
里应外合  lǐ yīng wài hé








  • 第四节,吉林队凭借双外援里应外合不断得分。
    Section IV, Jilin team by virtue of scoring double foreign aid Liyingwaihe constantly.

  • 新形势下增加农民收入必须要“内”“外”兼顾,“里应外合”。
    The Govemment and the farmers must collaborate to increase the farmers' incomes under the new situation.

  • 1947年2月初,只身打入匪穴,里应外合,活捉了匪首“座山雕”。
    Early February 1947, Point alone into the gang, Liyingwaihe, captured Feishou "Zuo Shandiao."

  • 四次的“里应外合”,陈永隆等人共从芳村建行获得贷款4081万元。
    Four "collaborate from outside with the inside, " Chen Yonglong, and others were built to obtain loans from Fangcun 4081 million.

  • 赵襄子用唇亡齿寒的道理说服韩、魏,里应外合,共灭智氏,瓜分其地。
    Zhao Xiangzi truth have become so used to persuade Han, Wei, Liyingwaihe of anti-Chi's, to carve up the land.

  • 这样,汪精卫派和国民党的反共顽固派两家里应外合,把时局闹得乌烟瘴气了。
    Thus, the Wang Ching-wei clique and the anti-Communist die-hards in the Kuomintang have been working in collusion, one from without and the other from within, and have created pandemonium.

  • 他是一个有著极为出色的低位进攻技术的球员,而且他很乐意做里应外合的工作。
    He is a player who's at his best offensively down low, and prefers to work from the inside-out.

  • 范蠡甚至安排心爱的西施潜伏在吴王身边,希望里应外合,协助越王一举灭了夫差。
    To that end, Fanli arranged his lover Xishi to be consort of the Wu King.

  • 我想了一个晚上,终于想出了一个主意,那就是和白烟同寝室的女同学赵敏里应外合,偷出磁带。
    I would like a night, finally came up with an idea, that is, and the white bedroom with the female students Liyingwaige Zhao, stealing a tape.

  • 只有里应外合,同时争取达到内部与外部的有效治理,才能真正实现政府和非政府组织的双重善治。
    Only collaborate from within with forces from outside, can the two-side governance of the government and the non-governmental organizations realize their good governance.

  • 当到了这一年的中秋节,大家都打开月饼,发现夹在月饼里面的消息,让他们在城内起义以里应外合
    When the time for the year's Chung Chiu festival arrived, people opened their cakes and found hidden messages advising them to coordinate their uprising with the troops outside.

  • 公孙瓒认为稳操胜劵:因此派遣人送信与其子,约定“刻其兵至,举火为应”打算里应外合,夹攻袁军。
    Gong Sunzan that takes up some wins Securities: So who send their son messenger, agreed, "carved his Bingzhi, should be cited for the fire, " intend Liyingwaihe, Yuan attacked.

  • 被告利用他们在公司里的内部渠道得到了这些敏感信息,这与偷盗团伙里应外合盗窃银行金库没什么两样。
    The defendants took advantage of an insider's access to sensitive information in much the same way that a gang of thieves might get the combination to the bank vault from an insider.

  • 与此同时,他又在管委会内部积极活动,大做工作,里应外合,排挤、诋毁原管理公司和其他有实力的管理公司。
    At the same time, he is also active within the CMC, the work done, collaborate from outside with the inside, out, slander original management companies and other powerful management companies.

  • 当部队攻打岗楼时,他设法在里面放火,发挥了很好的配合作用,最终里应外合,全歼敌人,救出了老钟叔,也替奶奶报了仇。
    When the army, he managed to GangLou against fire inside, played a very good coordination function, and finally LiYingWaiGe enemy, saved the old inf regt ZhongShu, also took vengeance for grandma.

  • 新疆和平解放后,“东突”势力并不甘心失败。极少数逃到国外的新疆分裂分子和在境内的分裂分子里应外合,在国际反华势力的支持下伺机从事分裂破坏活动。
    After the peace salvation, the XX power don't want to admit the fail. some Xinjiang XX abroad take splitting activities along with those in backed by the international anti-China power.

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