
朗朗乾坤  lǎng lǎng qián kūn







  • 顾客:光天化日、朗朗乾坤,你心太黑!
    Customer:In broad daylight, the universe of Lang Lang, your heart be too black!

  • 揭露一切欺骗与虚伪行为,还世间以朗朗乾坤
    Expose all deceitful and hypocritical behavior, restore balance in the world;

  • 青花瓷的气质大方内敛,精心勾勒出来的传统纹样里,一派青白豁达的朗朗乾坤
    The temperament of blue and white porcelain is easy inside collect, in the traditional lines shape that outlines meticulously, send pale and open-minded bright heaven and earth.

  • 也相信,随着事情真相的渐渐浮出水面,朗朗乾坤之下,容不得那种权力淫威肆意恶为。
    Also believe that the truth of the matter with the gradually surfaced, reciting universe, which does not allow power to leverage wanton evil.

  • 所以,在这个虚拟场景中,各部分之间的关系就跟新英格兰的朗朗乾坤一样真实,不过,特写镜头中的树叶细节是不会漏画的。
    The relationship between all the parts is as real as a New England day, although the lack of details in the leaves wouldn't work in close-up.

  • 目前,人们普遍认为他有可能在2012年中央政治局(中国的最高权力组织)常委的换届中成为新一任常委。薄熙来坚持认为:他的目标就是使重庆变成朗朗乾坤
    Now he is widely thought to be in line for a possible promotion to the Politburo's standing committee, China's top ruling body, when it is reconfigured in 2012.

  • 所以,在这个虚拟场景中,所有的部分,它们之间的关系就跟新英格兰的朗朗乾坤一样真实——虽说如果拉近了放在特写镜头里看,那些树叶因为欠缺一些细节所以会露馅。
    The relationship between all the parts is as real as a New England day, although the lack of details in the leaves wouldn't work in close-up.

  • 朗朗乾坤造句相关
