
适得其反  shì dé qí fǎn







  • 其结果必然不会像他们所一厢情愿的那样, 而只能适得其反
    The result will definitely turn out to be just the opposite of their wish.

  • 事实上,那样做的效果可能适得其反
    In fact, it might have just the opposite effect.

  • 然而适得其反,曾芮竟然以死相逼,家里陷入混乱。
    Counterproductive, however, had forcibly imposed Rui even death, the family into chaos.

  • 然仍,知道目前,奥巴马令人惋惜的推销术适得其反
    So far, though, Mr Obama's lamentable salesmanship has pushed harder the other way.

  • 对我来说,有太多的时间来处理问题看来会适得其反
    For me, having too much time to handle problems seems to trip me up.

  • 其结果必然不会像他们所一厢情愿的那样,而只能适得其反
    The result will definitely turn out to be just the opposite of their wish.

  • 试图阻止注定的命运,经常会适得其反;(命中注定,无法阻止)
    One often meets its destiny on the road, it takes to avoid it.

  • 我们竭尽全力想让我们的儿女们过得更好,而结果却是适得其反
    We tried so hard to make things better for our kids that we made them worse.

  • 本来是盼着它快点长大,可是现在却适得其反,真让人感到郁闷。
    It would have been looking forward to grow up quickly, but now is just the opposite, I feel depressed.

  • 为防范少数几个人,把所有的工作人员都当做白痴,这显然适得其反
    It is obviously counterproductive to treat workers like idiots to protect against those few who are.

  • 不过事实上却适得其反,缘故是第二种人还有希望,第一种人只有回忆。
    But may be just the opposite in fact, is the second reason why people still hope that the first person only memories.

  • 告诉大家吸烟害人并且试图放大令人厌恶的图片的恐怖性只能适得其反
    The combination of telling individuals that tobacco kills you and trying to intensify that fear with disgust-evoking images backfires.

  • 我遇事慌张,从不冷静的对待,这样的处事方式导致了适得其反的结果。
    I always deal with things with panic and never calm down to face them, which directs me to the contrary ending.

  • 不过事实上却适得其反,缘故是第二种人还有希望,第一种人只有回忆。
    But just the opposite in fact, is the second person because there is hope that people only remember the first.

  • 为了缩小这种适得其反的变大,我们将谈谈第二种RLE编码方法的变体。
    However, to help reduce this horrendous expansion of size, we go to the next variant of RLE coding.

  • 尽管有相反的主张,但是大家都知道体罚在多数情况下产生适得其反的效果。
    In spite of claims to the contrary , it is common knowledge that corporal punishment most often has the exact opposite affect intended .

  • 过于剧烈的运动只会适得其反,因为它会影响身体从脂肪细胞获取能量的能力。
    Exercising too intensely can actually work against you by interfering with the body's ability to pull energy from fat cells.

  • 所以,这十种大法是灵活运用,切勿学到一个就当作珍宝,没准还会适得其反
    Therefore, it is the flexibility in the use of dozens of law, not to learn on as a treasure, perhaps even counter-productive.

  • 给自己太多压力,要求自己马上找到完美的职业,只会适得其反,因此不要有紧迫感。
    Putting pressure on yourself to find the perfect career right now will not make it happen any faster, so remove the sense of urgency.

  • 那些虔诚的说法说考试能测定你所知道的东西,但其结果是适得其反,这是众所周之的常识。
    For all the pious claim that examinations test what you know, it is common knowledge that they more often do the exact opposite.

  • 但这种善意的计划可能会适得其反,如果最终有利于计算机记录系统,到现在已经是一个失败。
    But this well-intentioned plan could backfire if it ends up favoring computerized record systems that have until now been a failure.

  • 药物对我们的身体健康是有利的,但是如果它在治病过程中污染了供水系统,那么就会适得其反
    It's well and good if our drugs keep us healthy — but not if they make the water supply sick in the process.

  • 但是必须反对不问一切理由的绝对平均主义,因为这不是斗争的需要,适得其反,是于斗争有妨碍的。
    But absolute equalitarianism beyond reason must be opposed because it is not required by the struggle; on the contrary, it hinders the struggle.

  • 由于美国的封锁已告无效并适得其反,欧洲和拉美国家的“敦促”已不大可能对哈瓦那产生多少压力。
    Just as the American embargo has been futile and counterproductive, there is no evidence that "engagement" by Europeans or Latin Americans has much impact in Havana.

  • 这个清单上的每一个项目理应让男人们眼前一亮。但奇怪的是,《魅力》的专栏作家杰克说,结果可能适得其反
    Every item on this list is supposed to turn men on. Weirdly enough, says Glamour's relationship columnist Jake, they may do just the opposite.

  • 这种家教方式在20世纪后半期时使用得较少了,今天通常被认为会适得其反,甚至被当作一种虐待孩子的形式。
    This type of parenting became less popular in the latter half of the20 th Century and today is often regarded as counter productive and even a form of child abuse.

  • 一位联合国资深官员透露,联合国的缉毒行动适得其反,并没有阻止那些给各个国家造成不稳定因素的强大团伙的发展。
    A senior UN official says the organization's anti-narcotics drive has backfired and failed to stop the growth of powerful gangs that are destabilizing countries.

  • 为了表现得人性化,我需要表露出一定的情绪--但是如果我针对这个问题所表现出来的情绪过于夸张,反而会适得其反
    To seem human, I need to show emotion - but if my emotions are excessive compared with the question, the effect will be false.

  • 研究发现,类似“这可能会有点儿疼”、“你可能会觉得有些痛”之类的提示可能会起到适得其反的效果,使人们感到更加不安。
    Warnings such as "this may hurt a bit" or "you might feel a little pain" can be counterproductive and actually compound feelings of discomfort, it is believed.

  • 我们计划新店开张时提供一些免费服务,但这项精明的计划可能会产生适得其反的效果,客户会以为这些服务今后也将是免费的。
    EXAMPLE: The clever plan to give free services when we open our new store may backfire by causing customers to think these same services will be free in the future.

  • 适得其反造句相关
