
贪赃枉法  tān zāng wǎng fǎ








  • 大家希望新法律能打击政府人员贪赃枉法
    It is hoped that the new laws will scotch the snake of dishonesty among members of the government.

  • 胡妁说:「那贪赃枉法之徒,不是得其所哉了吗?」
    Hu Shuo said, "Then those who are corrupt, or go around the law, get what they are after?""

  • 六是贪赃枉法型共同受贿和贪赃枉法型共同受贿。
    Six is the complicity of taking bribes and perverting the law and the complicity of taking bribes and not perverting the law.

  • 贪赃枉法的古巴移民主管ManuelBenitez;
    Manuel Benitez, the venal Cuban director of immigration;

  • 遵守法律吗?(还是有法不依,或是胡作非为,贪赃枉法?
    Are you a law-abiding citizen? Or do you evade laws and tolerate corruption?

  • 时滕县官贪赃枉法,敲诈勒索,人民饥寒交迫,苦不堪言。
    When corrupt officials滕xian , extortion, and the people suffer hunger and cold, miserable.

  • 他在巡行所辖各部时,发现自己的故交清河太守贪赃枉法
    Ministries under the jurisdiction of his tour, it was found that their own corruptgu jiao Qinghe Prefecture.

  • 如果事情果真如此,对这一问题(如贪赃枉法)的解释是:…
    If this is true/the case, what accounts for such an issue:…

  • 而人祸差不多都是由于地方官员贪赃枉法、私饱中囊造成的。
    The man-made disasters are caused by almost corrupt local officials, private saturation in the capsule making.

  • 对执法犯法、贪赃枉法的腐败分子,必须依法严惩,绝不姑息。
    To break, graft corrupt elements must be severely punished according to law and must not be tolerated.

  • 许万城是告老还乡的总督,也是一个贪赃枉法十恶不赦的财主。
    Xu 10000 City is to grow old and return home, the Governor, but also a corrupt heinous rich.

  • 某些对生产者进行监督和制约的部门工作人员贪赃枉法,盖章放行。
    Some producers to supervise and control the sector staff corrupt, sealed and released.

  • 这些问题,就是为何菲律宾官员经常被指贪赃枉法、朋党营私的答案。
    This explains why Philippine officials are often accused of taking bribes and cronyism.

  • 许多贪赃枉法的官吏一想到此事就非常害怕,轻易不敢出门胡作非为了。
    Many officials who took bribes and bent the law were extremely frightened by this. Therefore , they dared not go out and commit other outrages.

  • 官僚主义主要表现为脱离群众、脱离实际,利用手中的权力,徇私行贿、贪赃枉法
    Bureaucratism basically is behaved to break away from masses, lose contact with reality, use the power in the hand, pervert the law of practise favouritism bribery, take bribes.

  • 对于许多中国人而言,日子过的仍然很苦,而且不少政府官员贪赃枉法专横跋扈
    For many Chinese, daily life remains a grim struggle, and their government rapacious, arbitrary and corrupt (see article).

  • 奖金猎人条例若立法通过-任何贪赃枉法的人都会感到草木皆兵,自然犯罪率就降低;
    Bill Hunter bonuses if the adoption of legislation - any corrupt people would agree Caomujiebing naturally reduce the crime rate;

  • 在一家知名英国报纸上,最近有位作者指出“企业已陷入贿赂网”,人人都“贪赃枉法”。
    In a well-known British newspaper, a writer argued recently that "industry is caught in a web of bribery" and that everyone is "on the take".

  • 在一家知名英国报纸上,最近有位作者指出“企业已陷入贿赂的蛛网”,人人都“贪赃枉法”。
    In a well-known British newspaper, a writer argued recently that "industry is caught in a web of bribery" and that everyone is "on the take".

  • 在一家知名英国报纸上,最近有位作家指出“企业已陷入贿赂的蛛网”,人人都“贪赃枉法”。
    In a well-known British newspaper, a writer argued recently that "industry is caught in a web of bribery" and that everyone is "on the take".

  • 对于那些心术不正、贪赃枉法者,这时,就很容易在政策的设计中,就早早地埋下“寻租点”。
    For those who bought improper, graft, then, easily in the design of policies on early planted in the "rent-seeking point."

  • 贪赃枉法的;腐败的能够为了金钱背弃荣誉、责任或顾虑的;易腐化''。'堕落'。''的。
    Capable of betraying honor, duty, or scruples for a price; corruptible.

  • 吴凡钦法官曾经判处一个贪赃枉法的中国警察徒刑,他被人从家里带走,扔到桥底下结果了性命。
    Judge Wu Fan-chin, who had sentenced a corrupt Chinese policeman to a jail sentence, was taken from his home, thrown under a bridge and killed.

  • 多数印度人想要公路、学校和医疗保障,并能在一定程度上相信,他们的代表不会明目张胆贪赃枉法
    Most Indians want roads, schools, healthcare and some level of confidence that their representatives are not flagrantly on the take.

  • 二要对涉及政府工作人员的商业贿赂案件,对执法犯法、贪赃枉法的腐败分子,依法惩处,绝不手软,绝不姑息。
    Second, it is necessary to involve the staff of commercial bribery cases, the law, graft corrupt elements, censure or softness and must not be tolerated.

  • 官员们不敢再贪赃枉法,一个个事必躬亲,诸侯们纷纷重申他们对国王的忠心,那些侵吞了国王领土的人.也都悉数归还了土地。
    All the officials no longer dared to take bribes or disobey the law but to work hard; all the dukes repeated their loyalty to the king, and those who took the king's land returned it right away.

  • 王振忠先生是用“捕风捉影,无中生有”的手法,将匀结、贿赂等耸人听闻的炒作言辞加在盐商身上,并又夸大其词,称盐商夹带盐斤是“贪赃枉法”。
    Without evidence, WANG Zhen-zhong put the horrible words "collusion" and "bribe" on the salt merchants and exaggerated that overweighted salt was illegal.

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