之旅程不枉一走。
    Instead of lamenting that we can not extend the length of our life, why not work on deepening the meaning of it?

  • 与其抱怨不能令自己长生不死,倒不如好好令生命之旅程不枉一走。
    Nothing could have hurt a person any more in his lifetime who is able to face death at any time without fear and regret.

  • 还有一个问题是:如果人们真的可以长生不死,他们真的想要这样吗?
    And then there& 39; s the question: if people really could live forever, would they really want to?

  • 必须指出,“生物-医学”上的长生不死与意识的长生不死是不同的。
    It should be pointed out that being immortal bio-medically is different from immortality of consciousness.

  • 但是,他们仍然怀有这样的希望:当他们控制了自然,他们将长生不死
    However, they have a hope that when they control nature, they can avoid death.

  • 葛洪曾受过儒家教育,而后对道教中追求形体长生不死的教派深感兴趣。
    He received a Confucian education but later became interested in the Taoist cult of physical immortality.

  • 它能把任何金属变成纯金,还能制造出长生不老药,喝了就能长生不死
    It can transform any metal into pure gold and produces the Elixir of Life which will make the drinker immortal.

  • 那个自称掌握长生不死法术的人自己先死了,又怎能保证您大王不死呢?
    That each calls him person that masters immortal not dead magic arts predecease, can you make sure your king is not dead how again?

  • 他的妻子嫦娥喝下他的不死灵药,好让后羿无法长生不死,延续他的暴政。
    His wife Chang E drank his elixir of immortality so that Hou Yi couldn't live forever and continue his evil ways.

  • 但是,新生命的诞生这一事实对于表明它们并非长生不死具有决定性作用。
    But the fact that new ones are born conclusively proves that they are not immortal.

  • 他偷了长生不死药,为了避免后翌长期残暴统治,妻子嫦娥先将此药喝下。
    Yi stole the elixir of life but to save the people from his tyrannical rule, his wife, Chang-E drank it.

  • 我发狂似的高声喊道:“幸福的民族啊,你的每一个孩子至少都有长生不死的机会!
    I cried out, as in a rapture, " Happy nation, where every child hath at least a chance for being immortal!"

  • 但这并不是说能够长生不死就能解决人类生活中可能出现的各种悲苦与磨难的事情。
    However it does mean to give those who wish to live on beyond their biological life a choice.

  • 如果一个藏匿的魂器会使他的身体免于死亡,伏地魔实现了他的愿望——他会“长生不死”。
    If a hidden Horcrux would save his body from death , voldemort would have his wish-he would be "immortal".

  • 维他命一共有26种,但是有些字母还没有用上。要找出所有种类的维他命的必须长生不死
    There are 26 vitamins20 in all, but some of the letters are yet to21 be discovered. Finding them all means living forever.

  • 对于他自己最后的继承人以及他那长生不死和统治世界的计划,斯莱特林会有什么样的感想呢?
    How would he feel about his last living descendent, and his plans for immortality and world domination?

  • 嫦娥却过不惯清苦的生活,乘后羿不在家的时候,偷吃了全部的长生不死药,奔逃到月亮里去了。
    The goddess of the moon does not spoil clear bitter life , after multiplying Yi not the time at home, have eaten all long livelihoods stealthily do not die medicine, run away moon in have gone.

  • 在神仙或长生不死的思想中,仙人所以异于凡人的根本特质不只是永生不死,而更是永达青春不老。
    In traditional thinking, celestial beings and immortals not only live a long time and do not die, but they also do not age and remain forever young.

  • 阿美:有啊。传说王母娘娘在天上有一些神奇的桃树。如果你吃了那些桃树上结出的桃子,你就能长生不死
    May : Yes. The Goddess is said to own some magical peach trees in heaven. If you eat peaches grown on those trees, you will never die.

  • 作为个体,我们不能自由决定自己的命运,我们是由习惯、遗传和环境因素所掌控的,个体的人格不会长生不死
    As individuals, we are not free to will our fate, but rather we are governed by the determinism of habit, heredity, and environmental events. The individual personality does not survive death.

  • 意识的长生不死,简单的说,就是尝试通过应用某种记录及再造或复制出同样头脑或意识的方法来确保意识的永存。
    In simple term, the immortality of consciousness is the attempt to achieve the ability to record &re-produce or clone the exact brain &consciousness through some means.

  • 对于长生不死的梦想,我是用生命科学课题的态度而不是神秘主义课题的态度来看待。希望我表达的意见是客观的。
    I have treated the Immortality dream as a life science topic rather than mysterious topic and hope that I have presented my opinion objectively.

  • 因为如果我们最终能以某种方法为每个人记录及再造或复制出同样的头脑或意识,意识的延续及长生不死就有可能了。
    One obvious way is to study human brains so that if we are able to find some ways to record &re-produce or clone the exact brain &consciousness, we might truly achieve immortality of consciousness.

  • 他偷了长生不死药,却被妻子嫦娥偷喝下,此后,嫦娥,这位在中秋节时少女们都要向之祈福的仙女的传说便流传开来。
    Yi stole the elixir of life, but his wife, Chang-E drank it. Thus started the legend of the lady in the moon to whom young Chinese girls would pray at the Mid-Autumn Festival.

  • 长生不死造句相关
