
必争之地  bì zhēng zhī dì







  • 峰峰矿区地处要冲,自古仍兵家必争之地
    Fengfeng mine is located in hub of vital importance since ancient times, is still military.

  • 商家必争之地的华强北,商界地位无出其右
    Businessmen point of Patrol North, the business status determined.

  • 如此,也就不难理解这些商铺成为众商家必争之地的原因了。
    So, it is not so difficult to understand these shops as a reason for the exodus of businesses.

  • 中国是全球最大的啤酒市场,是世界知名啤酒市场必争之地
    China is the most robust market in the world for beer, a market hotly contested by international beer giants.

  • 雅虎将成为消费者进行互联网活动的起点,广告主的必争之地
    Yahoo will become the consumer Internet activities of the starting point, advertisers, the battleground.

  • 清风寨一直是兵家必争之地,各朝各代所留下的战争遗迹众多。
    It was always the point of battle. The villagers there are the offspring of "Tiandi hui".

  • 大别山自古为兵家必争之地,楚汉相交的天堂寨更是首当其冲。
    Mountain vital importance since ancient times for the military, Chu-Han intersection of Tiantangzhai is the first to be affected.

  • 通三江而达四海的昌都素来拥有西藏门户之称,自古就是兵家必争之地
    Changdu Area is called "the gate of Tibet" because through where people can get to all places.

  • 由此可见,2000点对于多方双方而言都是志在必得、兵家必争之地
    This shows that the 2000 multi-point for both sides are determined to win, the vital importance of military strategists.

  • 这也预示着,中国无线搜索市场必将成为搜索引擎厂商们的兵家必争之地
    This is adumbrative also, market of Chinese wireless search is sure to become search engine firm people the ground that military strategist in ancient China contends for surely.

  • 这里关山环立,地势险要,是山西、陕西通京的交通要冲,为历代兵家必争之地
    Li Wan Shan Kwan here, Xianyao terrain, Shanxi, Shaanxi-Beijing traffic hub of vital importance to military history.

  • 其中浦东国际机场的完工以及地铁二号线的通车,已成为上海房地产业者的必争之地
    Pudong International Airport and the completion of the No. 2 subway line opened, Shanghai real estate has become the spot.

  • 2006年底我国将依照入世承诺,全面开放银行业,中间业务将成为中外资银行必争之地
    At the end of 2006, China will open bank to foreign countries in a full line with the promise of entering WTO, and it's no doubt that joint banks will dispute for the interspace operation.

  • 近几年来,江南西路迅速发展的商业使其已有海珠“北京路”之称,成为众多商家必争之地
    In recent years, Jiangnan Road West, the rapid development of its existing business Hoi Chu "Beijing Road, " said a large number of businessmen view.

  • 中部为汾河谷地,县城即居于谷地之中,乃为晋中通往晋南之咽喉,自古以来就是兵家必争之地
    Central to Fenhe valley, the county that is living in the valley, and is for Jinzhong Jinnan to the throat vital importance of military strategists since ancient times.

  • 这乡镇绝非战略上必争之地,日本人唯一豪 不吝惜的 东西——炸弹——也不会浪费在这地方。
    This country town was definitely not strategically important. The one thing that the Japanese were generous and unsparing with-bombs-would be wasted there.

  • 鄂西北是南北文化的交叉地带;襄樊自古就具有一定地地理重要性,自古以来就是兵家的必争之地
    Northwest of Hubei is the crossed district of north and south culture, Xiangfan is of the geography importance since ancient times, which each military commander wang to get it.

  • 对活动在乍得北部与利比亚接壤的动荡区域的反政府武装来说,这里已经成为他们的兵家必争之地
    Located in the Tibesti mountain range, Bardai has been a key area for rebel fighters near Chad's volatile northern border with Libya.

  • 白帝山“镇艳预,扼瞿塘”,旁边是长江北岸草堂河的出口,由于地势险峻,常是历代兵家必争之地
    Baidi Hill "pre-town-yan, recapped Qutang, " thatched cottage next to the north shore of the Yangtze River's exports, due to difficult terrain, often the previous military strategists battleground.

  • 葫芦岛地处东北、华北两大经济板块交会点,历来是兵家必争之地,所以葫芦岛的发展具有重大战略意义。
    Huludao in Northeast China, North China two economic plate Trade Fair point has always been soldier spot, So Huludao development of a major strategic significance.

  • 在像威斯康辛州这样过去选举的必争之地,麦克恩有广泛的影响力,这个影响力对十一月的普选是非常重要的。
    McCain has broad appeal, which could prove important in November's general election in the (a) states such as Wisconsin, which has been a battleground in the past elections.

  • 而亚洲市场的中心是中国市场,中国彩管行业良好的投资环境和市场前景使中国成为世界彩管跨国公司必争之地
    In fact, China market is the center of Asia market. In recent years, Chinese good investment environment and large market attract all the CRT multinational enterprises in the world to invest in China.

  • 我司位于“四海通衢”,“兵家必争之地”,“茶油之乡”的衢州,交通方便,离宁波港只有3-4小时的路程。
    Our company located in QuZhou which is the point of the Four Province, is the hometown of China Tea and Oil, and it's only 3-4 hours to Ningbo Port.

  • 黄土岭战役战场位于涞源县银坊镇的深山沟里,东临易县,是涞源通往易县的要塞之路,自古以来为兵家必争之地
    Huangtuling Battle of the battlefield is located in the mountains Laiyuan silver fangzhen ditch, east Yixian, is Laiyuan the road leading to Yixian fortress since ancient times as a battleground.

  • 就在十年前,西大望还是一片厂房林立的工业区,而弹指一挥间,却已然成了房地产开发商们的“兵家必争之地”。
    In a decade ago, western or a plant built at the industrial zone, and passed and became a real estate developer who has become "soldier spot."

  • 总统选举在俄亥俄州通常是一块艰难的必争之地,民意调查显示,共和党的麦凯恩和民主党的奥巴马的选情十分接近。
    Presidential elections are usually hard-fought battles in Ohio, and public opinion polls show that the race between Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama is close.

  • 而作为中国首都的北京,其蕴涵的市场潜力不容忽视,从家居市场兴起之初,北京市家居市场就成为了商家必争之地
    As China's capital Beijing, the combined market potential can not be ignored, from the beginning of the rise of home market, Beijing has become a business point home market.

  • 巴基斯坦塔利班掌控的部落地带是无法无天之地,基地组织和阿富汗塔利班可将其用作庇护所,所以这块区域对双方来说都是必争之地
    The Pakistani Taliban's hold on the lawless tribal belt is crucial for both al-Qaeda and the Afghan Taliban, which use the area as a sanctuary.

  • 他们计划登门造访1300万工会选民,战场遍及美国24个州,其中俄亥俄、宾夕法尼亚、威斯康辛、密歇根、明尼苏达五个州更是必争之地
    They expect to reach more than 13m voters in union households, concentrating on a list of 24 battleground states and giving top priority to Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota.

  • 国内电信产业自1997年政府开放民营之后,行动电话市场便一直是兵家必争之地,行动产业蓬勃发展,各家制造商莫不前仆后继地于台湾市场推出其最新产品。
    Since1997s, Taiwan Cellular Phone Industry had been opened by government, the market of Cellular Phone Industry is continuously competitive. Producers promote advanced products continuously.

  • 必争之地造句相关
