
锒铛入狱  láng kāng rù yù







  • 他因被指控贪污盗窃而锒铛入狱
    He was accused of graft and embezzlement and was chained and thrown into prison.

  • 例2。他因为盗用公司资金而锒铛入狱
    He was put into prison because of embezzlement of company funds.

  • 任何人都可能因调查敏感事情而锒铛入狱
    Anyone caught investigating sensitive matters faces jail.

  • 该股票经纪人因从事内线交易而锒铛入狱
    The stock broker was sent to jail for insider trading.

  • 这名女子因谋杀她当传教士的丈夫而锒铛入狱
    She is the woman who killed her preacher husband in Tennessee.

  • 如今他已因在伐木许可证弊案中获罪而锒铛入狱
    He is currently in jail convicted of corruption over logging concessions.

  • 但在中国,也有人由于做这种事情而锒铛入狱,甚至掉脑袋。
    But people also go to jail and get executed for doing this in China.

  • 学生时代的他因参加学校反希特勒的社团而锒铛入狱,曾被单独囚禁过。
    He was in prison and in solitary, sent there for being part of a schoolboys' anti-Hitler society.

  • 像摩托车汽车企业立帆集团董事长尹明善这样的人,甚至曾经锒铛入狱
    Some, such as Yin Mingshan, head of motorbike and car group Lifan, had even spent time in jail.

  • 这些年过的真不错,没有人驾鹤西去,没有人锒铛入狱,没有人肠肥肉满。
    The years have treated us well: no one died, went to jail, or got fat.

  • 弗兰克?斯坦顿将杀死自己未婚妻的醉酒司机杀死,最后,自己也锒铛入狱
    Frank, an auto mechanic, witnesses the love of his life's demise at the hands of a drunk driver.

  • 1923年当希特勒因穆尼黑起义而锒铛入狱后,她还为希特勒提供写作的纸笔。
    She had supplied Hitler with writing paper when he was imprisoned after the Munich putsch in 1923;

  • 结果导致政府的几个官员锒铛入狱以及美国历史上破天荒第一遭出现的总统辞职。
    As a result, several government officials in jail for the first time in U. S. history, as well as the first president to resign was emerging.

  • 最近几年里,不少中国富豪榜上名列前茅的巨头因被指控欺诈和贿赂而锒铛入狱
    In recent years the rankings of China's wealthiest have included several prominent tycoons who have later been jailed on fraud and corruption charges.

  • 富人们掏得起钱雇好的律师,让他们免受牢狱之苦。穷人们交不起钱,只能锒铛入狱
    Yeah, the rich can fork out that kind of money for a good lawyer and stay out of jail. The poor can't, and they end up in jail.

  • 一项特别法禁止未婚女性在周日跳伞,否则她将有被捕、被罚款和/或锒铛入狱之虞。
    A special law prohibits unmarried women from parachuting on Sunday or she shall risk arrest, fine, and/or jailing.

  • 还有曾经笑傲杂志封面的商业巨头们要么就受到美国国会委员会的传讯,要么就锒铛入狱
    Business titans who once graced the covers of magazines have been hauled before congressional committees or carted off to prison.

  • 他的哥哥也被证实犯有行贿罪而锒铛入狱,从那时起,卢武铉就开始等待检举人对他的指控。
    Since then Mr Roh, whose elder brother is in prison after being convicted of bribery, had been expecting prosecutors to bring charges.

  • 例如,中国药监局局长最近因收受贿赂被处以死刑,而上海委书记因盗用社保基金锒铛入狱
    For example, China's food safety chief was recently executed for taking payoffs, while the Communist party leader in Shanghai has been jailed for stealing pension funds.

  • 例如,中国药监局局长最近因收受贿赂被处以死刑,而上海市委书记因盗用社保基金锒铛入狱
    For example, China's food safety chief was recently executed for taking payoffs, while the Communist party leader in Shanghai has been jailed for stealing pension funds.

  • 《福布斯咒语》结局处,反面英雄北京房地产巨头冯石在帮助他的爱人姜青逃往国外后锒铛入狱
    By the end of "The Curse of Forbes, " our anti-hero Feng Shi, a Beijing real estate magnate, goes to prison after helping his love, Jiang Qing, flee the country.

  • 在最近一次访问华盛顿期间,我听到一些人表示,一旦开始算账,一些华尔街大佬都将锒铛入狱
    On a recent visit to Washington I heard several people say that when the reckoning is finally made some big Wall Street figures are going to end up in jail.

  • 胜利集团老总乔胜利的儿子乔晓东过生日,同一天生日的维修工刘成无意中带走了一份重礼,因此锒铛入狱
    Victory Group, the son of the victory of veterans Joe Qiao Xiaodong birthday, the birthday the same day, Liu maintenance man inadvertently took a heavy ceremony, did.

  • 按照伊朗法律,丈夫欠下彩礼,很有可能锒铛入狱。目前,争论围绕着是否应当根据丈夫的经济状况对此做适当调整。
    An Iranian man can end up in jail over dowry debts and there has been a judicial debate whether it should be adjusted according to the man's financial status.

  • 而在这儿,他非但没能找到他苦苦寻求的自由,反倒锒铛入狱,因为根据以色列法律规定,敌国的渗入者将受到监禁。
    Here, instead of finding the freedom he sought, he has spent a year in prison under an Israeli law that jails infiltrators from enemy countries.

  • 一个接一个的商业巨子,不是锒铛入狱,就是向权贵“朋友”求援,民众对政府官员猖獗的腐败行为现在已经变成了阶级仇恨。
    Public anger over rampant official corruption is now turning to class hatred as one tycoon after another ends up in prison or pleads for a bailout from friends in high places.

  • 清白的自己锒铛入狱,未婚妻则投入了仇人的怀抱,这一切彻底颠覆了爱德蒙的价值观和是非观念,改变了他对这个世界的看法。
    Own innocence in jail, his fiancee was put enemy"s arms, all this completely subverts the concept of Edmond"s values and right and wrong, changed his world view.

  • 卡西姆对阿拉法特和以色列都持强烈的反对态度,他还直言不讳地写文章支持建立一个自由的巴勒斯坦国,这使他数次锒铛入狱
    Qassem's stubborn opposition to both Arafat and Israel and his blunt writings advocating the establishment of a free Palestinian state have landed him in jail several times.

  • 凭着老天赐予的好厨艺,贫穷无依的诺纳多在异乡展开了快活人生,但无情命运却随之降临,一场注定悲剧收场的恋情,让他锒铛入狱
    With God-given good cooking, poor and lonely Nonat launched a multi-happy life in a foreign land, but has subsequently come merciless fate, a doomed romance ended in tragedy, let him in jail.

  • 我能想到最浪漫的事,就是和你去抢劫,在我们携款潜逃中,你不幸被捕,宁死不招,锒铛入狱,留我孤独黯然神伤,挥金如土度过余生。
    Iverson : "No matter what , just do not give up . Always believe that your dream can come true & just keep working for what you want to achieve ."

  • 锒铛入狱造句相关
