
虚应故事  xū yìng gù shì







  • 虚应故事欢迎一下她的朋友,转眼就离开了房间。
    He went through the motions of welcoming her friends but then quickly left the room.

  • 虚应故事欢迎一下她的朋友,转眼就离开了房间。
    He went through the motions of welcoming her friends but then quick ly left the room.

  • 便衣刑警老郭在六十岁生日前夕接手一件吸毒过量致死的案子,上级主管和同僚虚应故事,老郭却坚持要查个清楚。
    Days approaching his sixtieth birthday, veteran Detective Kuo receives a new assignment involving the death of a young girl due to drug overdose.

  • 现今已经很少有人会为组织而慨然奉献了。根据我们的经验,十之八九的承诺行为,其实不过十虚应故事的表面文章罢了。
    Real commitment is rare in today's organizations. ITis our experience that 90percent of the time what passes for commitment is compliance.

  • 政客们总是虚应故事地对公司总裁们进行质疑,到头来,再申斥一顿就草草了事(除了安然一案是个例外),这样的场景,我们都看腻了。
    We're tired of seeing politicians make slim attempts to question CEOs, and in the end do nothing but scold them (Enron being the exception). Mr.

  • 老郭在六十岁生日前夕,接手侦办一件吸毒过量致死的案子,死者是年轻的女孩。上级主管和同僚虚应故事,希望尽速结案,老郭却坚持要查个清楚。
    Days approaching his sixtieth birthday, veteran Detective Kuo receives a new assignment involving the drug overdose and eventual death of a young girl.

  • 他们是随波逐流,”[塞内加]——正像荷马让尤利西斯代为说出的话“停下、结束、休息而无作为,是多么无聊,虚应故事而一无表现——好像呼吸就是生命!”
    they are carried" [Seneca]―but as Homer makes Ulysses say "How dull it is to pause to make an end to rest unburnished; not to shine in use― as though to breathe were life! "

  • 他们是随波逐流,”[塞内加]——正像荷马让尤利西斯代为说出的话,“停下、结束、休息而无作为,是多么无聊,虚应故事而一无表现——好像呼吸就是生命!”
    they are carried, " [Seneca]―but as Homer makes Ulysses say, "How dull it is to pause, to make an end, to rest unburnished; not to shine in use― as though to breathe were life!

  • 虚应故事造句相关
