
锐不可当  ruì bù kě dāng








  • 美 元在2009年初期锐不可当
    Early in 2009, the dollar appeared unstoppable.

  • 这支球队争取冠军的气势似锐不可当
    The team seems unstoppable in their drive for the championship.

  • 一旦获得新政,农村的发展势头将锐不可当
    Once the new policy, rural development Nothing can stop the momentum.

  • 1【虎虎生威★锐不可当】祝大家圣诞节快乐!
    I wish you all a Merry Christmas!

  • 那点锐不可当的残余也被歼灭了,羽林军覆没了。
    That formidable remnant had been annihilated; the Guard was dead.

  • 锐不可当的矛刺牢不可破的盾的结局可想而知的。
    It is impossible for an impenetrable shield to coexist with a spear that finds nothing impenetrable.

  • 我们已经因为伤病失去了曾经在边路上锐不可当的乔科尔。
    We are sorely missing Joe Cole who provides the flair that is so noticeably lacking elsewhere.

  • 土库曼枪骑兵装备锋利骑枪和狼牙棒,如怒涛狂涌,锐不可当
    Turkish heavy cavalry with lance and mace to deal punishment.

  • 这种印象固然一下就过去了,但是在那一刹那间是锐不可当的。
    It was an impression which vanished speedily, but which was irresistible at the moment.

  • 顶替受伤的出任首发接应,这位坚强斗士依旧锐不可当、处处发威。
    Replace injured as the first get-away, the fighter is still strong Nothing can stop every Fawei.

  • 这也从一个侧面反映了南派发展的产品功夫锐不可当,是北京发展商值得学习。
    This is a reflection of the development of products made by the South stop is Beijing developer worth learning.

  • 然而,45岁的桑尼尔相信,这一趋势锐不可当,而他的工作要求他顺应潮流,主动出击。
    But at 45, Mr Sannier believes the trend is inevitable, and his job requires him to get on top of it.

  • 近期尽管德国失去了作为中国最大出口商的地位,但其出口行业高歌猛进之势仍锐不可当
    Although Germany recently ceded its place as the world's biggest exporter to China, its exporting prowess remains undimmed.

  • 所以,让我们的策略与洞察锐不可当,因为没有它,在任何地方,都不能期望产出好的作品。
    So, get our strategies and insights pin sharp, because without that, you can't expect even the best creatives anywhere to produce anything good.

  • 那种锐不可当的方法,加上他的天才,便使战场上的这位沉郁的挥拳好汉在十五年中所向披靡。
    A redoubtable method, and one which, united with genius, rendered this gloomy athlete of the pugilism of war invincible for the space of fifteen years.

  • 迷你裙不但解放了女性的身体,也使象征着时装年轻化趋势的MINI风格锐不可当地风靡起来。
    Miniskirt not only the body that liberated a woman, also make indicative fashionable dress young the fashionable of ground of MINI style cannot be held back that turns a tide rises.

  • 而我,当然不愿低估你们的能力,漠视你们锐不可当的蓬勃英气,抹杀你们想征服人生的豪情与勇敢。
    And I certainly do not want to underestimate your ability, you Ruibukedang ignore the booming British Gas, denied the life you want to conquer the pride and bravery.

  • 他们无疑是决绝的,是怀着不惜一死的决心,锐不可当的勇气,在武汉成功地打响了辛亥革命第一枪。
    Without any doubt, they were faithful. And they were fearless to death. And they were successful – they made the first uprising, right here, in Wuhan.

  • 当人类为性欲所驱策时,想像力锐不可当,意志力坚忍不拔,勇气十足,创造力源源不绝,这些都是平时不可企及的。
    When driven by this desire, men develop keenness of imagination, courage, will-power, persistence, and creative ability unknown to them at other times.

  • 这实在是非常不幸的,特别是在这 当儿,全球性的经济造成世界一体化,只有多元的文化才能抗衡这锐不可当的现象。
    This is especially unfortunate at a time when cultural diversity is the only means to counteract the sweepingly homogenizing effect of economic globalization.

  • 到庙寺进香祈福在中国又重新蔚为锐不可当的风潮,原本信奉无神论的中国官员求神拜佛的现象日渐增多,连年轻人都一窝风涌到庙里求好成绩、好姻缘。
    Party officials who burn incense and pray for promotions bother many Party loyalists who espouse atheism. Going to the temple to pray for good fortune has returned with a vengeance to China.

  • 他说:“今天迈克尔(欧文)看上去十分锐不可当,所有的球员都是。想到他们中的大多数还在两天前参加了俱乐部的比赛,这一切便显得特别难能可贵了。”
    He said: "Michael looked extremely sharp today, all of the players did, especially considering that most of them played only two days ago for their clubs."

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