
落井下石  luò jǐng xià shí







  • 另一种是落井下石,极少有雪中送炭
    Another kind is hits a person when he is down, extremely little has gives opportune help.

  • 在整个西方世界都在戳他眼睛时,我们不落井下石
    Don't poke him in the eye when the whole of the West is poking him already.

  • 添加落井下石,是有最高金额的任何家庭可以得到。
    To add insult to injury, there is a maximum amount any family can get.

  • 画虎不成反类犬。鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利。落井下石
    He painted a tiger but it turned out a dog.

  • 他妻子抛弃了他,接着他的公司落井下石,裁减了他。
    His wife left him and then his firm put the boot in by making him redundant.

  • 莫在淹死的老鼠身上泼水。(或译:不要落井下石。)
    Pour not water on a drowned mouse.

  • 当一个球队在困难期时,媒体就会试着对他们落井下石
    When a team is in difficulty, the media tries to sink them without trace.

  • 约翰的妻子刚刚离开他,现在又要解雇他,简直是落井下石
    To dismiss John from his job when his wife has just left him would be hitting a man when he is down.

  • 下一轮的争议不仅会助长不确定性的嚣张气焰也会对现况落井下石
    Further rounds of debate will stoke uncertainty and make things worse.

  • 落井下石是容易的事情。我真不敢相信人们竟以别人的痛苦为乐。
    It's easy to kick someone when they're down. I can't believe people laugh at others' misfortunes.

  • 「哼……管他的……反正,谁需要他啊……」影子落井下石,不屑一顾。
    "Hmh…" Shadow started to backfire, "Whatever… who needs him anyway…"

  • 他重病在身已有了一些时候,我若再对他说他丢了工作,就等于落井下石
    He had been quite ill for some time, and I could not tell him that he had lost his job - that would be keckling a man when he was down.

  • 运动营销专家表示,广告商在这种时候终止赞助协议可能会被看作落井下石
    Pulling out of a sponsorship deal at a time like this would be seen as poor decorum, said sports-marketing experts.

  • 当别人的任何一项可以利用的弱点曝光后,有太多太多的人随时准备落井下石
    There far too many persons ready and willing to throw someone else under the bus when they spot any weakness that can be exploited.

  • 如果是反对派指责他们“缺少使经济持续增长的框架计划”,你可能觉得是落井下石
    If the opposition deplored the "absence of a framework to sustain economic growth", you might take it with a pinch of salt.

  • 猜疑、妒忌、仇恨、巨大利益而前出卖朋友,家人,陷害他人,落井下石的比比皆是。
    Suspicion, jealousy, hatred, and before a huge sell out the interests of friends, family, others set up, adding insult to injury of many.

  • 但是当他们正在遭受精神折磨时,我们却落井下石,背弃他们,变得冷淡且漠不关心。
    But when they are in mental anguish, and we pound them more on that, and we turn our backs and become cold and indifferent, that is even more cruel, even worse.

  • 麻生不会因为民主党的乱像而发起一场仓促的选举,选民们会唾弃这种落井下石的行为。
    Mr Aso is unlikely to use the DPJ's disarray to call a snap election. Voters might punish such opportunism.

  • 而害怕感染美国癌症的英国政府,对巴克莱银行一吓二阻,对雷曼银行的消亡落井下石
    But the British government, fearful of contracting the American cancer, took fright and blocked it, helping to seal the investment bank's fate.

  • 觉得自己是残忍的,落井下石一般的对待这些即将被扫走的叶子,却又沉浸其中,无法自拔。
    This might require a bit of patience on your part but at the end of the day, you will be the gainer.

  • 儿子明白了:在你患难时刻,那个能够明哲保身、不落井下石加害你的人,可称做你的半个朋友。
    son understand: In your moment of adversity, that what they can not hurt you when he is down, and can be called half your friends.

  • 然而如果显得有益于他的目的,他既能有意地对他们的灾难落井下石,也能让他们的幸福锦上添花。
    However, if the purpose appears to be useful in that he both deliberately insult to injury for their disaster, but also allow them to well-being icing on the cake.

  • 英国人生活最基本的原则之一就是“从不打一个已经败倒在地的人”,意思是说,不要落井下石,趁人之危。
    One of the most elementary rules of life is "never hit a man when he's down"---in other words, never take advantage of a person's misfortune.

  • 这棵树倒了,他们会立刻转移到另一棵树上去,从容来去,毫无愧色,能不对原来的树落井下石便是凤毛麟角
    This tree fallen, they will be immediately transferred to a tree to another, easily come and go, there is no Kuise, can not hit the original tree is rare.

  • 社会舆论变幻如此之速,其重要原因之一就是清政府有意落井下石,乘机打击曾国藩,以便将他赶出畿辅要地。
    Public opinion changes so rapid, one of the important reasons is that the Government intends to hit-and flew combat Zeng Guofan, so he will be expelled from the Jifu.

  • 达赖喇嘛的一名发言人告诉法新社说他对南非政府的决定非常失望,并职责南非屈服于中国政府的强权而落井下石
    A spokesperson for the Dalai Lama told AFP news agency he was "very disappointed" by the decision, also accusing South Africa of caving into "intense pressure" from Chinese authorities.

  • 梅艳芳声带:「首先你要先付出自己的感情,不要问回报,只要对方千万不要在自己危难的时期,还要落井下石便算了。」
    Antia Mui on tape: [We have to give our own affection first, don't ask for return. If the other party doesn't step on me when I'm in trouble, that is already very good.

  • 如果他们不能够通过展现他们的“善心”而获得好处的话,他们是不会理睬其他那些处在困境当中的人的,甚至会落井下石
    If they cannot get profit from showing their 'kindness', they draw back when others are faced with trouble and even hit a man when he is down.

  • 我那善于观察的儿子真烦人,前几天他跟我说:“爸,你最近真的是很少用健身器了。”,说完还落井下石地拍了拍我的肚子。
    "Dad, you sure haven't been using your exercise machine much, " my annoying observant son said the other day. He put the boot in by patting my belly .

  • 还有你碰到的是一个上海人,她不能代表全部上海人,各个地方都有好人和坏人,另外物以类居,人以群分,你能娶这样的老婆,也说明你本人也不咋地。一个碗是敲不响的。你对你老婆都可以落井下石,你不觉得你很卑鄙吗?
    Do not you feel shame of yourself, you are no more than a devil to a wife. i really feel sorry to that Shanghai girl, because she did not see you vulgar you are.

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