
装聋作哑  zhuāng lóng zuò yǎ








  • 政府抽税啊,得了钱当然装聋作哑
    No tax for lottery winner in Canada. The money u get is tax-free.

  • 我们都明白,只有爱情故意装聋作哑
    I've been confused and in the dark, Now I understand.

  • 他看到我的脸是外国的和立即装聋作哑
    They see my foreign face and instantly become mute.

  • 有些人确故意装聋作哑,比如欧洲的左派。
    Some fell on deaf ears-wilfully deaf, in the case of the European left.

  • 可报道却说店员“装聋作哑”,这是不当描述。
    Reported that staff says can be "ignored", which is inappropriate to describe.

  • 他们对于这种正义和血缘的呼声完全的装聋作哑
    They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity.

  • 一旦被记者发现了这个问题,政府就无法再装聋作哑
    Once the reporter found out about the problem, the government could not keep it quiet.

  • 只是这一次集中爆发而已,你么还跑到这儿装聋作哑来了?
    This is a concentrated outbreak it, you went to Mody played deaf and dumb over to here?

  • 但是,如果有人真心说出这些话的时候,请不要装聋作哑
    But don't be deaf to hear it from the person who says it with his heart.

  • 但是店员却装聋作哑,端坐柜台里面,对她们的要求置之不理。
    But ignored the staff of the shop, sit inside the counter, they ignored the request.

  • “咦?”布拉斯叫着,装聋作哑故作惊异地注视着每个人的面孔。
    "Eh?" cried Brass, looking from face to face with an expression of stupid amazement.

  • 金贞未置可否,但又不能对侄女的问题装聋作哑、只好尽力解释。
    Golden Virtue did not respond to this, but, unable to ignore her niece's question, she tried to explain.

  • 金贞未置可否,但又不能对侄女的问题装聋作哑、只好尽力解释。
    to this, but, unable to ignore her niece's question, she tried to explain.

  • 不要啰啰嗦嗦的。如果你那样的话,我只能通过装聋作哑来保护自己。
    Don't nag. If you do, I shall have to protect myself by appearing deaf.

  • 房子是商贸城的,可商贸城却装聋作哑,商贸城的态度让住户们难以接受。
    house is the business city, the city has played commerce, the city's attitude to business tenants are difficult to accept.

  • “我们不能对他们的哀嚎装聋作哑”,布什向东南亚国家的街头民主运动者发声。
    "We must not turn a deaf ear to their cries, " Bush said of those who have taken to the streets for democracy in the Southeast Asian nation.

  • 甚至是在被动地接到举报时还继续装聋作哑,对违法乱纪的现象、案件视而不见。
    even in the passive receipt of the report also ignored continued to violate the law and discipline of the phenomenon, turning a blind eye to the case.

  • 文人私下里偷读小说、而在公开场合却装聋作哑的样子,在中国早已成为家喻户晓的笑料。
    A great many popular jokes in China have to do with scholars reading novels privately and publicly pretending never to have heard of them.

  • 然而他仿佛觉得人们对他的印象还不够深,假斯推出的《装聋作哑》在放映结束时雄居票房首位。
    As if he hadn't made an impression yet, there was still Dumb and Dumber which was released during the holiday season and ended up on top of the box office.

  • 这种装聋作哑、视而不见,不光是检察院存在这种现象,其他的司法机关也有这种现象,包括公、检、法。
    This ignored, turned a blind eye, 's not just the existence of this phenomenon, there are other judicial organs of the phenomenon, including public security, and law.

  • 汤姆不能置信地重复道,“我猜想最时髦的事情大概是装聋作哑,让不知从哪儿冒出来的阿猫阿狗跟你老婆凋情。
    Repeated Tom incredulously. "I suppose the latest thing is to sit back and let Mr. Nobody from Nowhere make love to your wife."

  • 老公说真是个好地方,除了有阵阵风声,其他的都很知趣地装聋作哑,远离城市的灯光,漆黑的天幕都是一种诱惑。
    Husband says is a good place really, besides have a flatus reputation, other very sensible ground pretend to be deaf and dumb, be far from urban lamplight, inky tent is a kind of temptation.

  • 有些事情我们很想听到,但却永远不会从我们期待的人那里知道。但是,对于诚心说出这些话的人,我们不能装聋作哑
    There are things you love to hear but you would never hear it from the person whom you would like to hear it from, but don't be deaf to hear it from the person who says it with his heart.

  • 与其他任何一个有键盘的人相比,博客都不该有更多的自由令他人受损,但雇主们应该认识到,装聋作哑才是真正的勇敢。
    Bloggers should have no more freedom to maim than anyone else with a keyboard; but employers should recognise that deafness is still the better part of valour.

  • 继续燃烧煤炭,抑或借助“碳上限”或是削减碳排放的“目标”来蒙混过关,这些行为的后果他也不能装聋作哑,视而不见。
    And he must not pretend to be ignorant of the consequences of continuing to burn coal or take refuge in a "carbon cap" or some "target" for future emission reductions.

  • 不论是帮助一些客户设立秘密代营企业和虚假账户进行逃税,还是在客户做这些事情的时候装聋作哑,瑞银集团撞上了高压线。
    UBS seems to have crossed the line, either by helping some clients set up dummy companies and sham accounts to hide money from the taxman, or by turning a blind eye when they did.

  • 而是夸大那些我们不喜欢的、与我们最崇敬的价值观有冲突的政策,又或者是在我们最喜欢的政策和重要的对立价值观发生冲突时,装聋作哑
    Instead, we either exaggerate the degree to which policies we don't like impinge on our most sacred values, or play dumb when our own preferred policies conflict with important countervailing values.

  • 一些白人在电台谈话节目中对黑人在这起事件上装聋作哑、闭口不谈加以指责。他们说,当攻击性犯罪的受害者是白人时,黑人就采用双重标准。
    And the deafening silence of blacks has drawn criticism on talk radio from some whites who say blacks have a double standard when victims of hate crime are whites.

  • 一些白人在电台谈话节目中对黑人在这起事件上装聋作哑、闭口不谈加以指责。他们说,当攻击性犯罪的受害者是白人时,黑人就采用双重标准。
    And the deafing silence of blacks has drawn criticism on talk radio from some whites who say blacks have a double standard when victims of hate crime are whites.

  • 佣人们不愿意为了帮我对付他而得罪了他们的少爷,而里德太太对此完全装聋作哑,他从来没看见他打过我或者听见他骂过我,尽管他时常当着她的面这样做,当然,背着她时就更多了。
    Reed was blind and deaf on the subject: she never saw him strike or heard him abuse me, though he did both now and then in her very presence, more frequently, however, behind her back.

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