
谈何容易  tán hé róng yì








  • 但是,动员居民“拆除护栏”谈何容易
    However, the mobilization of residents "dismantling parapet" no.

  • 你说忘记,谈何容易
    You say forget, easier said than done.

  • 每次都想把这些坏习惯全部改掉,但是谈何容易
    Each wants to bad habits are Gaidiao them altogether, but not at all easy?

  • 人到中年,要在低迷的市道谋一份差事谈何容易
    In the gloomy economy, middle-aged people are most likely to suffer from unemployment.

  • 经过了这么多年,你想消除你们之间的分歧谈何容易
    It will be difficult for you to smooth over your differ ences after so many years.

  • 思念一个人,需要深刻的烙印…放弃一个人,谈何容易
    Miss a person, need deep branding and giving up a person.

  • 在一个有着太多不平等的倾斜的世界里,普世谈何容易
    Too much inequality in a country with a tilt of the world, the world is easier said than done?

  • 茫茫人海,人生如露,要找到适合自己的那一个谈何容易
    It is difficult to find the best suitable one in so many people and so short time.

  • 事实上,要谈论余秋雨在中国文化界的地位,真是谈何容易
    In fact, must discuss Yu Qiuyu in the Chinese cultural circle status, really is easier said than done.

  • 爱丽丝清楚在52岁时再做一个五岁孩童的母亲,谈何容易
    Alice had known it would be hard at 52 to be mother to a five-year-old.

  • 但是谈何容易,空间技术的复杂性和持续更新性是大家公认的;
    That is hard, admittedly, because space technology is complex and it is constantly evolving.

  • 然而,山势这般高,水势这般急,采用开山疏水之法,谈何容易
    However, the mountains are very high, water potential of such urgency, the use of hydrophobic mountains of France, is easier said than done.

  • 做惯了地产这个行业,已经成为了它的奴隶,改弦易辙谈何容易
    So habitual that the real estate industry, has become its slave, his easy?

  • 然而,消灭了佤邦联合军(佤联军)谈何容易,说老边境观察者。
    However, wiping off the United Wa State Army (UWSA) is easier said than done, says a veteran border watcher.

  • 要在观看足球赛的人群中找一个小男孩真像是海底捞针,谈何容易
    There is no use searching for him in this crowd; it is like looking for a needle in a haystack .

  • 但看到的树木以外的经济崩溃,以查看森林工业的未来是谈何容易
    But seeing beyond the trees of economic meltdown to view the forest of the future industry is easier said than done.

  • 要在观看足球赛的人群中找一个小男孩真像是海底捞针,谈何容易
    Spotting stocks that are likely to increase in value is a little like looking for a needle in a haystack.

  • 然而,这绝非易事,因为它意味着你必须有所改变,而改变又谈何容易
    This is no easy task, since it means you have to change, and change is not always easy.

  • 最终要发现宗教产生的真正本源谈何容易,因为其本身实在太过错综复杂。
    Ultimately, discovering the true origins of something as complex as religion will be difficult.

  • 现代都市人,在繁忙喧闹的环境中生活,要想拥有一块小园,真是谈何容易
    People living in the busy and noisy modern cities all wish to have a small garden of their own.

  • 五年了,很尴尬的一个阶段。周围的一切也都已稳定,想要改变,谈何容易~!
    Five years, a very awkward stage. All around have been stable, I want to change, easier said than done ~!

  • 购买商品,遇到假冒伪劣还可以与店家论理索赔,可这二手房的退赔谈何容易
    Purchase commodities encounter with the shop owner can also fake and shoddy ethical claims can be used in this room ensures easy!

  • 他告诉我作为一个出身物理系的学生,要做到以云大中文系学生为主体的文学社主编,谈何容易啊!
    He told me as a background, the students should be physics in cloud big Chinese students as the main body of literature, h.

  • 我们都明白原谅是一种美德,可是面对那些痛切心扉的伤害,却是那么难于释怀,要真正做到,谈何容易啊?
    We all understand the pardon is a kind of virtue, but face the injury that those pains slice the heart, but is so difficult in release the bosom, want to be real to attain, talk easy?

  • 如果他接受了一个人的敬酒,那么他就得接受所有人的敬酒,而一次喝下六、杯白兰地谈何容易,除非他对此已习以为常。
    then he is obliged to accept all others, and it is difficult to drink six or seven glasses of brandy unless one is used to it.

  • 那个时候的巴西几乎跟今天的中国一样穷。对于今天巴西这样的中等收入的国家来说,想保持那样的经济增长速度谈何容易
    That was when it was almost as poor as China. It is much harder for a middle-income country, as Brazil now is, to grow at such rates.

  • 如果他接受了一个人的敬酒,那么他就得接受所有人的敬酒,而一次喝下六、七杯白兰地谈何容易,除非他对此已习以为常。
    If he accepts one toast then he is obliged to accept all others, and it is difficult to drink six or seven glasses of brandy unless one is used to it.

  • 公务员大家并不陌生,许多同学认为这是一条出路,一个铁饭碗,正因为如此,越来越多的人加入到报考公务员的大军中,但是,考取公务员谈何容易
    It's not strange about govement employee for us. A majority of students think this a way to success, as a result more and more people take part in the test of government employee.

  • 今天,我要告诉同胞们,挑战摆在每一个人的面前,挑战来自四面八方,挑战严峻而残酷,短时间内战胜它们谈何容易,但是,有一点,我们必须明白:美国将迎接这一挑战。
    Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real. They are serious and they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this, America - they will be met.

  • 一般而言,人类的宠物不外乎猫、狗或小白兔,那些野畜走兽要得到人类的呵护,谈何容易。不过有人实在奇怪,他们专门挑野生动物来饲养,更与牠们建立了一种亦师亦友的关系。
    Working with Wild Animals is a one-hour special that shows the tender rapport - and high danger - that exists between wild animals and their keepers in public exhibitions.

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