
自强不息  zì qiáng bù xī








  • 韩佳:“自强不息”呢是个成语。
    Zi qiang bu xi" is an idiom".

  • 天行健,君子以自强不息
    As the heaven revolves, the gentleman should improve himself.

  • 锲而不舍自强不息,中国健儿,永争第一!
    Perseverance, self-improvement, the Chinese athletes, the first fight forever!

  • 我深深爱着的祖国--历经磨难而又自强不息
    My beloved motherland is a country that stood numerous vicissitudes but never gave up.

  • 天道酬勤是我们的信念,自强不息是我们的追求!
    Tiandaochouqin is our belief and self-reliance is our pursuit!

  • 可是,他在逆境中却能自强不息,一点都不颓废。
    However, he was able to self-reliance in the face of adversity, is not decadent.

  • 略论“自强不息”“厚德载物”在民族精神中的位置。
    The Position of "Strive Constantly" and "Be Virtuous" in Nationality Culture.

  • 阿奎尼加认为,或许,自强不息的决心才是奥提兹最大的财富。
    Aguiniga concurs that Ortiz's willingness to improve might be his best asset.

  • 中国古代文明的发展,是中华民族艰苦奋斗、自强不息的结果。
    In the past one hundred years or so , the Chinese people waged arduous struggles to win the independence.

  • 长征精神是中华民族百折不挠自强不息的民族精神的最高体现。
    Long-March Spirit is the highest expression of the Chinese people's being indomitable and constantly striving to become stronger.

  • 他靠自己的意志战胜厄运、自强不息的故事,在美国几乎家喻户晓
    His story about how he fought against his fate and became successful is a household one in America.

  • 悲观叹息不能使我们前进一步,而自强不息却可以改善我们的不足。
    Sigh can not make us pessimistic about the step, and self-improvement can improve our deficiencies.

  • 最后,请记住,全力以赴,自强不息,好好享受你现在的生活吧!!!!!
    Finally , please bear in mind:Go all out , Never gave up, Enjoy your present life well! ! ! ! !

  • 女性的自强不息使得她们无论在政界、经济上、教育界都取得了巨大成功。
    The awakening and striving of women has been winning them of outstanding achievements in the circles of politics, economy and education.

  • 海伦·凯勒自幼因病成为盲聋哑人,但她自强不息,克服巨大困难读完大学。
    Blind Helen Keller became deaf due to illness since childhood, but her self-improvement, overcome enormous difficulties to finish university.

  • 这两种型号结合了令人信服的大型和宽敞的2+2座的日常驾驶品质,自强不息
    Both models combine their strengths with the convincing everyday driving qualities of a large and spacious 2+2-seater.

  • 灾区重建并不能只依靠援助,要走出灾难的阴影,必须自强不息,“只有自己才能救自己”。
    The disaster area reconstruction cannot only depend upon the aid, must go out disaster's shadow, must strive constantly for self-improvement, only then can rescue itself.

  • 喝黄河水长大的作者,自小接受了西北高原人文环境的熏陶,豪爽执著,自强不息,自学成才。
    Yellow River water to drink, author grew up, from an early age to accept the Northwest Plateau of the influence of human environment, bold perseverance, self-improvement, self-taught.

  • 奥运精神感动了许多人,而将在残奥会上展现的拼搏精神和自强不息的力量,同样能够感动你我。
    Olympic spirit touched many people, and the Paralympics will be on display in the fighting spirit and self-strength, the same can be touched by you Me.

  • 他一连说了三个“了不起”赞扬他们:“残疾运动员不甘心命运的摆布,自强不息的精神非常了不起!
    His first company said three great praise them: the disabled athlete is not resigned to the destiny organizing, strives constantly for self-improvement the spirit is great!

  • 我们共同经历了一个自强不息与激情荣耀的2008年,又一起迎来了充满机遇与挑战的的2009年。
    We all experienced the year 2008 with constant striving, passion and glory, and welcome the year 2009 with challenges and opportunities.

  • 其秉承自强不息、厚德载物的作风,以务实诚信、思利及人为理念,主张诚信经营,倡导保健品的理性消费。
    Uphold its self-improvement, Houdezaiwu style, a pragmatic integrity, Sili and artificial concept, advocated honesty, and advocate of the rational consumer health products.

  • 奥运会是短暂的,但奥运会带给我们的启示是永恒的;赛场上的胜负是暂时的,但自强不息的精神是永远的。
    The Olympic Games are short, but the Olympic Games brought us the Enlightenment is the eternal; game of victory or defeat is temporary, but the spirit of self-improvement is forever.

  • 自强不息,不断超越”既体现了誉炎的优良传统,也能较为贴切地反映出公司员工应有的朝气和进取精神。
    "self-improvement, continued beyond" Not only embodies the fine tradition of Yan Yu, but also truly reflects the company's staff should have a vibrant and enterprising spirit.

  • 中国共产党领导全国各族人民,以一往无前的进取精神和波澜壮阔的创新实践,谱写了自强不息、顽强奋进的壮丽史诗。
    Since then, the Communist Party of China has led the Chinese People in writing an epic of nation building with the spirit of undaunted perseverance and unrepentant creativity.

  • 要实现自强不息的人格特徵需要具备三个必需的前提:志存高远和乐观向上的态度、坚强的意志努力、自制和自我反省。
    To reach above personality feature should have three necessary premises as follows: high-minded ideal, optimistic and positive altitude, strong will, self-restraint and searching one's own heart.

  • 在现在的21世纪,我国提倡的接班人是要“勤俭节约、勤劳勇敢、自强不息”的,还要学会体验生活,发扬艰苦奋斗的精神。
    In the 21st century now, my successor is to promote "thrift, hard-working, courageous, self-improvement" and must learn to experience life, and carry forward the spirit of arduous struggle.

  • 本厂始终坚持以优良的品质、合理的价格、完善的服务,以诚心诚意、互利互惠的信念、自强不息,勤奋求实的精神阔步迈向新世纪!
    With sound quality, reasonable price, perfect service and sincere belief in mutual benefit, assiduous and practical spirit, we are striving for the better and striking toward the new century.

  • 过去我们形容有成就的残疾人为身残志坚,可以说,参加特奥会的运动员都是身残志坚者,他们这种自强不息的精神给我们带来了巨大鼓舞。
    The past, we have described the achievements of the disabled Whatever can be said to attend Special Olympics athletes are Justin, their enterprising spirit that has brought us great encouragement.

  • 华立集团创建于1970年,集团的前身只是杭州余杭镇上的一家手工作坊“余杭镇竹器雨具厂”,凭着不屈不挠自强不息的创业精神华立走到了今天。
    Holley was founded in 1970, who was deriving from a pure workshop, Yuhang Bamboo Rain Gear, in Hangzhou, and with perseverance and constant strive, she made it today.

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