
锦绣河山  jǐn xiù hé shān








  • 三人面对锦绣河山,各有抱负,霍元甲认为“欲使国强,非得人人习武。”
    Faced with three beautiful rivers and mountains, each with its own vision, Fearless that "to save the country strong, all martial arts have to."

  • 河山人民热忱欢迎海内外各界朋友前来投资兴业,携手描绘新世纪的锦绣河山
    People of Heshan welcome friends both overseas and domestic to invest here, and create splendid Heshan of the new century.

  • 漓江,是中国锦绣河山的一颗明珠,是桂林风光的精华,早已闻名遐迩,著称于世。
    Lijiang is a land of China's splendid scenery in guilin, pearl essence, is already liaoyang, known to the world.

  • 当画家饱蘸浓墨奋力运笔,描绘出一帧帧祖国壮丽河山,歌颂社会主义锦绣前程之时;
    When struggling artist , a frame painted magnificent rivers and mountains of the motherland, sing the praises of socialism at the time of a bright future;

  • 正如AnselAdams所说(见《伟大的摄影者》214页,1971),他要表达的乃是“锦绣河山——心灵与想象的空间”之庄严。
    Ansel Adams's message was the grandeur of the "Big country— space for heart and imagination, " as he once said (Great Photogra­peers, 1971, p. 214).

  • 正如AnselAdams所说(见《伟大的摄影者》214页,1971),他要传达的信息乃是“锦绣河山,心灵与想象的空间”之庄严。
    Ansel Adams's message was the grandeur of the "Big country-space for heart and imagination, " as he once said (Great Photographers, 1971, p. 214).

  • 漓江国家森林公园、国家重点风景名胜区AAAAA级景区 漓江,是中国锦绣河山的一颗明珠,是桂林风光的精华,早已闻名遐迩,著称于世。
    Lijiang national forest park, the national key scenic area AAAAA levelLijiang is a land of China's splendid scenery in guilin, pearl essence, is already liaoyang, known to the world.

  • 锦绣河山造句相关
