
血海深仇  xuè hǎi shēn chóu







  • 我们誓死要报这血海深仇!
    We swear to collect this blood debt.

  • 血海深仇传了一代又一代。
    This blood feud was handed down from generation to generation.

  • 血海深仇传了一代又一代。
    There was a blood feud between the two families.

  • 血海深仇怎能忘记?
    Xuehaishenchou how can we forget?

  • 这象征希望的血海深仇不会是徒然的 因为它的价值和正确性…
    held as a votive not in vain, for the value and veracity of such…|…

  • 事实上,台湾土生土长的百姓他们完全没有南京大屠杀那样的血海深仇
    Speaking truly, people living in Taiwan have no intense and deep-seated hatred of Nanjing Massacre.

  • 但丁:你是第一个知道我的血海深仇的人,看来我更接近了(我的仇人)。
    Dante:Youre the first one to know about my vengeance. It looks like Im getting closer.

  • 事实上,台湾土生土长的百姓,他们完全没有南京大屠杀那样的血海深仇
    Speaking truly, people living in Taiwan have no intense and deep-seated hatred of Nanjing Massacre.

  • 但丁:你是第一个知道我的血海深仇的人,看来我更接近了(我的仇人)。
    Dante:You're the first one to know about my vengeance.

  • 但丁:你是第一个知道我的血海深仇的人,看来我更接近了(我的仇人)。
    Trish:It seems that way. But I'm not your enemy. My name is Trish.

  • 以后有时间害怕,也有时间报仇。当他们攻击工厂时,有大量时间报血海深仇
    There'd be time for fear later. And for revenge. When they blew this factory there'd be plenty of time for bloody revenge.

  • 迦太基和罗马之间有血海深仇,罗马曾流传迦太基以孩童献祭的故事,也许存在几分真实性。
    Powerful hatred existed between Carthage and Rome. The Romans even told stories, which may have been true, about Carthage's practice of child sacrifice.

  • 政府表示,此次袭击与库德叛军无关,而据一些消息人士称,这是家族间的纷争或血海深仇造成的。
    The government says it doesn't believe Kurdish rebels were responsible and some sources have blamed the dispute, or a blood feud between families.

  • 腹部美:现时代,漂亮与肥胖似乎是两个具有血海深仇的词语,肥胖的人为了得到漂亮青睐,不惜一切代价减肥。
    Abdomen is beautiful: Show a times, beauty and fat it is two terms that have intense and deep-seated hatred it seems that, obese person favors to get beauty, not hesitate all cost reduce weight.

  • 几个背负血海深仇的女子,甘愿当性感、神秘的女杀手,极尽性感妖媚,征服男人,完成任务,还有暴力虐杀,极度刺激。
    The girls look sexy and enigmatic, but they are not what people think they are! The use their bodies to complete their missions - killing, and take revenge on their enemies.

  • 伟大的时刻造就了湖人和凯尔特人的血海深仇,在21年来他们再次聚首时,一个来自洛杉矶的小孩给了波斯顿一个值得记忆的时刻。
    BOSTON(AP) Big moments have defined the Lakers-Celtics blood feud, and in their first get together in 21 years, a kid from Los Angeles gave Boston one to remember.

  • 对他们的裁决只有复仇,这象征希望的血海深仇不会是徒然的,因为它的价值和正确性,终有一天会证明,那些高尚者和警惕者是对的,毫无疑问,我这啰嗦的拉拉杂杂,最终变得冗长无比。
    The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.

  • 血海深仇造句相关
