
能屈能伸  néng qū néng shēn








  • 但只有能屈能伸的人才显得高贵。
    But it is exactly the ability to compromise that makes a man noble.

  • 雅量容人,推功揽过,能屈能伸
    Rongren magnanimity, pushing Lan Guo Gong, Nengqunengshen.

  • 重要的是能屈能伸,并愿意接受改变。
    Above all, be flexible and willing to undergo change.

  • 带有能屈能伸的资本要求;
    capital requirements that lean against booms and flex with busts;

  • 我是能屈能伸的已蛇,有我可以给你带来幸福美满!
    I have been snakes, there is I can bring happiness to you!

  • 人为了生存,要能屈能伸,很多时候学问不能当饭吃。
    People in order to survive, it is necessary to Nengqunengshen, can not eat a lot of time learning.

  • 一个聪明的人是懂得能屈能伸,何时该屈何时该伸的人。
    A wise man is one who knows who to bully - and who to grovel to.

  • 以退为进,由低到高,能屈能伸,能上能下,这是自我表现的一种艺术。
    Retreat in order to advance, from low to high, it's the art of self-display.

  • 能屈能伸”的市场提供了柔韧性,但是在牺牲了临时工利益的前提下。
    Atwo-tier labour market provides flexibility, but on the back of an underclass of temporary workers.

  • 如果被困境逼迫到了极点,你应该变得能屈能伸,就像竹子一样,屈身但不屈服。
    If the going gets tough and you are at your breaking point, shuw resilience. Like the bamboo tree, bend , but don't break.

  • 他是坚决、严肃、铁面无私的,他是沉郁的梦想者,他能屈能伸,有如盲从的信徒。
    He was stoical, serious, austere; a melancholy dreamer, humble and haughty, like fanatics.

  • 俗话说,好男儿要能屈能伸,关键的时刻利用空格键进行躲避会让你完全摆脱陷境。
    As the saying goes, a good man to Nengqunengshen, the key moment to avoid using the space bar will let you out of depression Habitat.

  • 他必须地学习以使自己成为一个有能力的人,有时还要能屈能伸以适应环境的变化。
    He must keep on learningmake himself a capable person. Sometimes he should be more flexible to change with the situations.

  • 他必须不断地学习以使自己成为一个有才华的人,有时还要能屈能伸以适应环境的变革。
    He must keep on learning and make himself a capable person. Sometimes he should be more flexible to change with the situations.

  • 平和的人,厚德载物,雅量容人,推功揽过,能屈能伸,处事方圆得体,待人宽严得宜。
    Peaceful people, tenet, magnanimity, pushing Gong, dignified way around, treat people well .

  • 他必须不断地学习以使自己成为一个有能力的人,有时还要能屈能伸以适应环境的变革。
    He must keep on learning and make himself a capable person. Sometimes he should be more flexible to change with the situations.

  • 他必须不断地学习以使自己成为一个有能力的人,有时还要能屈能伸以适应环境的变更。
    He must keep on learning and make himself a capable person. Sometimes he should be more flexible to change with the situations.

  • 尽管我在床上蜷缩成一团,延迟起床,我依然感激,我能屈能伸。因为有许多人卧床不起。
    Even though I huddle in my bed and put off rising. I am grateful that I have the strength to rise. There are many who are bedridden.

  • 你不习惯与什么样的人一起工作?(关注点--能屈能伸的能力,以及在多样环境下工作的能力。
    Q#6 –What kinds of people do you have difficulties working with? (Concern –ability to be flexible and work in a diverse environment?

  • 但是,一位有远见的发明家早在1995年就提出了避震的解决方案——“能屈能伸”的抗震房屋。
    But our forward thinking inventor has a solution early in 1995, the roll-with-the-punches Earthquake House!

  • 雅量容人,推功揽过,能屈能伸。“原谅失败者之心,注意成功者之路”,处事方圆得体,待人宽严得宜。
    "Heart failure forgive, pay attention to the road to success", a radius of decency of doing things, treat people well .

  • 「要能活在世上最乾涸的地方且历经一切的人必须能屈能伸百折不挠,」她说:「我们不会轻言放弃。」
    "To be able to live in the driest place in the world, with everything that has happened, the people have to be resilient, to be stubborn, " she said. "We are not giving up.

  • 杰特说表观基因的能屈能伸彰显出我们拥有把握自己和子女的健康的能力,也带给我们未来征服疑难杂症的希望。
    The epigenome's malleability highlights the power we can have over the health of ourselves and our children, said Jirtle. And gives hope that complicated diseases will someday have cures.

  • 数世纪以来的外族入侵和统治使这个小小的共和国的边界改了又改,同时也让它的人民磨炼出了能屈能伸的性格。
    Centuries of invasion and foreign rule have shaped and reshaped this tiny republic's borders and hammered an ethic of resilience into its people.

  • 的确,国王和家长之责紧密地联系在了一起,一如蒂尔亚女士一再指出的那样,身入王室就意味着要扮演能屈能伸双重角色。
    Indeed, the two functions were intimately linked, for, as Ms Tillyard repeatedly points out, belonging to the royal family meant playing a double-jointed role.

  • 优秀的企业不仅拥有优秀的员工,更重要的是拥有能够激发人的潜能、不断培养出优秀员工的机制,如何能培养出一支能征善战、能屈能伸的优秀队伍,是中国企业面临的最大挑战。
    The excellent enterprises not only have perfect employees, moreover have good mechanism which can motivate the potential of the staff and can continuously help to cultivate excellent employees.

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