
钢筋铁骨  gāng jīng tiě gǔ






  • 他有一副钢筋铁骨
    He has an iron constitution.

  • 当然。难道青年球员以钢筋铁骨或脾气温和而闻名?显然不切实际。
    Sure. It's not like teenagers don't hurt themselves or are famous for having a calm temperament.

  • 供奉的乃是道教鼻祖、曾将孙悟空炼成钢筋铁骨、火眼金晴的太上老君。
    Is dedicated to the founder of Taoism, had reinforced the Monkey King Lianchengtie gu , fire eyes clear of Taishang Senior Gold.

  • 美国旧金山湾几年后将矗立起一座新海湾大桥,这座桥梁的“钢筋铁骨”来自上海。
    San Francisco Bay a few years after the United States erected a new Bay Bridge, the bridge's "steel-boned" from Shanghai.

  • 有些人担心,军队眼下已是王室镀金表面背后的钢筋铁骨,王室弱化后留下的真空会为军方所乘。
    Some fear that the power vacuum left by an enfeebled monarchy will be filled by the army, which is already the steel behind the palace's gilded facade.

  • 在北京,作为城市“钢筋铁骨”的轨道交通体系,对缓解城市道路交通的压力和对城市发展带来的影响都不容小视。
    In Beijing, as a city, "reinforced steel" rail transportation system to ease traffic pressure on urban roads and the impact of urban development is not overlooked.

  • 智能化的组件和钢筋铁骨的结实外体都相当重要。谢谢灵活度更高的加工技术没有停留于过去,许多外观内在都改变了很多。
    Intelligent components, however, also play a crucial role in the more tangible "iron and steel" exhibits: thanks to smart process engineering, nothing is ever going to be the same again.

  • 他在宣言中写到:“工业世界中的各国政府,你们这些钢筋铁骨却疲惫不堪的巨人们啊,我从精神世界的新家园,数码空间而来。
    "Governments of the industrial world, you weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from cyberspace, the new home of mind, " he thundered.

  • 我驾车从横跨东河的,钢筋铁骨的,带花边的大桥上穿过。看到这全新的、令人震惊的景象,我更为人脑的威力和独创性所震撼。繁忙的船只在河上穿行,发出“突突”的声音。
    I drive across the lacy structure of steel which spans the East River, and I get a new and startling vision of the power and ingenuity of the mind of man.

  • 钢筋铁骨造句相关
