
言听计从  yán tīng jì cóng








  • 穆里尼奥已经把乔调教的言听计从
    Mourinho had instructed and Joe had listened well.

  • 他们知道怎 麽言听计从」。
    They know how to listen.

  • 来自你对每件事情都言听计从的人那里。
    From the only people whose word you would take on every­thing.

  • 我开始装出尊敬她、对她言听计从的样子。
    I began faking the respect and authority she wanted.

  • 男人对待女人不要言听计从的,要有自己的立场!
    A man should have his own viewpoint instead of following his woman's advice all the time.

  • 男人对待女人不要言听计从的。要有自己的立场!
    a man should hold his stand other than follows every direction of a woman.

  • 我哥哥是名业余的摄影师,又是个言听计从的人。
    My brother is an amateur photographer and a very amenable individual.

  • 它是让你说服他人、甚至连你自己都会言听计从的艺术;
    It is the art of convincing others, and even yourself, to do what you say.

  • 鲍勃真是个马屁精。你见他今天早上对董事长言听计从的样子么?
    Bob's such a kiss-ass . Did you see him agreeing with everything the chairman said this morning?

  • 衣红却始终认为裤白对她言听计从,绝不可能作出不理性的事来。
    But Yi Hong had always thought that Ku Bai would listen to her, no matter what. He would never do anything irrational.

  • “我对你们是言听计从,”她在一次简单而得体的接受提名演讲中说。
    "I listened to you, " she said at the beginning of her spare, elegant acceptance speech.

  • 到最后,这个国王,就如一只没了翅膀的雄鹰,变得对他阿姨言听计从了。
    3/ To the end, the Emperor, like an eagle deprived of its wings, remained submissive to his aunt.

  • 到最后,这个国王,就如一只没了翅膀的雄鹰,变得对他阿姨言听计从了。
    To the end, the Emperor, like an eagle deprived of its wings, remained submissive to his aunt.

  • “他对比他大了26岁的利维言听计从,他称利维为“我40年来的良师。”
    He always deferred to Levy, who was 26 years his senior, and whom he called "my mentor of 40 years."

  • 北美的白人男子也许会认同与当权者争长论短,而亚洲人一般会对领导们言听计从
    Whereas North American white males may believe in challenging authority, Asians tend to respect and defer to it.

  • 教出一个言听计从、循规蹈矩的学生,还是教出一个自己会看情况、做决定的学生?
    Will it result in that a student who is always following advice and rules should be taught out? or a student who makes decisions by himself in different cases should be taught out?

  • 父母在教育孩子时,不要太强迫孩子言听计从,以免造成孩子失去自己作决定的能力;
    When teaching your child, do not force him to obey all that you say and have him lose his ability to make decisions.

  • 尽管她言听计从,但她更倾向于杀死莱娅及其同伴——这证明了她的性格残酷而直接。
    She carried out her orders even though her own preference would have been to kill Leia and her companions -- testimony to her ruthless and efficient manner.

  • “谁是最听话的?”他问,“谁从来都不会顶撞你们的妈妈?谁对妈妈是言听计从的?”
    "Who is the most obedient?" he asked. "Who never talks back to mother? Who does everything she says?"

  • 但是,他们参与竞选与否可能还有别的原因,其中一条就是他们有时还得对夫人言听计从
    But there are probably other reasons why they run or don't run, one of which is that sometimes they listen to their wives.

  • 我们从出生就开始接受生活的历练,慢慢的,我们变得圆滑,我们学会言听计从,忍气吞声。
    The reality has being gradually known since we born in this world, start accepting the reluctance which we do not like to accept them, except doing so nothing else we are able to do.

  • 女人不是要找个对她言听计从的人,而是想要找个能挑战她的男生,并能够从他身上学到东西。
    Women are not looking for a man who agrees with everything they say. Women want a man who challenges them and from whom they can learn.

  • 对于那些对(高层领导的)指令言听计从的公司市场营销部门来说,这是一次思维模式上的转变。
    It's a mindset change for companies that have marketing departments that approve every word that is put out.

  • 他们的寓所有花园,很舒适宜人。雇的几个仆人也言听计从。与四邻相比,他们自觉实在是高人一等。
    They lived in a pleasant house, with a garden, and they had discreet servants, and felt themselves superior to anyone in the neighborhood.

  • 不过,布莱尔仍是一个有争议的人物,因为他参与了伊拉克战争,并在主政期间据称对美国言听计从
    However, Mr Blair remains a controversial figure because of his involvement in the Iraq war and alleged subservience to the US during his premiership.

  • 你的言听计从或许会让他们感到反感……但这无济于事,他们不会成为你的拥趸,只能放纵他们批评更多人。
    You might bore them by doing what they say… but that won't turn them into fans, it will merely encourage them to go criticize someone else.

  • 不再有人胡言乱语,不再有人长嘘短叹,不再有人时而温顺的对你言听计从,又突然大呼小喝的对你乱发脾气。
    Gibberish someone no longer is no longer someone, no longer docile and sometimes someone's on your toe, suddenly shouted a small drink of your temper chaos.

  • 不再有人胡言乱语,不再有人长嘘短叹,不再有人时而温顺的对你言听计从,又突然大呼小喝的对你乱发脾气。
    There are no more nonsense, no one Changshiduantan, sometimes it was no longer obedient to your toe, suddenly claimed on your small drinking chaos temper.

  • 他对宠爱的妃子言听计从,营造“酒池肉林”以供享乐,发明才酷的刑罚来残害臣民,甚至还曾活活挖出劝诫他的大臣的心脏。
    For instance, he had a "pond of wine and a forest of meat" constructed only to please his favorite concubine. He devised horrible tortures to maim people.

  • 即使在自民党执政的53年间日本基本上是一个恭顺的盟友,对美国言听计从,普天间基地搬迁的问题也常常引起两国间的摩擦。
    Even under the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), which for much of its 53 years in power was a pliant American ally, the Futenma relocation was often a source of friction.

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