
迎风招展  yíng fēng zhāo zhǎn






  • 十二只船帆鼓起来,迎风招展
    Twelve broad sail unfurl and belly in the breeze.

  • 他们将旗展开让其迎风招展
    They unfurl the flag and let it flutter in the wind.

  • 他们将旗展开让其迎风招展
    They unfurled the flag and let it flutter in the wind.

  • 他们将旗展开让其迎风招展
    the flag and let it flutter in the wind.

  • 红灯笼高高挂,鲜花簇拥绽放,彩旗迎风招展
    Red Lantern, surrounded by blooming flowers, colorful flags fluttered in the breeze.

  • 只见彩旗飘扬,各色商家标语、条幅迎风招展
    Seen fluttering colorful flags, colored business slogans, banners fluttered in the breeze.

  • 顿时,领袖的声音响彻环宇,鲜艳的红旗迎风招展
    Immediately, the sound of cacique resounds through annulus eaves, bright-coloured red flag with the wind flutter.

  • 流进池塘里,鱼儿飞跃,流进田野里,禾苗迎风招展
    Flowing into the pond, the fish leap into the field, He Miao fluttered in the breeze.

  • 五环旗迎风招展,奥运火炬迎接你的更快、更高、更强!
    Five-rings flags are FIuttering in the wind, OIympic torch welcomes your faster, higher and stronger!

  • 听不到春天枝叶迎风招展的声音,或是虫儿挀翅的欢鸣。
    No place to hear the unfurling of leaves in spring, or the rustle of an insect's wings.

  • 听不到春天枝叶迎风招展的声音,或是虫儿振翅的欢鸣。
    No place to hear the unfurling of leaves in spring, or the rustle of an insect's wings.

  • 顿时,花山场上锣鼓齐鸣,鞭炮喧天,鲜花彩旗迎风招展
    All of a sudden, Hanayama gongs market Qiming, bang firecrackers, flowers colorful flags fluttered in the breeze.

  • 彩旗猎猎,迎风招展,首先通过主席台的是国旗队,彩旗队。
    Flags fluttering, fluttering in the breeze, first through the podium is the flag team flags team.

  • 惟有那野玫瑰花儿在他们在壕沟中发现他的时候在头上迎风招展
    But the wild rose was above him when they found him in the ditch.

  • 不过,在她身上,找不到一点迎风招展、随风飘舞的旗子的性质。
    Yet she had evidently nothing of the fluttering, flapping quality of a morsel of bunting in the wind.

  • 远远看去,飘飘的丝带迎风招展,无忧无虑地展示着它们美丽的身段。
    Look far into the distance, the silk ribbons floating flutter in the breeze, show their beautiful figure carefree.

  • 舰旗迎风招展,三角旗随风飘动,船帆在微风中张满,船楼的色彩斑斓耀眼。
    Flags flying, pennants waving, sails filling in the breeze, and the red and gold of her superstructure ablaze with colour.

  • 质疑者:星条旗看起来似乎是迎风招展,然而在没有大气的情况下这是不可能的。
    Sceptic: The stars and stripes appears to be waving in the wind, which is impossible without an atmosphere.

  • 离船上岸便是被游人称为“世界路”的沿河路,在这您能看到世界各国的国旗迎风招展
    Disembarkation shore visitors is being called the "World Road" Yan Helu, you can see in this world State flags were fluttering in the breeze.

  • 那洒满校园的歌声久久萦绕在我的耳边,那迎风招展的五星红旗,深深的铭刻在我的心中。
    Campus洒满singing that linger long in my ear, and that the five-star red flag fluttered in the breeze, deeply etched in my mind.

  • 市区到处呈现出一派热闹景象,公园、商场等处人潮如织,彩旗迎风招展,鲜花簇拥娇嫩绽放。
    Everywhere in the urban areas showing a lively one scene, parks, shopping malls, etc. If people weaving, colorful flags fluttered in the breeze, surrounded by delicate flowers bloom.

  • 轻轻的晨风里,柔柔的朝霞中,我凝目仰视,鲜艳的国旗迎风招展,与蓝天相映,共长空争色。
    Gently in the morning breeze, the Zhaoxia , colorful flags fluttered in the breeze, matched with the blue sky, for a total of sky color.

  • 树上挂满了黄手帕——20条,30条,或许有几百条。一棵树立在那就像欢迎的旗帜迎风招展
    It was covered with yellow handkerchiefs -- 20 of them, 30 of them, maybe hundreds, a tree that stood like a banner of welcome billowing in the wind.

  • 椰子树在海南遍地生长,它们像迎风招展的旗帜,铺成一座绿岛,与蔚蓝的大海一起呼吸,融为一体。
    Coconut trees grow everywhere in Hainan, which were fluttering in the breeze like a flag, paved a Green Island, with the blue sea with breathing, into one.

  • 树上挂满了黄手绢——二十条,三十条,或许有几百条,一棵树立在那儿就像欢迎的旗帜在迎风招展
    It was covered with yellow handkerchiefs –20 of them, 30 of them, maybe hundreds, a tree that stood like a banner of welcome billowing in the wind.

  • 树上挂满了黄手帕–20条,30条,也许有几百条,一棵树立在那儿就像欢迎的旗帜一样在迎风招展
    It was covered with yellow handkerchief – 20 of them, 30 of them, maybe hundreds, a tree that stood like a banner of welcome billowing in the wind.

  • 潘石屹常常一口气征服一座高山,为鸟儿安放一个自己打做的小窝,几个箭步爬上一棵大树摘下一个迎风招展的破塑料袋。
    Pandanyi often go conquer a mountain, a place for the birds to do their own nest, several sudden big stride forward climbed up a tree off one of the broken plastic bags fluttering in the wind.

  • 还有谷穗,有的一捆捆优雅地堆挤在一起,有的迎风招展,仿佛在向镰刀求爱,它们给周围的景致染上了一层金黄的色调;
    and the corn, piled in graceful sheaves, or waving in every light breath that sweeps above it, as if it wooed the sickle, tinges the landscape with a golden hue.

  • 当“瓦萨”号从弥漫的礼炮烟云中出现时,船头下浪花加溅,舰旗迎风招展,三角旗随风飘动,微风鼓起风帆,金碧辉煌的船楼闪耀着灿烂的色彩。
    As the emerged from her drifting cloud of gun smoke with the water churned to foam beneath her bow, her flags colour, she presented a more majestic spectacle than stockholmers had ever seen before.

  • 当”瓦萨”号从弥漫的礼炮烟云中出现时,船头下浪花加溅,舰旗迎风招展,三角旗随风飘动,微风鼓起风帆,金碧辉煌的船楼闪耀着灿烂的色彩。”瓦萨”号展现的壮观景象是斯德哥尔摩人从未见过的。
    As the emerged from her drifting cloud of gun smoke with the water churned to foam beneath her bow, her flags colour, she presented a more majestic spectacle than Stockholmers had ever seen before.

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