
诗中有画  shī zhōng yǒu huà







  • 苏轼评价说“味摩诘之诗中有画
    Su said the "flavor of Mount population poetry, there is a poem painting;"

  • 观摩诘之中有
    watch the population of painting, painting in poetry.

  • 诗中有画中有
    Painting in poetry and poetry in painting.

  • 中有一首美好的
    There is a nice poem in the picture.

  • 下编则是集对王维“诗中有画”艺术进行研究。
    Part Two concentrates on studying painting-in-poetry of Wangwei.

  • 诗中有画中有”也一直是优秀国的标准之一。
    Similarly, "painting in poetry, poetry in painting" has long been one of the criteria for good traditional Chinese paintings.

  • 六朝陈郡谢氏家族的山水,具诗中有画”的艺术特点。
    One of the Characteristics of the landscape poetry of the Xie's clan in the Six Dynasties is that they are graphic.

  • 王维的山水田园颇负盛名,其诗中有画”,具独特的艺术魅力。
    Wang Wei, famous for his pastoral poetry, specializes in both poetry and painting.

  • 乾隆诗中有“秋到宸居爽籁生,玉湖澄碧桥横”之句,故叫太液秋风。
    " Qianlong of the poem "Autumn to the UN Shuang Chen Lai-sheng, Yu Wang Cheng Bi Lake Bridge painting "sentence, it is too fluid called autumn wind.

  • 已经家还怕意不够明显,在面上更题上或多或少的词字句。
    Already there is poetry in a painting. Yet to secure a more straightforward voice for their poetic minds, some painters have taken the trouble to inscribe their works with poems of various lengths.

  • 达到了诗中有画中有,妙趣横生,回味无穷的境界,从而赢得了更为广泛的读者。
    So there is an interesting result of aftertaste that lingers, pictures in the poem and poems in the picture. So Xu ZhiMo wons more readers.

  • 诗中有画”是“艺术论的认识迷误”吗?──《对王维“诗中有画”的质疑》的质疑。
    Is "Painting-in-poetry" a Misunderstanding of Artistic Theory?──A Query to "The Query about'Painting-in-Poetry', a Conception of Wang Wei's Poems"

  • 萨都剌出现的大量描写色彩的词语,如一幅幅色彩斑斓的卷,可谓是“诗中有画”。
    In his works, Sa Du-la used a large number of color words, making his Ci highly picturesque.

  • 园林中有溪流、假山、树木,以及亭、台、阁、桥,造成一种集、书、于一体的意环境。
    Together they create a poetic atmosphere, just like a painting that combines poems, calligraphy and scenery all in one.

  • 大文豪苏轼的迹,鲜少传世,此图因米芾、刘良佐等人的诗中有论及,所以可确认为苏轼的真迹。
    Very few of Su's paintings have been handed down to this very day. This scroll can be thought as his authentic work as it was mentioned in both Mi Fu and Liu Liangzuo's poems.

  • 而王维的艺术才能已由苏东坡的“诗中有画中有”定调,在辋川漆园他一定演绎了很长一段的艺术人生。
    As to Wang Wei, his artistic talent was described by Su Dongpo of Northern SongDynasty as "embedding poetry in paintings and pictures in poems".

  • 本文梳理张岱的各类作品,发现其绘美学思想主要集在绘创作、风格修养以及对“诗中有画”理论的继承发展等方面。
    This article summarizes his painting aesthetics, and elaborates his essays from three aspects: drawing creation, drawing style, and the inheritance and development of "painting in poem" theory.

  • 这些作品注重意境营造,追求情表述,富人文精神,线条遒劲,墨彩交融,被誉为诗中有画中有的“新文人”。
    The characteristics of These pictures are creation of ideal pictures, description of enthusiasm with poems, richness of humanity spirit, power of skillful lines and complex of ink and color.

  • 其后,本文又从多方面探讨了“诗中有画”在王维诗中达到了顶峰的原因并考察了王维的“诗中有画”在国文化史上的地位。
    Then, the article study the reasons taking place in this phenomenon from many aspects. Finally, this text discuss the status of Wang's painting-in-poetry in the history of Chinese culture.

  • 而且他还善于将绘的艺术造型手段诸如色彩、明暗、线条、构图、轮廓等应用到其歌的创作,使其“诗中有画中有”。
    And he is good at to apply paint artistic means such as color, value, lines, composition, outline etc. to his poem of creation, make its "poem have picture, picture have poems".

  • 宋代人在题山水诗中表现出来的这种中有我的自寓性,是宋代特定文化环境的士人心态所致,亦与当时山水创作的实际情形密切相关。
    This phenomenon resulted from the poets' state of mind in the specific cultural environment in the Song Dynasty, as well as the circumstances of the landscape paintings.

  • 诗中有画造句相关
