
逝者如斯  shì zhě rú sī







  • 子在川上曰:「逝者如斯夫!不舍昼夜。」
    Confucius on top of river, says: "flow advance like water! Regardless of day & night! ""

  • 逝者如斯,不舍昼夜,时光如梭,人生苦短。
    Time Passes Quickly, around the clock, time Rusuo, life is hard and short.

  • 逝者如斯,希腊人使用星座的方式也在变化。
    Over time, the way the Greeks used the constellations changed.

  • 逝者如斯,如果有再来一次的机会,你会怎么做?
    What if you had a second chance with the one that got away?

  • 逝者如斯夫,现代精神病学的精神病诊断手册已经被修订。
    The diagnostic handbooks of modern psychiatry have repeatedly been revised over the last years.

  • 可是,谁站在岁月的河流上轻轻的一句,“逝者如斯夫,不分昼夜。”
    However, who stood on the years of a river gently, "lost time is never round the clock."

  • 逝者如斯,昨日不再,生命不再,求生的本能唤醒我们热爱生命,珍惜生活。
    Time Passes Quickly, not yesterday, not life, survival instincts awaken our love life, cherish life.

  • 逝者如斯,而人们现在最关注的是,瞬间夺走了这些生命的真实原因究竟是什么?
    sight, and is now most concerned about is that the instant claimed the lives of what is the real reason?

  • 孔子站在岸边望着滚滚东逝水,发出逝者如斯乎的感叹,这也表现出他对人生必死的无可奈何
    Confucius stood looking at the shore eastward PASSING issued lament lost time is never peace, which also showed his mortal life, do nothing.

  • 看到突然变白的槐树,我想了2500年前的孔子。他站在河边,捋着白白的胡须,感叹道,逝者如斯
    At the white locust, I thought of a scene happening over 2500 years ago. Confucius stood by and river and, stroking his white beard, said, "Time elapses like this running water. ""

  • 两千年前,一位哲人立于河边,面对奔流不息的河水,想起逝去的时间于事物,发出了一个千古流传的感叹:逝者如斯夫。
    Two thousand years ago, a philosopher, an river, in the face of endless torrents of water, think of time passing things through the issue of the spread of a sigh: Time Passes Quickly husband.

  • 子在川上曰,逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜。过去的不会再来,仅留下照片、日记和书信,作为回忆的凭据,时常翻看,倍感快乐。
    Those gone with the wind will never return. What's left is the photos, dairy s and letters, as the evidence for memory.

  • 逝者如斯,当一切被命名之时,我们希望,至少在现实层面,彰显一种对于死亡的关注;在日常生活中,昭示一种对于生命的关怀。
    Of such a evanescent, when all was named the time, we hope, at least in practical level, the highlight for the death of a concern in daily life, has demonstrated a concern for the life.

  • 逝者如斯夫,无法挽回的是无情的似水流年,回首之间生命中最华彩的二十年已飘然而逝;深情难忘怀,时时萦绕的是款款的同学情谊,不经意时人到中年有多少美好回忆需相互分享。
    The affection is difficult to dismiss from mind, it is the schoolmate friendship that lingering around us at time, and when we are in the middle age, how many happy recollection must mutually share.

  • 日子过得总是很快。 自从毕业后就一直有这种“逝者如斯夫”的感觉。 有时候有一种冲动, 想把时间挽留住。 可是太晚了, 也不可能。 这是不可能的事情。 过去的就已经过去了。 还是认真对待将来吧。
    Time goes always so fast. I really want to keep the time. Don't want to let the time go away. If i can live again, i will live another style of life. But i cannot. So i should do well in future.

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