
通力合作  tōng lì hé zuò








  • 这是通力合作和民主作风的大发扬。
    This was cooperation and democracy at their best.

  • 唯有通力合作??我们才能…。
    Only with combined efforts, can we ….

  • 我们必须通力合作解决气候变化问题。
    We must all work together to address climate change.

  • 唯有通力合作¸我们能力…。
    Only with combined efforts, can we ….

  • 我们保证与你方通力合作
    We assure you of our close cooperation.

  • 要对任何新的报价和目标业务通力合作
    We should work together on any new quotationstargeted business.

  • 这个项目的成功主要是大家通力合作的结果。
    The success of the project was largely the result of good teamwork.

  • 在不同环境工作条件下与别人通力合作的能力;
    Ability to work effectively with other people in diverse environments.

  • 此外,科学家及工程师需通力合作开发新能源。
    Besides, scientists and engineers should work together to develop new sources of energy today.

  • 如果我们能像团队一样通力合作任何困难都能克服。
    We can overcome any obstacle if we work as a team.

  • 在这一大背景之下,我们看到了通力合作带来的动力。
    Against this backdrop we have seen the spirit of co-operation gaining momentum.

  • 美国经济的前途有赖于政府、工会和资方更加通力合作
    America's economic future depends upon increased cooperation among government, union , and management.

  • 例∶唯有通力合作,我们才能期望中国台湾不久有新的面貌。
    Only with combined efforts, can we expect Taiwan to take a new face in due course.

  • 例︰唯有通力合作?咱们才能期望台湾高雄不久有新的面貌。
    Only with combined efforts, can we expect Taiwan to get a new expression in due course.

  • 那我们怎样形成联盟呢?B:我们要对任何新的报价和目标业务通力合作
    How do we form an alliance? B: We should work together on any new quotations and targeted business.

  • 他们必须和来自不同文化和国家的人们共处,为实现共同的目标而通力合作
    They must coexist with people of different cultures and nations and cooperate together to achieve a common goal.

  • 这种既维持竞争又保持通力合作的关系与精神,实在是值得我们深思及赞许的。
    It is worth our reflecting and emulating to this kind of relation of both competition and cooperation.

  • 他们通力合作与承保人谈判,但并不投资入股,也不能很好地协调好病人的护理工作。
    They join forces to negotiate with insurers, but not to share investment or co-ordinate patient care adequately.

  • 与中国最大的水产品加工和出口企业通力合作,经营销售“恒兴恒”冷冻鱼虾系列产品。
    And China's largest aquatic product processing and export of co-operation of enterprises, business sales, "Hengxing constant" frozen fish and shrimp products.

  • “顽皮的钉子”,集合了大家的智慧,精细操作,通过通力合作,在短时间内完成了任务。
    "Naughty Nails", which collect our wisdom together, we cooperate with each other, finally finish the task in the short time.

  • 我有绝对的信心,此次会议将反映出大家巨大的共识,即:需要通力合作解决这些经济问题。
    I am absolutely confident that this meeting will reflect enormous consensus about the need to work in concert to deal with these problems.

  • 这些教育活动的目的是围绕客户的要求,通常都是紧密合作,与客户的工作人员的通力合作
    These educational activities are designed around the requirements of the client and are often created in close co-operation with the client's staff.

  • 如果澳洲人可以通力合作拯救这种特别的动物,那么人类也应该能够避免所有其他动物的灭亡。
    If Australians could cooperate to save this special species, mankind should be able to prevent the extinction of all other animals, too.

  • 基因剔除鼠用于一般性研究和新治疗方法的发展。在未来几年的目标是世界通力合作使之作用于所有的基因。
    Knockout mice are used for general research and for the development of new treatments. International efforts aim to make them available in the near future for all genes.

  • 除掉政治上的考虑因素,我真的是对老布什总统有好感,对他和白宫与我在教育问题上的通力合作心存感激。
    Beyond the political considerations, I genuinely liked President Bush and appreciated the way he and his White House had worked with me on education.

  • 他认为政府和执政党应该在一位强有力的首先的领导下通力合作,而由“党鞭”(议会内的政党纪律主管)约束普通议员。
    He believes the government and ruling party should work together under a strong prime minister, with backbenchers kept in line by a party whip.

  • 一英国智囊团在一报告中指出说,作为世界最大的单一市场的欧盟和经济发展最快的中国可在气候变化和能源方面通力合作
    A report by a UK think-tank says the world's largest single market and the fastest growing economy can collaborate effectively on climate and energy security.

  • 他们承诺,通力合作创建一个牢固和稳定的金融系统,在战略安全事务方面展开更坦诚的对话,首要的是北朝鲜的核计划和伊朗问题。
    They pledged to work jointly to build a strong and stable financial system and to speak more candidly about strategic security issues, chiefly the nuclear programs of North Korea and Iran.

  • 知识和科学的发展已提供了这样一个国际舞台,在这舞台上男人们和女人们为所有人类的更美满的生活通力合作,为人类自由做贡献。
    The advancement of knowledge and science defines one such global arena where men and women can work together to contribute to human freedom in its fullest sense of a better life for all humanity.

  • 中国和日本正在通力合作解开食品污染的谜团,河北一个省级质量办公室说,通过调查已经排除了生产和运输过程中出现问题的可能性。
    China and Japan are working together to solve the food poisoning mystery. A provincial quality official in Hebei says investigation has just about ruled out problems in production and transportation.

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