
酒酣耳热  jiǔ hān ěr rè








  • 一天,酒酣耳热之后,军阀显得很开心。
    One day, warmed with wine, the warlords is very fun.

  • 祸哉,那些早晨一起来即追求烈酒,留连至深夜,饮至酒酣耳热的人!
    Woe to you that rise up early in the morning to follow drunkenness, and to drink till the evening, to be inflamed with wine.

  • 祸哉,那些早晨一起来即追求烈酒,留连至深夜,饮至酒酣耳热的人!
    Woe to those who rise early in the morning to run after strong drink, and tarry late in the evening till they are inflamed with wine.

  • 两月前,林方参加大学老友的聚会,酒酣耳热之际,大家对瓶畅饮起来。
    Two months ago, lin Fang attends the party of university lad, during side of wine to one's heart's content is hot, everybody twin vases carouse rises.

  • 在盛大的庆贺晚宴上,张冲喝了很多酒,酒酣耳热之时,当着很多人的面说:“看到了吧?
    In the celebration, after drinking some wine, zhang chong said had you seen, the company was really in need of me, I would win more if being promoted.

  • 我们政府,在如同警察国家的武装保护里,自我陶醉于「历史性仪式」的想像、与酒酣耳热的轮番大宴中。
    The Taiwanese government was intoxicated by this occasion of historical significance accompanied by continuous grand banquets under the guard of the police state.

  • 以我们的经验,许多国人以美食助兴,每每在满盘佳肴前笑逐颜开,于是酒酣耳热之际,许多原本难办的事情就迎刃而解了。
    As for our experience, it is right that our people can solve many difficulties as they are at table with delicious food and drunk.

  • 这话有一定的道理。 以我们的经验,许多国人以美食助兴,每每在满盘佳肴前笑逐颜开,于是酒酣耳热之际,许多原本难办的事情就迎刃而解。
    This is true to certain extent. According to our experiences, many Chinese people beam with plateful delicious dishes, and with which , many difficult things can be solved easily.

  • 酒酣耳热造句相关
