
酒足饭饱  jiǔ zú fàn bǎo







  • 亲爱的朋友,我相信你们都已酒足饭饱
    I trust you have eaten and drunk your fill, my dear friends.

  • 酒足饭饱后他说:“现在我要工作啦。”
    When he was satisfied he said, "Now I will get to work."

  • 小比利吃了又吃,直到酒足饭饱才罢休。
    Little Billy ate and ate until he was as full as a tick.

  • 他今天下午不是在这儿吃得酒足饭饱吗?
    Wasn't he in here this afternoon and as full as a tick?

  • 酒足饭饱后,与谋杀,狂派就查新的敌人。
    Having sated with murders, the maniac sends on searches of new enemies.

  • 享用了那顿丰盛的美餐之后,我们都酒足饭饱了。
    After the excellent meal, we were satiated with food and drink.

  • 最后白馍大肉,尽兴享用,酒足饭饱,送亲客寒喧话别。
    Finally, large white steamed meat, enjoy access to, Jiuzufanbao, chatted good-bye to send pro-customer.

  • 酒足饭饱之后,我回到房间睡觉,要回到正常的比赛节奏。
    I got back to the room, went to sleep and already got into match rhythm.

  • 下战书3时左右,一桌人酒足饭饱,就在2楼叫老板上来买单。
    Down the gauntlet 3 around a table were fond, on the 2nd floor called the boss pay up.

  • 毫无证据表明他们酒足饭饱后认真地对待了顾问委员会的意见。
    There is no evidence that advisory councils have ever been taken seriously, after their wining and dining was done.

  • 酒足饭饱后,他又扯着公鸡嗓子,一曲接一曲地唱开了卡拉OK。
    After wine full meal is full, he is having cock voice again, one received a ground to sing card to pull OK.

  • 酒足饭饱,玩乐尽兴后,除去看夜戏的人外,多数开始赶车回城。
    Jiuzufanbao and so on, enjoy having fun, to remove people who look at the night show, drove back to the beginning of most of the city.

  • 在所有的与会人士酒足饭饱之馀,祐生团队并没有忘记身上的任务。
    Though everyone ate and drank well at the dinner, Archilife members never forgot their mission.

  • 由被动接受吃请到主动出入高档酒店,酒足饭饱之后还要洗桑拿、泡舞厅;
    Eat invited to the passive acceptance of the initiative by access high-grade hotels, banquet after we wash board, foam dance;

  • 餐厅进餐后30分钟。餐厅进餐后,酒足饭饱,精神焕发,情感的需求加大。
    The restaurant have meal 30 minutes are behind. Restaurant after have meal, wined and dined to satiety, in high spirits, the need enlargement of the emotion.

  • 当时,酒足饭饱后,柯某叫林某回家,林某说她要去公园散步,让他自己先回去。
    At that time, Jiuzufanbao, Kemou Lin called home, Lin said that she go to the park for a walk and let him go back to their own.

  • 酒足饭饱后,可乘1路车返回玄武湖,到湖边散散步,就安安美美地在美景中进入梦乡。
    After the dinner, we will return to the Xuanwu Lakroad by No. 1 bus and take a walk to the lake; we will go to sleep with the beautiful landscape.

  • 他们放火烧了全城,把酒足饭饱正在酣睡的特洛伊人一一杀掉。特洛伊城终于全城陷落了。
    The city was set on fire, the people, overcome with feasting and sleep, put to the sword, and Troy completely subdued.

  • 酒足饭饱了,伴着风声,还有不知道什么鸟叫声,大家进入梦乡。奇怪,怎么就我没做梦呢。
    Satiated with wind, still do not know what the birds, you enter the dreamland.

  • 还有那些早早来到婚宴大快朵颐酒足饭饱后在即将离席之时却质疑宴会是否符合了法规规定的人?
    And of him who comes early to the wedding-feast, and when over-fed and tired goes his way saying that all feasts are violation and all feasters lawbreakers?

  • 图五:小赵:作为他的死党和下级,我不知道怎么拒绝他这个无礼的请求,特别是在酒足饭饱之后。
    Fig5. Xiaozhao:As his close friend and subordinate, I can't refuse his ridiculous request after the free dinner.

  • 刚上班那阵儿,到很远的地方出差,第一次请人吃饭,酒足饭饱之后,我问服务员,有卫生巾没有?
    Just go to work Nazhen children to travel long distances for the first time were invited to eat, Jiuzufanbao, I asked the waiter, there is no sanitary napkins?

  • N年前,由广东进京开发的某地产商在酒足饭饱之后,曾经一脸窃笑地对我说:在北京赚钱真是爽呆啦!
    N years ago, the Guangdong go to the capital in the development of a banquet after the developers have to look identical to me : making money really open day in Beijing!

  • 酒足饭饱服务员微笑着把我们送到门口,问我们感觉怎么样?大家异口同声说山好,水好,饭好,人更好!
    After the meal, the waitress sent us to the gate, asked about our feelings?We unanimously said "The mountain is good, water is good, rice is good, people are better! ""

  • 话说一日歇洛克福尔摩斯和华生郊外野营,酒足饭饱之余在帐中躺下呼呼,一觉醒来只见月已西斜,星斗满天。
    Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson went on a camping trip. After a good meal and a bottle of wine they lay down for the night, and went to sleep.

  • 《话说陆桥》缘起新春长假,喜得闲暇,不免寻访亲友,聚会同学。酒足饭饱,茶余烟后,自然又不免神聊海侃,地北天南。
    Bao of wine sufficient Fan, after tea beyond smoke, natural You does not avoid Shen Liao Haikan, south De Bei Tian.

  • 三个兴致高昂的女生,酒足饭饱之后就在计划下一个节目,当然是去听爵士乐了,还有比上海最老牌的棉花俱乐部更合适的地方吗?
    Where should we go next? Wondered the hyper girls. Of course  the most famous live Jazz bar in Shanghai - Cotton's Club.

  • 这是一个让所有中国人都引以为耻的故事:一个长年酒足饭饱的大户人家的主人自觉雍容大度地款待远道而来的朋友,就像以往一样不乏善意和倨傲。
    A story made Chinese shameful was that: the host from a rich family entertained friends , but these guests weren't weak and showed their richness and arbitrariness.

  • 埃尔特曼教授多年来密切追踪此类金融“垃圾”,他认为现今“近乎颠狂”的市场是历史上从未有过的,并指出酒足饭饱的日子必将以杯盘狼藉而收场。
    Mr Altman, who has spent many years tracking financial junk, says he has never seen anything like today's market. His diagnosis: "almost insane". The "glut" will surely end dramatically, he says.

  • 爵士乐、探戈、拉丁美洲音乐及演歌的个人聆听心得分享。台北的现场爵士表演资讯。杂食性读书心得,还有酒足饭饱之后的碎碎念。当然戴著耳机在世界的角落乱晃才是正经事。
    Some personal opinion about Tango, Jazz, Latin, Afro-Cuba and Enka music. Taipei's Jazz Live performance information sharing. Some reading digests, food, wine, sake, spirit and travel comments.

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