
自顾不暇  zì gù bù xiá








  • 自顾不暇,又怎么能帮助他们呢?
    How could I help them, who could so little help myself?

  • 而现在全世界混乱一片,各国都自顾不暇
    Now the whole world is in a mess.

  • 由于法国自顾不暇,成为日本首先欲突破的对象。
    France became his first target because at that time France was busy with his own affairs.

  • 眼下,海外成熟市场遭受金融危机重创,自顾不暇
    Right now, mature markets overseas financial crisis hit, vulnerable.

  • 美国不太关心欧洲经济乱象,因为我们自顾不暇,这可以理解。
    The European economic mess isn't getting very much attention here, because we're understandably focused on our own problems.

  • 他解释,在危机到来的时候,各国都是自顾不暇,这时候就要靠自己的基本面。
    He explained that the arrival of the crisis, various countries are vulnerable, this time to rely on its own fundamentals.

  • 能增扩大出口当然不错,但这是不可能发生的,因为世界其他国家都自顾不暇
    Increasing exports would be great, but it's not going to happen.

  • 能增扩大出口当然不错,但这是不可能发生的,因为世界上其他国家都自顾不暇
    Increasing exports would be great, but it's not going to happen.

  • 地球也自顾不暇,许多区域发生战争犹如第三次世界大战(小说中没用到这个词就是了。
    by then nations on Earth was busying fighting like World War 3 (the term was not used in the fiction) and couldn't take care of the Martian crisis.

  • 但是欧洲也自顾不暇:尽管坚挺的劳力市场足以应对经济的衰退但是恢复的速度却依旧缓慢。
    But Europe too has its woes: inflexible labour markets withstand recession well but are slow to recover.

  • 在人力有限以及本身业务自顾不暇的情况下,外交、新闻等驻外人员想要兼顾文教交流推动,实在是力有未逮;
    It's extremely difficult for diplomats and news personnel here to promote cultural and educational exchange when faced with limited manpower.

  • 别看红军的备战工作受到场外因素困扰,蓝军同样自顾不暇,外界疯传只要格兰特继续执掌教鞭,大部分主力球员将在今年夏天离开斯坦福桥。
    There are a lot of players with big jobs to do but it is up to me and Frank [Lampard] to keep them bouncing, especially after a defeat or a draw. We have to get them going again.

  • 自顾不暇造句相关
