
近在咫尺  jìn zài zhǐ chǐ








  • 如今我虽已离去,却仍近在咫尺
    I am gone now, but I am still very near.

  • 其实只要你想要它就近在咫尺
    Love is there if you want it to be.

  • 而所有这一切都与你住的旅馆近在咫尺
    All of these are only minutes from your hotel.

  • 你虽然这麽遥远,却似乎近在咫尺,难道这就是爱情?
    You're so far away but seem so close. Could it be love?

  • 无论你近在咫尺,还是远在天边,我相信我们的心会依旧。
    Near, far, wherever you are I believe that the heart does go on.

  • 交通优势:11条公交线和地铁出口近在咫尺,通达性极佳;
    Traffic Advantage: 11 lines of bus have stops at its gate and the Metro station nearby.

  • 科技使得远距离感觉很近,也可以使近在咫尺的距离感觉遥远。
    Technology can make the far feel near. But it can also make the near feel far.

  • 杭州湾跨海大桥、高速公路、铁路、国际空港、国际海港近在咫尺
    The Great Bridge Across Hangzhou Bay, several expressways, railways, international airports and seaports are near at hand.

  • 思念一个人最痛苦的情形是:你与此人近在咫尺,却无法将其拥有。
    The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing u can't have them.

  • 这个神奇的网络不仅消除了人们之间的距离,让世界所有人都近在咫尺
    The magical thing about this network is not just that it collapses distance and makes everyone your neighbor.

  • 爱,无论多么遥远,它是在那里,就像星光那样遥不可及,却又近在咫尺
    Love, no matter how distant, always stays there, just as starlight is so distant but so close.

  • 很多时候,爱你的人近在咫尺,可让你柔肠百转、牵肠挂肚的却往往是另外一个人。
    Very often, people who love you close at hand, will allow you to Sophie, or worry about, but often a person is another.

  • 马成的这一不文明举动自然难逃近在咫尺的裁判的眼睛,孙葆洁向他出示了一张黄牌。
    Ma's move in this uncivilized nature close at hand could not escape the referee's eyes, Sun Baojie to show him a yellow card.

  • 当我拍这照片时真是百感交集,曼哈顿岛是如此的近在咫尺,但却又是如此的遥不可及。
    I have mixed feeling when I took this picture. The lower Manhattan is so close within sight but also seemed so far away.

  • 一直以来,我的内心深处都在苦苦追寻着某个人,我不知道她是近在咫尺,还是远在天涯。
    Ye, you are right. Something here refers to somebody, somebody I love for ever, but now I am looking for.

  • 海峡群岛认为,它们与伦敦的近在咫尺以及法律框架的相似性给伦敦城带去了许多商业机会。
    The Channel Islands argue that their proximity and similar legal framework bring business to the City of London.

  • 最不堪的一种思念,就是思念一个虽然近在咫尺,你却确定地知道他永远不会属于自己的人。
    The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.

  • 购物观光,无比便利,罗湖火车站近在咫尺,尽握天时地利,是您商务或会议旅游的理想选择。
    Shopping and sightseeing, unparalleled convenience, the Lo Wu Railway Station in close proximity, to hold day location, is your business or tourism meeting the ideal choice.

  • 无形的空间:近在咫尺还是相隔万里,好像都不能动摇,某些人、某些事、某些物在你心中的位置。
    Invisible space: No matter how far or how close it is, the position for something or somebody cannot be moved in heart.

  • 两个小区从地理位置上看,近在咫尺,但由于没有直接连通的动线,相互之间的往来需要绕行很远。
    Two geographical areas from the point of view, in close proximity, but in the absence of direct connectivity to the mobile lines, mutual exchanges very much needed bypass.

  • 两人的忧虑都有各自的某些理由。不过,通膨为时尚远,也易操控;而通缩则近在咫尺,为害尤烈。
    There is something to both fears. But inflation is distant and containable, while deflation is at hand and pernicious.

  • 在通往成功的道路上,就把每次挫折看成多出的一步台阶吧。接着继续迈步向前,成功已然近在咫尺
    See each setback as one more step on the path to achievement. Then get back on that path, for success is closer than ever before.

  • 作为一个成都人,四川人,虽身在上海,但近在咫尺的巨大天灾,我对家乡正经历苦难的同胞们感同身受。
    Today is the last day of national mourning for the death of Wenchuan earthquake, but the pains and those touching stories are not ending.

  • 作为一个成都人,四川人,虽身在上海,但近在咫尺的巨大天灾,我对家乡正经历苦难的同胞们感同身受。
    As one member of Chengdu, Sichuan People, though I am in Shanghai, but my heart is experiencing the same as those who are in the disaster of this deadly quake.

  • 记住,每一种爱情都需要对你的爱人或另一半做出很多的努力和贡献,不管这种爱情是天涯海角还是近在咫尺
    Remember, every kind of relationship takes hard work and dedication to your loved one or partner, whether it's long distance or proximal.

  • 清晰的记得那时正是这个时节,而我只是远远的看着他,那样遥不可及,看着像是近在咫尺,却远在天涯的感觉。
    I remember clearly when it is at this time, but I just looked at him from far, so distant, looking like a close, but distant horizon feeling.

  • 在维特根斯坦被近在咫尺的自杀冲动所驱策之处,爱多士只是构造他的生命以从自己高尚的迷恋中汲取最大量的幸福。
    And where Wittgenstein was driven by near suicidal compulsions, Mr Erdö s simply constructed his life to extract from his magnificent obsession the maximum amount of happiness.

  • 没有具体哪件事情印象特别深刻,更多的是这些年来总的体会:与自然近在咫尺,简单、有点慢节奏的生活,但也关注外面发生的事情。
    Not any particular things but the whole experience: being in the near of nature, living simply and living slowly, yet knowing what's going on outside, and most importantly, take time for myself.

  • 这里有两个选择,一是,你可能对于一份近在咫尺的你想要的工作做出回绝,或者如果你觉得薪酬不够,你不感兴趣了,你会放弃这个机会。
    It is alternatively possible you will change your mind about taking a job you want as you get closer, or if you feel the pay isn't enough to keep you interested, you may pass on the opportunity.

  • 从本公司购买的每件产品都会为您提供快捷送货上门,有时甚至在24小时之内到达,并且位于香港的亚太地区总部与我们近在咫尺,服务方便。
    Every product purchased from us is delivered quickly to your door, sometimes in less than 24 hours, and with our Asia-Pacific headquarters located in Hong Kong, we are always close by.

  • 近在咫尺造句相关
