
多情善感  duō qíng shàn gǎn







  • 它打开了夜晚的善感多情之门,黑暗和虚幻。
    It opened doors to the sentiments and emotions of the night - dark and mythical.

  • 都说女子最多情善感,为何我的感情也是这般脆弱!
    All said the women are the most moonstruck , why am I also so brittle in the emotion?

  • 约翰.达什伍德先生不像家里其他人那样多情善感
    Mr. John Dashwood had not the strong feelings of the rest of the family;

  • 人生对于明哲善思得人来说是喜剧。对于多情善感的人来说是悲剧。
    Life is a comedy to him who thinks and a tragedy to him who feels.

  • 黛玉这个多情善感的女孩子,像一支柔嫩的小草在“风刀霜剑”凌逼之下枯槁了。
    Dai Yu, the sentimental girl likes a tender grass and declined under the "strong wind and storm".

  • 我说我但愿自己去年并未踏入伯父的府邸,我这话包含着较之任何多情善感远为庄严的意义。
    I say that I wish I had never entered my uncle's house during the last year; but I say it with a far more solemn meaning than any sentimental one.

  • 我不知道是因为自己善感还是多情,亦或是太急于抓紧幸福,生活总是如此跌荡起伏,难以平静。
    I do not know because of their sentimental or passionate, but also, or too eager to seize happiness, life is always so unconventional ups and downs, difficult to calm.

  • 你不必害怕我有什么从巴尔扎克或小仲马的小说里传染来的、荒唐可笑的、多情善感和傻里傻气的神魂颠倒。
    You have no sentimental nonsense, no silly infatuation, borrowed from Balzac, or Dumas fils, to fear from me.

  • 从帝国建之日起,英国人认为自己是不苟言笑的楷模而骄傲地取笑那些无克制表现的人为“多情善感[含贬义:疯疯癫癫]的异邦人”
    From the days of Empire, the British have always considered themselves models of reserve, proudly mocking "emotional foreigners " who show no restraint.

  • 那还不是一定要引起公园中各式各样的女性,狷介的,忧郁的,多情善感的青年女郎,对于他的美丽僵尸洒一掬同情之泪,至少要使她们的芳心跳动?
    Would it not bring every female in the park, all the shy, soulful , sentimental young girls, to weep tears of sympathy over his handsome dead body-or, at least, make their dear hearts beat faster?

  • 这种推动他们从一个女人到另一个女人的失望,又给他们曲感情多变找到了一种罗漫蒂克的借口,以至于不少多情善感的女人被他们的放纵追逐所感动。
    Thedisappointment that propels them from woman to woman gives their inconstancy a kind of romantic excuse, so that many sentimental women are touched by their unbridled philandering.

  • 此外,一个新来的讲师,一个名叫旺达的年轻妇人,引起了哈本的注意,她谈吐含糊,胸部平坦,两眼水汪汪的,不知是由于多情善感,还是由于羞怯…
    And a new lecturer, a young woman named Wanda, attracted Hubben's eye: vague in her speech, flat-chested, her eyes watery with emotion or shyness…

  • 这我曾经说过得,既然你不信,那你试试吧,我是一个报复心理很强得人,不要试图挑战我得报复,你承受不起,同时也没有人可以承受得起,我的确是一个多情善感得人,但同时也存在无情得一面。
    Why she had to go, I don´t know, She wouldn´t say. Oh I said some things wrong, Now I long for yesterday. YesterdayLove was such an easy game to play. Now I need a place to hide away.

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