
见怪不怪  jiàn guài bù guài








  • 这种现象在北京交通高峰时段已是见怪不怪了。
    This phenomenon in Beijing traffic peak hours is not surprising anymore.

  • 那些处于争议性水域附近的人早已对此见怪不怪
    And warnings have been issued by people closer to the edge of contested waters.

  • 反正是没什么出息,把老婆打一餐也就见怪不怪了。
    After all, is nothing Chuxi, and his wife fight a meal of it Xianguaibuguai.

  • 这发现王国,什么卡通形象没有啊,我已经见怪不怪了。
    There are all kinds of cartoon images here at the Kingdom of Discovery. I am already inured to the weird.

  • 幸好,我对这种事已经学会见怪不怪了,大部分的人也是!
    Luckily, I have learned to cope with this, and most other people have, too.

  • 可是一次次遇到这样的情况,久而久之就麻木了,见怪不怪
    But again and again encounter such a situation, the numb over time, grown accustomed to.

  • 令人沮丧的是,许多人对诚实大惊小,对虚伙却见怪不怪
    It is discouraging to think how mang people are shocked by homsty and how few by deceit.

  • 令人沮丧的是,许多人对诚实大惊小,对虚伪却见怪不怪
    It's discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit.

  • 令人沮丧的是有很多人对诚实大惊小,而对虚伪却见怪不怪
    It is discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit.

  • 钱德开始戴眼镜,大家见怪不怪,因为他们一直以为他戴眼镜。
    Chandler gets glasses but everyone thinks he had them all along.

  • 那些中小企业的管理者们早就对各种非主流的首席头衔见怪不怪了。
    Leaders of some small and midsize businesses have long gone by nontraditional 'chief' titles.

  • 千奇是见怪不怪:「试爆算什麽?在偏远一点的地区,还有武装冲突哩!」
    Creepy didn't see anything unusual in that: "What's so strange about a test explosion? In some remote areas armed clashes are still going on! ""

  • 类似有人圈地无人善后的现象绝止临河一处,人们已司空见惯见怪不怪
    It was claimed that no one with a similar phenomenon can not Linhe one, the people have become commonplace, just commonplace.

  • 方联城闯荡了这么多年,总以为见多识广,各种乌鸦都碰到过,见怪不怪了。
    Fang Liancheng is entered swung so much year, always feel experienced and knowledgeable, all sorts of crows had been come up against, mind did not blame.

  • 白庆文律师分析说,正是因为这一现象如此普遍,反而被人认为是见怪不怪了。
    Paik, lawyers analysis that precisely because of this phenomenon so widespread, but were considered to be just commonplace.

  • 利比亚人民早就对这种荒唐事见怪不怪,但是他们轻信的毛病最近又重新抬头。
    Libyans have had a long time to grow used to such ironies, but their credulity has lately been stretched anew.

  • 有意味的是,这样一种在房地产界见怪不怪的现象,银行方面怎么愣是没发现?
    have meant that such a phenomenon just commonplace in the real estate sector, the banks can Lengshimo found?

  • 本人在各地纪念馆见到的假,新藏品在少数,张冠李戴,拉郎配亦是见怪不怪
    I've seen the fake one in the museum in every areas. New collections are not few.

  • 我们对于工资名单上数量渐多的制图员,设计员,技术人员和科学家也应该见怪不怪了。
    We might not wonder to see more draughtsmen on the pay-roll, more designers, more technicians and scientists.

  • 大多数国家已对游客见怪不怪,如今去印度肯定已需要穿上纱丽,去突尼斯也用戴上双层围巾。
    Most countries are now used to tourists and it certainly isn't necessary to don a sari in India or a yashmak in Tunisia.

  • 许多平房或公寓一楼大门旁,都设有一个住户进出的小门(偏门),这种屋宅到处都有,大家也见怪不怪
    many cottage or apartment on the first floor big smile, have a small household and doors (bad), such horses everywhere and everyone just commonplace.

  • 显然已经对谣传见怪不怪了,他信先生之前就安排了较长的出国行程,坦克行进时他正在纽约参加联合国大会。
    Mr Thaksin, apparently blasé about the rumoured unrest, had taken a long foreign trip, and was in New York for the United Nations General Assembly when the tanks rolled.

  • 很多事物在大部分人看来可能是新问题,但青少年工作者往往见怪不怪,他们也逐渐认同了刀具犯罪更加频繁之事。
    Youth workers, who have a seen-it-all-before attitude towards most supposedly new problems, tend to agree that blades have become more common.

  • 起先看到猫自己搭车会觉得很奇,现在已见怪不怪。我认为牠是好乘客,安安静静坐著,打扰别人,然后下车。
    I suppose he is the perfect passenger really - he sits quietly, minds his own business and then gets off.

  • 从双塔遭袭到近期的金融崩溃,21世纪已经看到了太多“可思议”的例子,现在人们对此习以为常、见怪不怪了。
    The 21st century has seen so many examples of "the unthinkable", from the twin-tower attacks to the recent financial meltdown, that the unthinkable is now routine and thus thinkable.

  • 老实跟你说,这已经是什麽新闻了,这样的话题以前就炒作过,大家早就见怪不怪,相同的话题实在需要再去讨论一遍。
    To be quite honest with you, it's old hearing the same questions. It's something that's been addressed before in the past. Everyone's moved beyond it. And it doesn't really need to be addressed again.

  • 这女记者明明是低头偷笑,事后有人跟她说,妳能这样就算了,要把事搞大。那女记者只好开始哭诉。三立就是这样,见怪不怪
    Nothing wrong with President Ma's comments, so obviously there is something wrong with the reporter's ability to handle work pressure. Random guy from Singapore.

  • 现在,人们对科学家们很积极地寻找气候变化解答,而怀疑论者们却在寻找如阴谋的证据这类小事情上大做文章的现象,已经见怪不怪了。
    Little wonder that the scientists are looking tribal and jumpy, and that sceptics have leapt so eagerly on such tiny scraps as proof of a conspiracy.

  • 关于大型经历和个人经历之间的根本讨论可能变得是那么尖锐了,因为一些日常行为成为了写作素材,而是其他艺术形式(写得多了,见怪不怪?)
    The basic dispute between mass experience and individual experience has therefore perhaps been less keenly felt as an everyday fact in writing than it has been in other art forms.

  • 科学研究造假在大学里层出穷而且是已经见怪不怪。在「科学」期刊发表的一群作者声称,每年估计有2325件非法研究案例恐怕还是个保守的数字。
    Authors of a study published in Nature say their estimate of 2, 325 possible instances of illegal research misconduct per year is conservative.

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