
见所未见  jiàn suǒ wèi jiàn








  • 人之所未,努力去追求、实现。
    It's seeing what other people don't see and pursuing that vision.

  • 学子们这样的越轨行为真是见所未
    Never has there been such unbridled license among the scholars.

  • 在花展上我们看到许多见所未的奇花异草。
    We saw many exotic plants at the flower exhibition, which we had never seen before.

  • 而它们带来的问题,影响幅度几乎达人类所未
    And they pose problems on a scale that humans have little experience with.

  • 此次降息幅度之大、力度之狠,为11年来所未
    The magnitude of the rate cut, the relentless efforts for the past 11 years have not seen.

  • 指众人所未,发众人所未言,或许是新主流传媒崛起的共同法宝;
    The new media thrives on speaking what is not spoken and seeing what is not seen.

  • 准备一道烤活人大餐是闻所未见所未的,然而却不那么可能转过脸不看。
    The preparation of a man a la suckling pig is grotesque yet impossible to turn away from.

  • 展望来,我们始终坚持“有远、才所未。比实业、更要比行动力。
    Looking ahead, we always adhere to the "far-sighted and not only see the person. Than industrial, more than mobility."

  • 像这样烟急火燎的情欲又同那么纯真洁净的爱心结合在一起,我生平确实见所未
    Never in my life have I seen an urgent and passionate desire combined with such purity of heart;

  • 药物交流的规模之大、数量之巨、种类之多、国家和地区之广,都是前此各代所未
    The medicine exchange was unprecedented in its scale, quantity, sorts and the countries and areas involved.

  • 有远,才所未。比实业,更要比行动力。是向阳四川养殖有限公司的经营理念。
    Far-sighted and not only see people. Ratio Kong, more than mobility. Xiangyang Sichuan Culture Co. , Ltd. is the business philosophy.

  • 有远,才所未。比实业,更要比行动力。是美城向阳养殖有限公司的经营理念。
    Far-sighted and not only see people. Ratio Kong, more than mobility. Xiangyang City is the U. S. breeding Limited business philosophy.

  • 当我丧失了有的钱财,不得不住到城里最穷的地区时,我遇到一些闻所未闻,见所未的人。
    When I lost all my money and had to live in the poorest part of the city, I met some very strange people.

  • 丝网版画虽已在我国普及,近年仍保持着探索的锐气,一些展品的题材与手法均为以往所未
    The silk-screen printing is popular in China, but such form has been maintaining the exploring spirit in recent years and the topics and skills of such works are new and original.

  • 毕竟,许多国家的政府债务已激增至数百年来在和平时期所未的水平,其中尤以美国和英国为甚。
    Government debt, after all, has soared to levels not seen in peacetime for centuries, if ever, in many countries, not least the US and UK.

  • 他们都活着月亮是一块熨平的桔子像上帝,把孩子推出视线见所未的大毒蛇吞噬了星星噢,星夜星夜!
    Even the moon bulges in its orange irons to push children, like a god, from its eye. The old unseen serpent swallows up the stars. Oh starry starry night!

  • 他说:“我曾他们所未的,我从使者的遗迹上握了一把土,而我把它抛下去,我的私欲那样怂恿我。”
    He replied: "I saw what they saw not: so I took a handful (of dust) from the footprint of the Messenger, and threw it (into the calf): thus did my soul suggest to me."

  • 其中一些词语的用法为其它文献所未,一般辞书亦收录,这些词语的出现可以为辞书提供更早的例证。
    Some of the words haven't been discovered in other literature neither explained in several present dictionaries. It can offer earlier example for dictionaries.

  • 还有一位我生平所未过最胖的女人坐在一把直背椅子上打瞌睡,那简直就像一口袋粮食放在一个火柴盒上一样。
    and the fattest woman I have ever seen in my life dozing in a straight-backed chair. It was supported by a matchbox.

  • 本研究在理论部分尝试运用了一种完全不同的理论框架——自组织理论,希望能够由于视角的转移发现前人所未
    The study attempts to use an utterly different framework-Theories Self-organization, wishing to discover something new owing to the transfer of perspective.

  • 成功的高阶主管会主动找方法,取得出人头地需要的重要经验。方法通常是所未,掌握别人完全错失的机会。
    Successful executives take charge and find ways to get the critical experiences they need to get ahead, usually by seeing the opportunities other are missing completely.

  • 有远,才所未。比实业,更要比行动力。深度开发大规模养殖业,度假村是美城向阳养殖有限公司的经营理念。
    Far-sighted and not only see people. Ratio Kong, more than mobility. Depth development of large-scale aquaculture industry, is the U. S. city Xiangyang Village Culture Co. , Ltd. business philosophy.

  • 当我丧失了有的钱财,不得不住到城里最穷的地区时,我遇到一些闻所未闻,见所未的人。我从来不知道还有这样的人存在。
    When I lost all my money and had to live in the poorest part of the city, I met some very strange people. I never knew such people existed.

  • 当我丧失了有的钱财,不得不住到城里最穷的地区时,我遇到一些闻所未闻,见所未的人。我从来不知道还有这样的人存在。
    When I lost all my money and had to live in the poorest part of the city, I met some very strange people.

  • 当我们乘坐观光电梯登上阿尔卑斯峰顶去看风景,从令人眩目的高度俯视下去,我们看了一些在其他地方所未过的最美的花朵。
    When we take chair lift, high in the Alps, to see the scenery, we gaze down from dazzling heights, and see some of the most beautiful flowers found anywhere.

  • 因而,市场当前的颓势提供了获取价值(这种价值为十年来所未)提供了良机,特别是可以吸纳以美元计价的主权债务和企业债务。
    The current market distress therefore provides substantial opportunities to pick up value of the kind unseen for 10 years, particularly in sovereign and corporate dollar denominated debt.

  • 美国经济不平等的程度为上世纪20年代以来所未,而且与19世纪90年代以来的任何时候相比,两个主要政党之间的分化更加深入和普遍。
    Economic inequality in the US stands at levels not seen since the 1920s, and polarisation between the two principal political parties is deeper and more pervasive than at any time since the 1890s.

  • 每一本书都是一扇窗户,透过它我进入了一个不可思议的新世界,那些闻所未闻,见所未的人物、感情、思想和态度让我兴奋,让我感动,让我惭愧。
    Each book is a window through which I entered a strange new world, those unheard of figure feelings, ideas and attitude, let me excited, let me move, let me ashamed.

  • 像这样烟急火燎的情欲又同那么纯真洁净的爱心结合在一起,我生平确实见所未;是啊,我不妨说,这样纯洁的爱,是我从想像过的,也是从过的。
    Never in my life have I seen an urgent and passionate desire combined with such purity of heart; yes, I may well say, never had I myself imagined or dreamed of such purity.

  • 当我丧失了有的钱财,不得不住到城里最穷的地区时,我遇到一些闻所未闻,见所未的人。我从来不知道还有这样的人存在。乙:可不,患难使人们走到了一块。
    When I lost all my money and had to live in the poorest part of the city, I met some very strange people. I never knew such people existed.

  • 见所未见造句相关
