
言之无物  yán zhī wú wù







  • 爱情是甜蜜的,耳边的言之无物
    Love is sweet nothings in the ear.

  • 言之无物犹如有帆无风。
    Words without ideas are likes sails without wind.

  • 你得重写这篇文章――按现在的情形看,它根本就是言之无物
    You're going to have to rewrite this essay - at the moment, it's just drivel.

  • 你得重写这篇文章――按现在的情形看, 它根本就是言之无物
    You're going to have to rewrite this essay - at the moment, it's just drivel.

  • 乍看之下,你可能会觉得很「酷」,当你深究其中,却是言之无物
    It may seem "cool" at first but when you dig deeper to find a meaning, you find nothing.

  • 我们反对的是空话连篇言之无物的八股调,不是说任何东西都以短为好。
    What we oppose is long-winded and empty stereotyped writing, but we do not mean that everything must necessarily be short in order to be good.

  • 讲座给人的感觉常常是非常正式且言之无物;背诵总是非常的枯燥且徒劳无益。
    Lectures often seem very formal and empty things; recitations generally prove very dull and unrewarding.

  • 我念头转得太快,简直来有及写,因此有时候收信人读到我的信,反而觉得言之无物
    My ideas flow so rapidly that I have not time to express them -- by which means my letters sometimes convey no ideas at all to my correspondents.

  • 菲林不够好,只有质素下降而一样有野睇;作者不够好,成像再好都是言之无物烂品。
    And, chopping the images area just means that you are losing images quality and create a different viewing perception.

  • 因此政府应该让人们自由“演说”,言之有物也好,言之无物也罢,让人民自己判断。
    Therefore, the government should allow people to make speeches freely, whether they make good sense or not. It is up to the public to judge what the speakers say.

  • 他比一般无偏见的英国绅士更加公然地宣称:他讨厌诗人的言之无物、冗词赘语和咬文嚼字。
    He was a more than commonly candid English gentleman in his a wowed dislike of the poet's nonsense, verbiage and verse.

  • 他比一般无偏见的英国绅士更加 公然地 宣称:他讨厌诗人的言之无物、冗词赘语和咬文嚼字。
    He was a more than commonly candid English gentleman in his a wowed dislike of the poet's nonsense, verbiage and verse.

  • 我们与好朋友有意思的聊天很多时候也言之无物的,也是一种时间的浪费,我们就把这种聊天比作射击微风。
    Since many of our conversations with good friends are also wasting time pleasantly talking about insubstantial topics, we may compare those conversations to "shooting the breeze."

  • 不是空话连篇,言之无物;不是无的放矢,不看对象;也不是自以为是,夸夸其谈;而是要照着列宁那样地去做。
    That is, we must do as Lenin did and not fill endless pages with verbiage, or shoot at random without considering the audience, or become self-opinionated and bombastic.

  • 在这样的前提下,只要不破坏社会安宁,政府应该让人们自由“演说”,言之有物也好,言之无物也罢,让人民自己判断。
    Therefore, the government should allow people to make speeches freely, whether they make good sense or not. It is up to the public to judge what the speakers say.

  • 言之无物造句相关
