
舍近求远  shě jìn qiú yuǎn








  • 不用舍近求远,看看你的厨房吧。
    Look no further than ① your kitchen.

  • 课本中的词句不去积累却要寻找其它的,这不是舍近求远吗?
    Textbooks in the accumulation of words and phrases do not have to look for other, it is not traveling afar to you?

  • 但是,我们有很多人却不惜花费许多时间舍近求远去寻找幸福。
    Happiness is all around us , but it often comes in small grains .

  • 于是市民购房就舍近求远,购买绿化率高、房价低的近郊楼盘。
    So public housing on travelling afar to purchase green rate, low suburban housing developments.

  • 因为,这一部分人买不起城内商品房,所以不得不舍近求远住到郊外。
    Because this part of the city who can not afford commercial housing, but travelling afar to live on the outskirts.

  • 教育是人的根本,若把这根本问题忽略了,那就叫舍本逐末舍近求远
    Education is the foundation for everyone, if we neglect this basic issue, we will be "renouncing the essential while pursuing the trivia, ignoring what is near and seeking what is far away."

  • 当然,雅虎技术部的老外们对这个“舍近求远”的“中国用户投诉”也感到滑稽。
    Of course, the foreigners of Yahoo technology ministry are opposite this " seek far and neglect what lies close at hand " " Chinese user is complained " also feel comical.

  • 但我们很多人宁愿花费大量时间舍近求远去寻找幸福,也不愿享受近在眼前的幸福。
    We do not bend to enjoy the happiness which is ours for the taking just at our feet.

  • 但是,有很多人却舍近求远,不惜费时去寻找幸福。其实,幸福就在脚下,俯拾即得。
    We do not bend to enjoy the happiness which is ours for the taking just of our feet .

  • 然而,我们也无须舍近求远。我们必须藉助国际扶轮及扶轮基金会结合其他达成善果的力量。
    However, we do not have to go outside our own building in order to cooperate. Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation must join forces to reach good results.

  • 放弃最有效的路径而选择一条更远的道路,这种舍近求远的做法似乎既不合逻辑也浪费时间。
    To go a longer way, away from the most efficient path, seems illogical and time-wasting.

  • 如果采用机器自动识别病毒,那为何不把这个环节放在用户端,而是舍近求远放在遥远的云端?
    If use a machine to identify virus automatically, why doesn't that put this link in the client side, however is seek far and neglect what lies close at hand put in distant high in the clouds?

  • 生活中令人惊奇的是,我们发现一直想要的东西就在我们身边,而我们却总是舍近求远去寻找。
    The surprise of life is always in finding how we have missed the things that have lain nearest to us how we have gone faraway to seek that which was close by our side all the time.

  • 舍近求远的结果是:众多白领置业人士无奈中的最佳选择是买一辆车然后住到15公里以外的地方。
    Travelling afar result is : many white-collar home buyers, but the best option is to buy a vehicle and then live to 15 kilometres away.

  • 所以,英明的君主宁愿舍近求远,这样就能保全功业,尊崇“贤人”,下级也就会乐于尽心竭力了。
    Thus the wise ruler would rather take the long process than the short process, so that he is able to complete his achievements, respect the Capable and have his subordinates give their best for him.

  • 市民可以选择就近的原则在辖区定点医院接受检查,而不必舍近求远,都跑到市区的大医院来体检。
    The public can choose the nearest point of principle in the area hospital, rather than traveling, have come to the big urban hospitals for medical examination.

  • 当我第一眼看到你的时候,我就喜欢上你了,天涯何处无芳草?何必舍近求远呢?缘来缘去,随心随意!
    When I see you, the time at first glance, I love you, where no distant Grass? why far away? to edge to edge, at the heart!

  • 大热天,小朋友泡进海水里,畅快一下,享受清凉,西子湾列优级水域,高雄人也乐得玩水不必舍近求远
    On hot summer days, children love to get into the water to cool off. Kaohsiung's Shitzuwan is a popular destination for local residents looking to have some fun at the seaside.

  • 这种舍近求远的选择看起来有些奇怪,不过,如果“石头”或尹朝阳的个人气质放进来考虑,就变得容易解释。
    It seems strange to select the remote myth rather than the local one, and yet it will be more easily explained if the 'stone' or Yin's own temperament.

  • 他选择了非法的位置,他掂量因此而被捕和惩罚的风险不足以超过驾车舍近求远并还要沿路返回所造成的额外精力。
    He opted for the illegal spot, judging that the risk of being caught and punished did not outweigh the extra effort of having to drive the car to the further spot and walk all the way back again.

  • 我觉得应该这样翻译:不用舍近求远,报纸摊、本地电视新闻或者谈话节目都可以从中找到丰富的证据来证明这点。
    One needs look no further than the newsstand, local television news broadcast, or talk show to find ample evidence that this is the case.

  • 瑞士苏黎世大学的马希欧(AndreaMacciò)说:「要寻找暗能量不需舍近求远,它就环绕在我们身边。」
    "You don't need to go so far to find dark energy, " says Andrea Macciò of the University of Zurich. "Dark energy is also around us.

  • 生活宛如一条蜿蜒曲折的小径,道路两旁鲜花绽放,彩蝶飞舞,鲜果压枝。但是,有很多人却舍近求远,不息费时去寻找幸福。
    Life is like a winding path surrounded by flowers, butterflies, and delicious fruit, but many of us spend much time looking for happiness around the next corner.

  • 生活宛如一条蜿蜒曲折的小径,道路两旁鲜花绽放、彩蝶飞舞、鲜果压枝。但是,有很多人却舍近求远,不惜费时去寻找幸福。
    Life is like a winding path surrounded by flowers, butterflies, and delicious fruits, but many of us spend much time looking for happiness around the next corner.

  • 生活宛如一条蜿蜒曲折的小径,周围鲜花绽放,彩蝶飞舞美国压枝,但是我们很多人却不惜花费许多时间舍近求远却寻找幸福。
    Life is like a winding path surrounded by flowers, butterflies, and delicious fruits, but many of us spend too much time looking for happiness around the next corner.

  • 一些精明的南京人开始舍近求远坐飞机。不少旅客免费搭乘常州机场民航班车前往常州奔牛机场候机室 ,赶乘飞往沈阳的班机。
    Before many passengers take regular bus of Changzhou airport civil aviation freely, past Changzhou goes straight towards bovine airport airport lounge, drive by the flight that flies to Shenyang.

  • 生活犹如一条蜿蜒的小路,周围鲜花飘香、彩蝶飞舞、美果可口。但我们很多人却宁愿舍近求远去寻找幸福,偏偏不愿享受近在眼前的幸福。
    Life is like a winding path surrounded by flowers, butterflies and delicious fruits, but many of us spend much time looking for happiness that is ours for the taking just at our feet.

  • 舍近求远造句相关
