
自求多福  zì qiú duō fú







  • 中国监狱内的儿童囚犯只能自求多福
    In China, Children of Inmates Face Hard Time Themselves.

  • 政府能照顾到的儿童约15万,其馀的只能靠自求多福了。
    The state looks after perhaps 150, 000 and the rest are presumable fending for themselves.

  • 一向小气吝啬的人,只能自求多福,但那些常施惠给人的,则必得上帝的相助。
    Miserly curmudgeons may help themselves, but considerate and generous believers the LORD will help.

  • 在社会尚未提供足够托儿机构的情况下,忙碌的父母只能自求多福——保母帮助了。
    With society still unable to provide suitable day care institutions, parents have no choice but to hire babysitters to help out.

  • 每个人不但要随机应变、自求多福,更要关怀周遭需要帮助的人,这样才能使这个世界远离弧独。
    Everyone must learn to adapt to new situations, and help those who need it. In this way, we can all work to promote peace and bring people closer together.

  • 过去曾经发生手机充电爆炸意外,但偏偏充电器并不是强制性检验的商品,消费者也只能小心,自求多福
    Accidents involving chargers have happened in the past but the lax enforcement of standards means that consumers need to take care when making purchases.

  • 现在什麽年代了还搞暗恋,要恋就明恋啦,既然不可能在一起,有什麽好说的。送他一句话:各安天命,自求多福了。
    Only one sentence wanna talk to you, I will always love you no matter what we meet any difficulty or block.

  • 对于在这里的莫桑比克和津巴布韦的人民来说,今天是非常紧张的一天。他们还不确定今晚是在集中营里过还是要露宿街头自求多福
    So it's been a very nervous day for the mainly Mozambicans and Zimbabweans who are here not sure whether they will be spending tonight in the camp or be fending for themselves.

  • 自求多福造句相关
