
草率从事  cǎo shuài cóng shì






  • 对于思想工作,千万不可草率从事
    As to the ideological work, we should never go about impetuously.

  • 这椿事很严重,不能草率从事
    The matter is too grave for haste.

  • 对于思想工作,千万不可草率从事
    the ideological work, we should never go about impetuously.

  • 这椿事很严重,不能草率从事
    The matter is too grave for haste.

  • 他们总是有备而来,从不临时草率从事
    They are well pre pared and never improvise.

  • 惟独草率从事,错捕错杀了人,则影响很坏。
    But being rash and making wrong arrests and executions will produce very bad effects.

  • 你不能草率从事。别忘了这可是决定一万美元得失的大事。
    You should not be overhasty. Remember there's a matter of over ten thousand dollars at stake.

  • 要我带到住处去仔仔细细地看,不要草率从事,也不用慌慌张张。
    take it to my lodgings, and look it over carefully, and not be hasty or rash.

  • 他对中国事情的关怀十分深切而真诚,他的研究工作向来不草率从事
    His interest in things about Chinese was so deep and genuine that his researches were never perfunctory.

  • 这一行是块肥肉而且运气好,在粗制滥造垃圾并且大把挣钱的同时却草率从事
    The industry was fat and happy, doing sloppy things while churning out garbage and making tons of money.

  • 但引用的资源来源草率并需要改进,要不然就是没有明显的努力从事资源索引的工作。
    However, the citation of sources is rudimentary and needs improvement, or else there is no apparently valid effort to cite resources.

  • 就为今天,我一定要拟订计划,可能不会严格照办,但是不能没有。这将使我免于两大祸害:草率从事和犹豫不决。
    Just for today I will have a program, I may not follow it exactly, but I will have it. I will save myself from two pests: hurry and indecision.

  • 哈萨克斯坦经济部长扎克思贝克·库列基夫为此批评当地人在事先缺乏调查研究、不咨询专家的情况下便草率从事,仓促上马。
    Zhaksibek Kulekeev, Kazakhstan's economy minister, criticises the locals for imprudently pressing ahead with a scheme without conducting studies or consulting specialists.

  • 草率从事造句相关
