
谦虚谨慎  qiān xū jǐn shèn






  • 保持谦虚谨慎,与人为善的心态。
    Being modest and prudent and friendly with people's mentality.

  • 父亲再三叮嘱我们要谦虚谨慎
    Father urged us again and again to be modest and prudent.

  • 我们应该永远保持谦虚谨慎
    We should always remain modest and prudent.

  • 我们在任何时候都应该保持谦虚谨慎
    We should remain modest and prudent any time.

  • 有学问的人总是谦虚谨慎的。
    Learned man always sings small.

  • 他想到阿拉宾先生的谦虚谨慎,就觉得好笑。
    He laughed accordingly at the idea of Mr. Arabin 's modesty.

  • 生活方面,为人谦虚谨慎,乐观豁达,助人为乐。
    Life, the human being modest and prudent and optimistic about the expansive, towards others.

  • 处理好同事间的关系,做到平易近人谦虚谨慎
    s charge to handle the relation between the colleague, accomplish amiable, modest and careful;

  • 我无法变得谦虚谨慎。太多东西在我体内熊熊燃烧。
    I cannot become modest. Too many things burn in me.

  • 要善于总结经验,坚持真理,纠正错误,谦虚谨慎
    We must be good at summing up experience, uphold the truth, correct mistakes and be modest and prudent.

  • 最后,在正常情况下,追求政策目标的谦虚谨慎是好事。
    Finally, in normal times modesty and prudence in policy goals are good things.

  • 三要加强修养,正确对待成绩和荣誉,保持谦虚谨慎的作风;
    and they must strengthen the cultivation of , the correct treatment of accomplishments and honors, remain modest and prudent style;

  • 为了能谦虚谨慎,行为上就应当纳言敏行,少吹大牛,多干实际事情。
    In order to be modest and prudent behavior on the line should be sensitive Nagon less blowing large cattle, more than the actual things dry.

  • 就你目前已做的工作来看,还是不错的;不过仍要保持谦虚谨慎的态度。
    What you've done is pretty good as far sa it goes; but you should till remain modest.

  • 尽管卡梅伦谦虚谨慎,但想成为英国首相,他仍需在三个方面有所加强。
    Even allowing for that ideological modesty, however, there are three big gaps that Mr Cameron needs to fill.

  • 学会在上帝面前彬彬有礼地鞠躬行礼,伸出双手谦虚谨慎地回答他提出的问题。
    They were to bow down before him courteously, offer to shake hands, and to answer his questions modestly and intelligently.

  • 我本来是一个谦虚谨慎、人见人爱的孩子,是牛津大学将我弄得这么人见人嫌。
    I was a modest, good-humored boy; it is Oxford that has made me insufferable.

  • 谦虚谨慎,戒骄戒躁 ,自力更生 ,艰苦奋斗 ,是中国共产党的政治本色。
    Modesty is careful, guard against arrogance, self-made, struggle difficultly, the politics that is a Chinese Communist is ecru.

  • 新中国成立后,党告诫全党同志谦虚谨慎,戒骄戒躁,永远保持艰苦奋斗的革命精神。
    After New China was founded, the Party exhorted all its members to remain modest and prudent, guard against conceit and impetuosity, and forever carry forward the hard-working revolutionary spirit.

  • 谦虚谨慎的态度无疑会对这种深入全面的思考过程有很大帮助,对创新者有直接的帮助。
    Humility and prudence will no doubt prove valuable to such a comprehensive thinking process and assist creative innovators.

  • 正是因为明白这个道理,老头子才从来不丧失那种他所有朋友都叹服的谦虚谨慎的作风。
    It was this knowledge that prevented the Don from losing the humility all his friends admired in him.

  • 他文能治国,武能安邦,文武兼备,但他又何等不谦虚谨慎,表现出比一般人更谦逊更成熟。
    His text to the country, Wu will bring peace and stability, both civil and military, but he is not modest, such as how to demonstrate more humility than the average person more mature.

  • 谦虚谨慎,不骄不躁,艰苦奋斗,是我们党的优良传统,是党的几代领导集体一以贯之的思想。
    Modesty is careful, not arrogant not impetuous, struggle difficultly, it is the good convention of our party, a few generation that are a party lead collective one with be linked together thought.

  • 而鲁能则是典型的细语派,无论是主场还是客场,无论对手是弱还是强,永远做出谦虚谨慎的样子。
    Luneng and is the typical send-spoken, whether home or away, regardless of opponent is weak or strong, and always make a modest and prudent way.

  • 我是一个性格外向活泼,开朗大方的女孩,热爱生活,充满自信。在思想上,积极上进,谦虚谨慎
    I am an outgoing personality and lively, cheerful generosity of the girls, life-loving, full of self-confidence.

  • 贝索斯表示,在全球经济动荡之时,亚马逊依然秉持其一贯策略:谦虚谨慎,关注长远,顾客至上。
    Beisuosi expresses, it is when global economy is turbulent, amazon still grasps support strategy of one of be linked together: Modesty is careful, attention is long-term, the client is consummate.

  • 瓜迪奥拉的最后一句话,表示了他的谦虚谨慎,同时也意味着,从长远利益考虑,巴萨还需要继续轮换。
    Guadiaola last few words, expressed his modesty, simultaneously also means that considered from the long-term benefits, Palestinian Sa also needs to continue to take turns.

  • 整个队伍出现了不良的苗头,我希望周日对那不勒斯的比赛中他们能表现得谦虚谨慎、意志坚定、精神集中。
    The team had the wrong approach for the game and I hope that they will be humble, determined and concentrated again for Sunday's clash against Napoli.

  • 全体政府工作人员非凡是各级领导干部,都要继续保持谦虚谨慎、不骄不躁的作风,继续保持艰苦奋斗的作风。
    All government employees, particularly leading officials at all levels, must remain modest and prudent, guard against an arrogant and rash work style, and continue to live plainly and work hard.

  • 追寻这些运动员、探险家和其他爱好探险的有个性的人物--他们让我有足够的动力去追寻,去挑战,谦虚谨慎又雄心勃勃。
    Getting to work with the athletes, the explorers, the characters and personalities in the world of adventure –it's enough to keep me moving, to keep me challenged, humbled, and incredibly inspired.

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