
轻而易举  qīng ér yì jǔ








  • 不要以为轻而易举就能成功。
    Don't think you can succeed without making an effort.

  • 汤姆的队轻而易举地赢得了比赛。
    Tom's team won the game hands down.

  • 她在赛跑中已轻而易举地获胜。
    She has run away with the race.

  • 那些犯人被警察轻而易举地制服了。
    The criminals were easily overpowered by the police.

  • 轻而易举赢得了英语竞赛。
    He won the English contest hands down.

  • 他在赛跑轻而易举地获胜。
    He has run away with the race.

  • 这一切的一切,时针轻而易举的抹过时光。
    All of these, the hour hand easy to smear the time.

  • 它将会停伫在附近,被你轻而易举地抓住。
    It will settle near , and then grasp it with ease.

  • 当然,我之所以执教,并非教书对我而言轻而易举
    And certainly I don't teach because teaching is easy for me.

  • 工党在对物价上涨不满的浪潮声中轻而易举地当选了。
    The Labour Party swept in on a tide of discontent over rising prices.

  • 如果这就是全部,成为思想领袖完全是轻而易举的事。
    If this is all it is, being a thought leader is a total doddle.

  • 若有一台缝纫机,自己缝制衣服将是件轻而易举的事。
    Sewing your own clothes is a breeze if you have a sewing machine.

  • 幸福需要享受,但有时候,幸福也会轻而易举的击败一个人。
    Well-being need to enjoy, but sometimes, happiness will easily beat a person.

  • 这家公司想到它那么轻而易举地得到了那片土地而暗自庆幸。
    The company hugged itself to think how easily it had acquired that area of land.

  • 这香水妇女共混木本暗示,菠萝和柑桔同一件轻而易举的海洋空气。
    This perfume for women blends woody hints, pineapple and citrus with a breeze of ocean air.

  • 他说,如果改革进程轻而易举,那么医疗改革几十年前就已经会完成了。
    He said that if the reform process was easy, it would have been done decades ago.

  • 我的手指一动,就可以轻而易举地进入很多数据库,找到大量期刊和文学作品。
    I have access to dozens of databases, journals, and collections of literature right at my fingertips.

  • 另外的一些会说:”我不怕改变,我在我的人生中可以轻而易举的重新开始新的工作“。
    Some say: 'I'm not afraid of changes, I can easily start a new job in my career.

  • 其实,这些孩子就是掌握了人人都可以轻而易举学到的一些基本技巧而成为班上的尖子生。
    The kids at the top of the class get there by mastering a few basic techniques that others can readily learn.

  • 要是我是你的话,我就努力工作,而不是花那么多时间去想怎么样才能轻而易举地得到钱。
    If I were you, I'd work hard and not spend a lot of time in figuring out how to make easy money.

  • 经济运行能够轻而易举地创造财富剩余,政府可以用它干一番事业的想法开始显得幼稚可笑。
    The belief that the economy could easily generate a large surplus with which the government could do good works began to appear naïve.

  • 古代的小径多数被公路取代,这意味着成千上万的朝圣者可轻而易举的到达哪怕最偏远的高山圣殿。
    The old foot trails have been largely replaced by roads, which means thousands of pilgrims can now easily reach even the remotest of mountain shrines.

  • 它们应该把精力集中在不要摧毁意义上——通过恶劣地对待员工,许多公司轻而易举地做到了这一点。
    Instead they should concentrate on not destroying it – which many of them manage to do effortlessly enough through treating their employees badly.

  • 这些水分子配位基的键结力相当弱,所以只要溶液里有过氧化氢,轻而易举就可以取代其中一个水分子。
    These water ligands are very loosely attached—if hydrogen peroxide is also in the solution, a molecule of it easily replaces one of the water molecules.

  • 用这种东西罩住的飞机对于人眼来说可能是隐形的,却会轻而易举地被雷达识别,因为雷达是工作在无线电波段的。
    An aeroplane shrouded in such kit might be invisible to the human eye but it would be picked up readily by radar, which operates at radio wavelengths.

  • 即便有那么一些富人确实能轻而易举地负担这些奢侈品,这些东西本身也不是富有的标志,只能表明他们花出去了多少钱。
    Even if you come across somebody who can easily afford the trappings of wealth, the trappings themselves are not a sign of wealth, of wealth that has been spent.

  • 得分对我而言就是几秒钟的瞬间。没有任何得分的方式能让我感到束缚。当你拥有自由和创造力时,得分就是轻而易举的。
    Score to me is a play of seconds. There is no upset way for me to score. That is exactly it when you have freedom and creativity.

  • 随着200英镑的降价,每英镑性能比率已经冲破屋顶-因而该功放轻而易举地获得了我们的“本年度大奖产品”(称号)。
    With £200 off the price, the performance-per-pound ratio has gone through the roof – and this amplifier romped to our Product of the Year Award.

  • 曦日普照大地,兀鹰在上升的暖气流顶部盘旋。它们在遍覆林木的山谷上空穿行,每天轻而易举的飞行25英里或更远,寻找食物。
    As the strengthening sun warms the land, lammergeiers soar one the rising thermals. They scour the forested  valley, effortlessly covering 25 miles or more each day in their search for food.

  • 贺卡则不同,亲手书写贺卡更能体现自己的真实情感,而且寄出的贺卡可以保存几年,甚至几个世纪,不会轻而易举地因点一个键被删除。
    Greeting card is different to writing my own greeting card better manifest their true feelings, and a set of cards you can save a few years or even centuries, not simply because of a key is deleted.

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